Tattooed Luna

Chapter 498
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My heart wanted to jump out of my chest but my wolf kept it calm. Each slow beat was like anotherpiece of rope, holdingback from just running in there to get Penny.

"Penny?" I tried again in the mind-link.

"Colt?" Penny's voice sounded surprised and like she was getting ready to cry.

"Don't let them know you are talking to me. Stay strong. What is going on? Where are you?" "I don'tknow!" Penny sounded like she was holding back tears. Both relief and pure panic fought for adominate position in her emotional system. "I am in labor! I-I have a nurse witha-and the doctor justleft." "Penny is in labor." My wolf whispered to Alec and Carson.

Both of them looked atinstantly. "What?" Alec clarified.

"Colt is speaking with her in the mind-link. She is here and in labor." Alec and Carson looked ateachother. Their expressions hardened but otherwise they didn't give anything away. "The complicatesthings." Carson grabbed his earpiece. "Status report?" "Changing now." We heard back.

"Penny, do you know where you are at?" I pushed again for any information. "I need you to focus. I'mhere to get you but I need your help." “I don't. I'm in a room with a livingroom and bedrooms. There is akitchen too." It sounded like she was trying to pull herself together.

"She's in a suite." My wolf told them.

"Penny, I love you. Take a deep breath and focus. We are coming for you. Don't raise suspicion beready. I need for you to stay strong for me. Can you do that?" "Yes. For you and for our babies." Itsounded like a little whimper escaped but she quickly pushed it down and the determination fueled her.

"I need to focus but I'll keep this link open in case.” I said as I watched the warrior walk out of theforest. "Okay. Please hurry, I'll be ready." "Get ready." Carson moved so he was in a better position to

jump off the tree. "Don't raise suspicion." He warned his men. All of them were now walking towardsthe door. The other not in uniform quickly jetted behind the trash bins.

The one in his uniform, I watched lite a cigarette and just stand there with his back turned. "Still fuckingsmoking?" A guy cout yelling and tossing his hands in the air.

Our guy pulled out a white cloth and when the guy tried to turn him, he quickly put the cloth over hismouth and drug him behind the trash. A second later, he cback out and stood with his back turned andkept smoking like nothing happened.

Again, someone cout to yell at him and he quickly put the cloth over their mouth and drug him. Aboutfive minutes later, they all cout wearing a little too small cleaning uniforms. With their hats pulled downlow, they grabbed ssupplies and walked into the casino.

"Everyone hold. Group one penetrated and in route to security room." Carson whispered.

A few minutes later, we got a response. "In position for Anthony." That was it, everyone was in position.Now it was a waiting game. Everyone was dead quiet as we listened to their coordinate with eachother.

"Someone's coming! In here!" First guy whispered loudly and then there was sshuffling before weheard a quiet click. There was voices in the distance but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Stairs are around the corner. Rags ready?" Another guys said. My wolf could care less who said saidbut he was inching for them to hurry up.

"Let's go!" Another person whispered.

We were met with more shuffling. There was a little groan at one point. "Shit!" Someone yelled andthere was a little scream before it was quickly silenced.

"Burt? Was that you?" I heard someone yell in the distance.

"Just slipped!" On of our guys tried to yell back like he was Burt.

"Slipped?" Shit, he didn't go for it! At this point, all I could do was focus all my attention on listening tothis. Since I was inside my own head, it sounded like surround sound. My wolf was hearing it from hisright ear but to me, it sounded like it cfrom everywhere.

"Fucking damnit!" Someone groaned and then there was a struggle before we heard a door open andclose.

"He is one of Joe's guards!" "Well, he's dead now. We need to keep moving!" Something heavy fell tothe floor with a thud.

"That won't go unnoticed for very long." Visit englishto read full content.

"Probably not." There was a small click and more shuffling as I assumed they kept I kept maying. Mormdoors opened and closed. Picturing them in my mind, they were on the hallway we assumed waswhere the security room was at.

"It's not here." Someone reported back to Carson.

"Fuck." Carson closed his eyes, trying to remember the layout.

"Go back up one floor." Alec spoke up for the first time, telling his men where to go. "There was a utilityroom on the layout. Maybe that is the security room." "That's also the floor that Joe has his office.”Carson whispered.

Alec frowned. "I know but it isn't on the bottom level. The other alternative is if the security room is onthe main level." "Let's hope not." Carson nodded in agreement. "Stay to the shadows, you can't be

seen." He said to the men.novelbin

"Going dark." Alec's men used this to tell us they will not be able to talk for stime. It meant there werepeople around and any noise could be heard, giving away their position.

As we waited, a limo pulled up to the back entrance. A swarm of warriors cout ina fcasino and stoodThey created an aisle for whoever was in the limo to walk through.

Someone more professionally looking walked out and opened their car door. "Sir Joe! Sir Vin! I'm gladyou made it here safely!" He said as Joe and Vin stepped out.

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