Tattooed Luna

Chapter 484
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Alec and | just looked at each other. Not once did the possibility of a mole cinto play. They reallyhasn't been attacks or anything that would suggest anything had been leaked. Though, we haveput Gunther, Kara and Zac out there and each knew a little something so it wasn’t like we werebehind. The only thing that still confusedwas how he knew about my informant.

“I wouldn't think so.” Alec kept looking atas he talked.

“The only thing that I still can’t figure out is how they knew who my informant was. Honestly, |didn't even know who he was. Dad put his number in my phone before he died.” “That might besomething to look into.” Carson nodded.

“Have you thought about getting his informant?” Anthony asked.

“I have but it's not like | have had a chance to really figure out who that is.” Setting my forkdown, | pushed my half eaten plate away.

“Regardless, all information needs to stay in this room. Not even betas need to know what isgoing on. Their assignments need to be guarding the pack in our absence.” Carson lookedaround, daring someone to argue.

Everyone bristled a little from being told what to do but no one said anything as it was the rightcall. “In the absence of Penny, Kristen will be preforming all duties for both packs. She hasEmmy to help her but tell your lunas that all issues needs to go through her.” Alec said. Hedidn’t clear it withbut it wasn't like | was going to have an issue with the pack in her hands.

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“Colt? Is that what you want?” Anthony asked.

My eyes met with his. Amusement clouded his expression, finding something humorous in thissituation.

“Anthony, you have exactly two seconds to leave this room before my self-control is gone.” Itwasn'tspeaking, it was my wolf. He was an ancient wolf and although | had amazing control over him,he did not take disrespect lightly. Thankfully, Carson wrapped his hands around Anthony's neck andpulled him out of the room. Hank followed them out before shutting the door.

“What is going on with him?” Jace asked as he leaned back.

Lars raised his arms above his head. “It's not like you would actual care your twin sister is taking oversluna duties.” “I think it was more about getting under his skin.” Jace frowned at Lars.

Lars stood up. “Con. Let's get a drink and go cool off.” | was the last one to stand up but they all waitedforand watcheduntil | stood up to follow them. It was obvious what they were doing. No one wasleavingalone. Who knew what | was capable of if | was left to my own devices. Blood would probablyflow down the streets.

“Here, drink this.” Lars handedthe first drink from the bar before we headed out to the porch.

Not needed to be told twice, | grabbed it and downed it before they even had tto pour someone else adrink. Lars nodded, took my empty glass and refilled it before passing out more drinks. In the end, wewalked out to the porch for sfresh air.

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We had just sat down on the steps when the doors opened. Hank and Carson walked out withoutAnthony. “Lost sweight?” Aston asked.

“I'm not sure what the fuck is going on with him.” Carson walked down and stood on the driveway.

Hank sat down just below me. Lars was on my left and Alec on the right. Jace was a little behindbut itwas Carson that madefeel like | was okay. These were my people. We may not get together often andwhen we do it isn't for the right reasons but it always felt a sense of community with them.

| was hurting in the worst way. My boys gathered aroundwithout making it obvious or too emotional.They would all be next toin a moment's notice if we had a plan but we didn't. So, | am going to sit hereand try not to think about what Penny was going through.

“What tdo you want to leave tomorrow?” Hank asked Carson.

Carson took a long drink before answering. “Before daylight. That way there will be decent light whenwe get there. We don’t even know where we are going to it will be interesting.” “Might need to make avisit to the old man to see what happened from that night.” | said without looking at anyone. My eyesfollowed the swirls of the amber brown liquid.

“He hasn't called you since then, has he?” Alec asked.

“No.” “You know... we have a few extra bugs around that | could spare.” Lars’s voice sounded a little tooexcited.

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“That should be easy enough to place.” Jace sounded like he was smiling too.

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« . 5 Colt can talk to him. Try to get him out of this house so weean placa ib) therq ppatiiéaltface one ” : a Ind there.” Lars continued. Please read the original content at

“Or in the actual auction site.” Alec added on.

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I a What we need is a break. We need something to go our way that will allow us to really shoveit to theme) Kidnapping PennyNas massive blow. BaSilly making Colt barely functional wouldmake it easier to attack. Not to mention her blood. We need to return the favor. They evened itout from when we stopped the » q q 3 ] convoy.” Jace said but this this voice was deadly.Please read the original content at

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« Si Hopefully we will find that tomorrow.

If my daughter can make it TO WerE they keep the giro WEN beable to Sally #) ’ really themover.” Carson ) matched Jace's energy. Please read the original content at

“That is assuming she can do it.” Lars gave Carson a look. “Is her wolf back?” “She lost herwolf?” Jace asked, shocked.novelbin

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