Tattooed Luna

Chapter 462
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“Signal jammer on!” | heard as the guys ran to the street. It took two of them to toss the strips acrossthe road but we weren't as quick as | expected.

The first van managed to swerve and avoided the strips other than the back driver's side tire. As the aircout, the van swerved but managed ot stay upright. The second van hit the spikes full on but theexplosives hit as the back tires cinto contact, forcing the van on it's side.

It was like slow motion as | watched the last two vans try to swerve but failed and crashed into eachother.

“Launcher!” Alec yelled as him and | ran out to the vans.

Barely missing the smoke, it was like something out of a video game. The grenade launcher hit theback tires, making the van fly in the air. It spun a few times before landing on the roof. The sickeningsound of metal scrape across the pavement sent shivers down my spine.

“I got this van!” | yelled as | ran down the street. Smoke was eloping the entire vehicle but it was the oilleaking that really madeaware of the danger.

The footsteps behindtold| was going to have help. The back doors were bent so it took a few tiresofpulling to get them open. The other guy handled the drivers. A total of four girls were chained to thewalls. After a quick assessment, only one survived the crash.

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“WE HAVE TO GO! IT'S ABOUT TO EXPLODE!” | heard my man yell behind me. He started grabbingmy shirt and trying to pullbut | wasn't going to leave this girl. It wasn’t Kara but she wasn’t going to die.The chair that was holding her wasn’t breaking.

Even with all my strength, it wouldn't budge.

“I'm sorry.” | said as | grabbed her wrist. Without waiting for a response, | squeezed quickly and as hardas | could. All the bones in her wrist shattered, allowingto pull her hand out of the cuff.

| barely got my hand around her arm as | was ripped out of the vehicle, pulling her with me. Stumblingto my feet, we made it about three steps before the whole thing exploded, sending us flying through theair from the sheer force. Shielding the girl with my body, | took the brunt of it.

“Colt!” I heard someone yell but everything wa singing. Someone rippedto my feet and pulledalong.Everything was far away sounding but my eyes scanned the road. Sgirls were huddled together,holding on to each other, Alec had someone by the arm and the other men were getting their spikes.

It felt like twas standing still but it was probably only a few seconds before they started running to ourown vehicle. | kept scanning the girls to see if Kara was there. My mind was fuzzy. One person washelpingrun and there was a girl on my other arm. | wasn't sure if | was dragging her or if she wasdragging me.

How we got back to the van, | wasn't sure. Next thing | knew, | was being tossed in the back of the van.My shirt was ripped open and the sounds started coming back to me.

“We got her!” “Stop the bleeding!” “Any shrapnel?” “I'm fine.” | groaned as | forced myself to focus.

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“Where does it hurt?” | recognized one of the men leaning over me.

“Just hurt looking at your ugly face. Status report?” | forced myself to sound more put together than |was.

“Colt! I'm so sorry!” It was Kara's voice. Instant relief floodedbut it was soon filled with anger.

“Mission a success. Five girls survived the wreck and we got them all. Broken bones and head traumabut all should live.” “The drivers?” | tried to sit up but it hurt my head too much. However, the bouncingof the van wasn't helping either.

“All dead.” “The explosives were a little over done.” The remorse in his voice was clear but | was justhappy it went smoothly.

“Alpha Colt, letstop the bleeding.” | wasn't sure who said it but | was vaguely aware of gauze beingpressed against my head.novelbin

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I . . ” This might hurt.” | hear another man , 2 say but | wasn't sure who it Ya8,10 until ie pai kETEsbeing staBbel tan across my stomach. The pressure directly after was equally painful. Please read theoriginal content at

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“The fuck?” The angry growl that cfrom my chest made a few of the girls whimper in fear.

“Sorry, you had a piece of the car sticking out of you.” “Just make sure he lives. I'm not about to tell histwin sister that her brother died on my watch.” Alec yelled back.

“He will be fine. Angry but alive.” They were working onas my head cleared. All that was left was apounding headache. The ringing in my ears was starting to fade but it was still there.

“Alpha Colt, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to stitch you up.” Visit englishto read full content.

My eyes were closed at this point as | focus on my headache but as SOpR as he said that, fpsyiostantiy-cJpn Maki eye contact with him, | could see the concern in his eyes.

« sn Do we have any anesthetic?” Please read the original content at

“No.” He didn’t mince words at he met my gaze. There was a mutual groan across the van as peopleshifted uncomfortably.

“Can't it wait?” Alec asked.

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« No. We have hours before we even 2 Q f .

find a hospital. It's too risky to stop at one with what nelippdigend OFT! evgiything. id hy aining tell|need to stitch this up. The bleeding has stopped due to his alpha healing a2 an Ql) q q q but if it isn'tstitched properly, it will ” heal awkwardly.” Please read the original content at

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