Tattooed Luna

Chapter 531
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No one spoke for a moment so I kept going. "Their lives were over regardless. I gave them an option.Either I could kill them now or they could earn their lives back. They chose to earn their lives back andgo under cover. Their sacrificed helped us gather information and ultimately eliminate Vin. There was apoint that they were caught and Gunther was beaten almost to death. He made it through, however.""Con out." I mind-linked Kara.

Kara and Gunther slowly cout from the tent. Once people saw them, they gasped and instantly gotangry. "Traitor!" "Loser!" "Should have died!" Holding up my hand, Kara and Gunther walked up behindme. They were holding hands but Kara had her head lowered in shame. Part offelt bad for them but notall of me.

"Since they completely their assignment, they can start to earn their lives back. They will hold jobs andstart working on earning your trust back.... and mine. I offered the deal and now I need to be a man ofmy word and see to it that they try to get their lives back. I know this decision isn't a popular one but itis morally correct. They understand that earning back your trust and forgiveness will be very difficult butthat is their purpose for even being here. I will not tolerate unjust hazing. My pack will still hold theirheads high and not stoop that low.” "A-alpha? C-can I s-say something?" Kara's voice stoppedfromspeaking.

Deciding she had nothing to lose, I handed her the microphone and stepped back. "I'm sorry." Karacouldn't stop the tears that ran down her face. "After Colt... I mean, after Alpha Colt found Alpha Penny,I was hurt. However, I found my mate. Gunther is my mate. He hasn't made great choices but he wasworking against the only family he knew to save not onlybut Alpha Penny as well. I accept the fact thatmy actions were wrong. I did them out of love for my mate. I wanted to help him get free." She had towipe her tears on her shirt. "I grew up with all of you. You know what kind of person I am, which mademy betrayal that much worse but I am begging you find it in your hearts to understand why I did it andhopefully to forgive me." Kara turned and handed the microphone back to me. Gunther accepted Kara

in his arms. Looking around, the packs were torn. Shad a sympathetic look on and swere still filled withrage. I wasn't even sure how I felt. Maybe indifferent? I guess you have to have respect for somethingfor them to disappoint you.

"I'm not asked for you to forgive them. I'm asked you to stick to the values we hold dear to our hearts.Anyone with questions or concerns can speak toprivately." I paused before looking at Kara andGunther and nodding. They walked off the podium and sat down at an empty table.

"This party is to celebrate our packs coming together. Mate bonds were formed, friendships grew andour families expanded. Remember why we are here. Remember that sense of community that a packprovides. Cherish everyone you love. Lastly, have fun and dance your tails off!" The crowd cheered asthe music turned back on. Handing the microphone back, I went over to Penny, Kristen and Alec. "Whydidn't you tell me?" Kristen looked like I betrayed her.

Not wanting to toss Alec under the buss, I just took it. "I'm sorry but this was a spare of the momentthing. He had been in a coma and I've been a little more worried about my triplets." That seemed to dothe trick as she turned and walked off. Penny followed and they headed to get food. "Thanks." "Youowe me." I said to Alec with a smirk.novelbin

"Whatever." Alec just rolled his eyes and looked on. "Do you really think they will be forgiven?" "Nopebut nothing like facing the consequences of your own actions." "Death was too simple." Alec stated. Itwasn't a question but a statement.

I saw Lars and Jace walk up to me. "Someone likes ." Jace said.

"I like being fair." "Your dad would have been proud." I heard Carson's voice from behind me.

"Thanks." I said, shaking his head. "I have seen all the alphas except Anthony." "I saw him a little bitago? Why?" Carson looked around, like he was trying to remember when he saw him last and scannedthe crowd.

"No reason. Just wanted to know if he showed. He's been acting weird." "He is always weird." Jacemuttered. “I have seriously though about cutting ties with him.” "So, has anyone had anyone ask to jointheir packs?" Lars changed the subject. "I've had a few, however, I think it was because of my beta'smate." "They probably felt more comfortable that way." Jace said.

“Let's go get sfood." Carson said. His eyes have been watching the line and it finally seemed to getshorter.

"Sounds good!" Jace didn't need telling twice as he took off. Penny and Kristen were making their wayback to our table. Chapter 0531 1 "I did. It all looked so good." "The fried okra looks the best." Pennylaughed as she popped one in her mouth.

"It's better with ranch." Kristen teased Penny.

Chapter 0531 2 Chapter 0531 3 "What?" I asked, suddenly in a better mood.

"Where did you go?" She asked.

"Just trying to decide what tattoo I want to get." I gave Ice a genuine smile. Yeah, everything was backto normal.

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