Tattooed Luna

Chapter 535
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Alec and I glanced at each other before looking back at them. "Well?" I asked, the silence was killingme.

"We decided to open a girls camp with that land!" Penny's voice raised a few octaves.

That wasn't what I was expecting but that was still a good idea. "A girls' camp?" Alec asked.

"I haven't worked out all the details but we decided to use it to help the youth. We might add strainingcamps for future warriors but yeah!" Penny was looking around, wanting a big reaction.

"That's awesome!" I said, snapping out of my funk. Colt was looking atbut I tried as best as I could tofake being happy. It wasn't that I was unhappy, I hadn't even thought about that land for months. I wasstill stuck on Ann dying. “I think that is a great use for the land. What other options did you guys thinkof?" Alec asked. His hand reached over and gripped my thigh.

"Golf course for the casino. Which, we finally got the paperwork finalized. The casino is officially underthe Blue Fang pack name!” "Oh, wow! That's exciting!" A genuine smile cto my face.novelbin

"I know. We will have to clean house and go through it all. I'll need help with the books and everything."Penny looked at me, pleading withto agree.

"Of course! Whatever you need." Everyone had finished their meals at this point. Wanting to putsdistance between myself and them, I got up and started clearing the dishes. They were talking aboutthe possiblities the casino offered. Pulling out the cheesecake, I cut three slices and put them in front ofthem.

"That would be ideal!" Penny smiled and dug into her desert.

"Not eating, Ice?" "Not feeling like cheesecake." Standing up, I went over to the alcohol cabinet, pouredmyself a jack and went back to the table.

"I meant to ask, did you have a dress for the Winter ball?" Penny asked me.

"I actually don't. I need to go find one." "Good. Can we go tomorrow? I have an opening and washoping you could help me." "I don't think I have anything impressing I have to do." I said as I took a sip.

"I think we better head out." Colt said as he took the empty cheesecake dishes and put them in thekitchen.

Penny's phone started ringing. "Oh, shoot. I need to take this." She said and walked away as sheanswered the phone.

"Con, Ice." Colt walked around the island and stood beside me.

"What?" I was washing the dishes and he put his hand on top of mine.

"What's up?" Alec sat on a bar stool in front of me. Colt pulled my hands off the dishes and turned mybody to face him. "Tellthe truth. Are you mad I didn't let you csee Ann?" "I'm not mad." I tried to turnback to the sink but Colt didn't let me. "If you wanted to dance, we can at the ball. I have dishes to do.""Ice, don't do that." "Colt! Are you ready?" Penny walked around but paused when she realized sheinterrupted something. "liiis everything okay?" "Yes. Everything is perfect." I said as I was able to slipout of Colt's grasp. "I need to check on Adalynn. Thank you both for coming." Smiling, I darted out ofthe room and up the loft.

"She's sleeping." Vivian was reading a book as I walked up.

"Thank you! I'll put her to bed." "Sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow!" Waving at Vivan, she walkeddown the loft and out the front door.

Adalynn was sleeping so peacefully hat I hated to move her but she needed to sleep in her crib. Asgent is I could, I picked her up and started walking down the stairs. Ale vas standing at the bottom,

waiting or me. Content belongs to w"Is she sleeping?" He asked.

Reaching the bottom, he looked at her and smiled. "Sound asleep." Alec went to finish the dishes as Ilaid her down. She was so precious that it physically hurt to not hold her. Sighing, I decided I couldn'tstand here forever and walked out, closing the door behind me.

Alec had a towel slung over his shoulder as he was loading the dishwasher. "That's a good look onyou." I whispered as I took my recently filled drink and sat down on a bar stool.

"I aim to please." Alec lifted an eyebrow atbut kept working.

"That was great news about the casino and the land. I've been wondering what they were going to dowith it." "Csit by the fire with me." Alec said as he wiped the counter top down and picked up his owndrink.

We had bought an oversized recliner, big enough for us to sit together. It was positioned in it's own areaoff to the side. The fireplace was beside it and it wolfacing a massive window. Since the snow was stillfalling, it was an incredible sight. Alec sat down and opened his arm forto crawl in next to him. Notwanting to hold my drink, I just shot it all down and set it on the floor. "I've always enjoyed the snow."Alec muttered as I stopped fidgeting.

"I always hated the snow." I responded.

"How long do you want to sit here before you tellwhat you are feeling. I can't even figure it out." Alecput his hand under my chin and pulled my face up to his. "Talk to me." His thumb traced my cheek andhis eyes beggedto open up. "I don't honestly know what I am feeling." Sighing, if he was going toforceto talk, I wanted to be able to look at him. Leaning away, I draped my legs over him but put myback against the arm rest. He twisted his body so we were looking partly at each other and partly at thewindow. The fireplace was giving off warmth but show, I still felt like I needed a blanket. "Try."

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