Tattooed Luna

Chapter 513
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"I wasn't going to argue. I'm too tired to argue. Not only have I been too uncomfortable to sleep, I havebeen living in fear someone will take my babies. Now that I know they are safe, I just want to sleep."Penny gave Kristen a small smile.

Elaina pushed the bottle from her mouth. Setting it down, I pulled her up so she was on my shoulderand tried to burp her. "You're good at that.” Kristen said to me.

"Only doing what I saw in the movies. I have no idea if I am doing it right." As if Elaina had the perfecttiming, she let out a very large burp. "That's my girl." I chuckled as she curled her head in my shoulder.

"She didn't do that for me." Penny frowned.

“She is a daddy's girl.” I said back as I leaned back and got comfortable. There already was a soft spotin my heart for her.

Alec's phone started ringing. He looked down at it and then walked out of the room. I just wanted himgo, conflicted on what I should do. My heart wants to say with Penny and the babies but I knew I stillhave a responsibility to the pack to finish this. "Penny, I know you don't feel good but there are sthingyou will need to be told and make decisions on. Those obviously don't need to be done right now butwhen you are ready." Penny sighed. She handed the other boy to Kristen and stood up. She startedwalking to the bathroom. "Tomorrow. I'm ready to go hand sleep." Closing the door behind her, it wasjust Kristen and I left in the room.

"Thank you for offering to help, Ice." "We are family. The only family I have. Of course I would doanything to make you sure both are okay." "Is it weird to think a year ago you were stressing aboutfinding your mate?" "Seems like a lifetago." Ice laughed. "Alec said that Alpha Carson wants to have aparty to celebrate before everyone leaves." "He mentioned it." I vaguely remembered that.

“I'll get it all figured out and organized." Ice said as Penny cout of the bathroom.

"Organize what?" She asked before sitting back down on the couch.

"Alpha Carson wants to throw a party for our victory before everyone leaves." Kristen told her.

"That's all you. I'll show up but that's it." Penny sighed and curled up in a ball.

"Ice, can you asked the doctor if we can leave since Elaina ate all she was suppose to?" "Of course."Kristen stood up and put the babies in the crib since Penny didn't move to take them.

As soon as she was gone, I looked at Penny. "You don't have to go." "I know but I need to. Like you stillhave responsibilities to the pack, so do I. I can't ask them to callAlpha and not act like one. I'm going totake stoff of my duties but I will still make spublic appearances for awhile. It looks like Elaina will beokay so now it's just getting back to a new normal." The door opened quickly. "I heard you are ready tospring loose?" The doctor said as he walked in.

"She ate her whole bottle and it would be nice for us to settle in." The doctor looked at Penny andnodded. “She needs bedrest and sleep. It will take stto rebuild her blood supply. Her wolf has alreadyhealed her from childbirth so I think maybe a week and she will feel back to normal but the more sleep,the better." "You won't get any fight from me." Penny yawned as she spoke.

He looked at me. "Any questions?" "No, Doc. Thanks." "You know where to findif you need anything.They need at least three diapers a day or not more. They should be eating every two to three hours.Here is a pamphlet on everything you need to know about babies." He placed sreading material in asmall bag that was sitting by the door before walking out of the room.

"I'll get everything in the car. You can cmake your way when you are ready." Kristen had a huge smileon her face. She started cleaning as I looked at Penny.

"Go ahead and get into the car. I'll grab the babies and follow you out." "The carseats are at home."Penny looked around and realized we weren't prepared.

"It's fine. I'll hold them." "I'll drive you home!" Kristen said a little too excited.

"No...I will be driving. The goal is no more scary situations." Alec raised an eyebrow at Kristen, daringher to respond.

"Ass." She muttered as she carried a handful of stuff out of the room.

Standing up, I grabbed the boys and Penny led us out of the hosptial room. "Don't worry. Kristen isn't mcooking for you either. Your freezer is completely stocked with meals and there is a meal train set upfor you." Alec muttered quietly before we walked out of the hospital. .

All I could do was smirk as we were in earshot of Ice. She had opened the door for Penny andbeforeclosing it behind us. However, she didn't get in.

"Not coming?" Penny asked, rolling down the window.


"Not yet. I'll be there shortly. I am and going to start on a few things and any things then head over Aledis staying with you and is very capable of changing a diaper." .

"Baby diapers only. I don't do adult ones." Alec said a little too aggressively. Penny and I both startedlaughing at this and Kristen just rolled her eyes.

"See you soon!" She said and started walking off.

"Alec, if you would rather work, that's okay." Penny said as he started driving.


"Are you serious? You have worked with Kris before. Do you honestlym think I will accomplish anythingwith her in the office?" He looked through the rear view mirror at Penny. .novelbin

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