Tattooed Luna

Chapter 504
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"Colt." I said, simply.

"Hmm?" He didn't even look at me.

Nudging him, I finally got his attention and motioned towards the doorway. "Congraduations!" Carsonsaid but didn't make a move to ccloser.

My first thought was my entire vagina was competely exposed to them. Not that this was in anywaysexual but it was still incredibly vonerable situation. However, their bodies were blocking any other menfrom seeing me.

"Thank you." I said when Colt failed to answer. “What is it?" "I'm sorry, Penny. Sir Joe was just spottedtrying to make it to the airplane." Alec shifted uncomfortably.

"Colt can stay here and we can take him down." "No." I said instantly.

"No?" Colt looked atconfused.

"No. You will go and stop Joe." I said firmly. With all the babies in my arms, I couldn't move. Thankfully,Rosalie realized what I was trying to do and helped take the babies and lay them each on the bed in arow.

Sitting up more, my wolf was already working on healing me. There already was less burning thanbefore. "You will go and you will kill Joe the way you killed Vin. You need to see this through. We bothknow that if you aren't the one to kill Joe that there will be this hole in your soul. After all he did to us... I want you to be the one to kill him." "You just had the babies..." Colt stammered.

"I am more than capable of taking care of our babies. Rosalie will be withand so will the doctor. Leave afew warriors but I'm sorry but Colt, I don't need you." Colt looked taken aback. "I have learned that I amcapable of handling myself. I am not just a luna but an alpha. No one is going to keepfrom going hwith

my babies. That is where I am going... home. You will kill Joe and then meetat home. I'm not the weak,sensitive luna you had. I'm powerful and will not stand to take you out of seeing this through. Be thestrong domanate alpha. Show our emamies what happens when you fuck with us. End this today." Iknew my eyes shifted. By the look of Colt's face, it was both beautiful and scary. This is what I meant tobe an alpha. Putting other's needs before yours. I wanted Colt besidebut Colt needed to stand besidehis allies in battle. He declared this war forand now he will end this war.

"I'm sorry but we need to go now or we will miss him." Alec said quietly but firmly.

"Colt?" Carson added after a moment of silence.

"Go. Making it back in one piece." "Are you sure?" Colt looked conflicted.

"Completely. Go." Reaching out, I gave him a little push.

"He will cback to you." Carson said with a smile. “Alpha Penny.” My eyes met his and I couldn't help thelittle blush that crept up on my cheeks. Yes, I wanted to go by alpha now but that didn't mean I wasn'tstill me. It felt good and I new the power that flowed freely in my veins.

Watching Colt follow Carson and Alec out of the suit, I tried to push as much energy and power fromtohim as I could. He needed it to not only heal but to be able to beat Joe. There was an brief moment thatI felt alone but knowning that these babies neededwas more than enough motivation to stay focused.

"Let's get you home, alpha." The doctor smiled at me. "Letcheck the babies out first." "Sorry, doc. Weneed to leave now. There is a small opening and we need to get going. Jace is almost in postion forimediate extraction." "Penny, can you walk?" Rosalie asked in a worried voice.novelbin

Swinging my legs to the side of the bed, there was only one way to know. "I guess we will find out."With Rosalie on one side and the doctor on the other, we gotstanding on my own two feet.

"I think the best way to go about this was to wrap all the babies tightly against her chest." Rosalie saidas he pulled out an extremely long wrap.

“I like that idea.” The doctor said. I was a little uneasy on my feet but my wolf instantly pushed herselfforward.

"I'm going to get the wrap set and then we will put the babies in." Rosalie said as she started wrapingme. The doctor started cleaning up his supplies.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the warrior check his watch and then touch his ear. "I'm sorrybut we need to go!" .

"Okay." Rosalie said as she picked up the first baby and put Elijah in place! Next cCooper and thenElaina. "How do they feel? Snug?" .

"Very much so." I said. I didn't need my hands on them but it felt wrong to not put them there.


"Good. Let's go!" The warrior said as he turned. The doctor took the front and Rosalie and followedhim. Dead bodies covered almost every inch of the hallway. .

"I'm going to need ssupport going down the stairs." I said loudly to whoever was listening.

"Keep going. I got her." .

How the fuck they got up behindwas beyondbut I barely had tto see who it was before they slipped theirarm around mine. The massive ama arm on my left toldthere was two warriors around me. .

"Rosalie?" I asked as I was practically carried down the stairs.

"I'm here!" I heard behind me.

"Do not leave her behind!" I commanded. It caughtoff guard but everyone aroundnodded like they didn'thave a choice but to listen.

When the door opened at the bottom on the stairs, I got my first glimps at what a war looked like.

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