Tattooed Luna

Chapter 494
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There was so many conflicting feelings as | walked into the hospital. The love | held for my sister wasso deep that | used to think nothing would come before her. Now, | needed to fake my happinessbecause seeing her with my niece was going to eat me alive until | held my own babies.

“Colt?” My head was down as | walked mindlessly to her room. | was surprised to hear Jasper call outmy name. “What are you doing here?” | asked, trying to rain in my emotions.

“Came to see the baby before we took off. | am assuming you are doing the same?” Jasper turned andstarted walking to the side.

“lam.” Jasper knocked three times and waited. The door cracked open just enough for Jasper to look inand talk to whoever stood on the other side. “Colt’s here.” “Let him in.” | heard Kristen voice soundedweak but happy. The door opened, and Alec stepped aside.

Kristen was breastfeeding the little baby as | walked in. The entire sight was like a knife to my heart but| put a smile on. “How are you feeling?” | asked her and cleared my throat. Coming up to her, I lookeddown at the little girl. She looked so peaceful.

“I am feeling pretty good actually. The delivery was very quick. Here, meet your niece.” Kristen pulledthe baby off her breast. After a quick wipe of her face, she handed me the biggest blue eye girl I'd everseen.

“She is so perfect.” The smile that formed my mouth wide was pure and real. Real happiness drifteddown my body as she connected eyes with me.

“Technically, she is your daughter. We share the same DNA.” Kristen laughed as she finished cleaningherself up.

“What did you name her?” Wanting to give my sister some privacy, | walked over to the chair and satdown. It felt so good to have her cooing in my arms.

“I still haven't gotten your blessing on our name.” Kristen said hesitantly. “We don’t have to decidenow.” “Adalynn is a beautiful name for my niece. We are going to name our daughter Eliana.” “Eliana?That is beautiful. Who picked that?” Looking up, Kristen was resting her head back, smiling at me. Alecwas standing on the foot of her bed, just watching Kristen with his arms folded.

“No idea. When | was unconcious, | had a vision of my children. They all had names on them.” “Pennydid say you were acting weird about the baby blankets.” Kristen was half laughing at she looked atAlec.

“Come here.” Alec moved to her side and sat down on her bed. “What do you need?” “I need you to gowith Colt and get Penny back. Colt is not okay and you remember what it was like when | was goneand | wasn’t pregnant. Get my sister-in-law back and come back to us.” “Ice, we got it covered. Alec iswhere he needs to be.” Standing up, | walked over and handed her back her daughter.

“I don’t disagree with you but you stood beside him to get me and now he will stand beside you. I'mokay. Jasper will stay with me. Truly, | am okay.” Ice put her hand on Alec's chest and looked into hiseyes.

| couldn’t look away as Kristen ran her finger so gently over Adalynn’s face. “We are strong but we areonly as strong as our family. Colt is not okay and needs us. Go.” “Are you sure?” Alec asked. | could tellhe was conflicted.

“It's really okay, Ice.” My hand rested on top of her head. We made eye contact and | could tell by hereyes that she meant what she was saying. She could always see into my soul. Call it twintelopy but shealways knew. | could how sincere she was being and there wasn’t any bad feelings there.

“I'm completely serious. Alec was here for me for the birth. Now he needs to be there for you. Emmywill be here with me to help me. Just make sure he comes back to me.” “I'll give you two a minute.”Leaning down, | kissed Kristen on the forehead. “I love you, Kristen.” | whispered before | stood up.novelbin

| was almost to the door when | heard Kristen reply. “I love you too, Colt. Bring Penny back to us andthose babies.”

My body froze in shock that she af g ) actually said it out loud. It Wasp tie first time bu twas dentlyalways Al en she did. Giving her a smile, | walked out and shut the door.

wp . » I'm going to head back.” | told Jasper. Without waiting for an om answer, | just KeRb@HkinG:AGpyBH Gave me even more reason to stay focused. | had three babies and | was going to be gettingthem back.

By the time | made my way to the front of the packhouse, Carson was talking to everyone, telling themwhat their assignments were. “How's it going?” | asked, walking up beside Anthony.

“Everyone knows their job. They are organizing within their groups. Some men are better suited indifferent groups so we all need ear pieces.” Carson started pulled out the entire land.

“I'm not surprised.” The wind was blowing the corners up so Carson laid it on the ground and put rockson the corners.

“The tech guys will need time to penetrate the casino and make it to the security room. We will have tohave our timing perfectly.” “Do we know what the each floor plan looks like for the casino?” | asked,thinking more clearly.

I » .

Yeah.” Carson grabbed the briefcase behind him and pulled out jee) q p $ pieces clog toiiRe there arefou fig rs of regular rooms and then three floors of suites. Two suites per ” og floor.”

“One on each side.” | nodded. “That means we will need to have two teams per group.”

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