Tattooed Luna

Chapter 458
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Chapter 0458 “What is it?” Getting behind the wheel, the engine roared to life as I slammed on thegrass. “Who is it?” “Some of Vin’s men.” The gas peddle was already to the floor otherwise I wouldhave pushed harder.

“Is Vin there?” “No. They recognize the men.” As Alec said the words, the heads of the men came intoview. Then their torso and finally their legs. It wasn’t just one or two men but around a dozen or so.

There was a moment I thought about just plowing through them but I didn’t want my vehicle to gettotaled. “They have a shot?” “They do.” Alec confirmed and put his

phone down.

Slamming on the breaks, I was ready to break some bones. “Get your recorder out.” I told him beforewe got out of the car. Alec fumbled for a moment before his hand grabbed the door handle.

“I'wondered if you were going to get out.” The ring leader said as we exited the car.

“What is your name?” I asked in my full alpha voice. Taking off my jacket, three of us were rolling upour sleeves.

I just took my shirt off.novelbin

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“None of your concern. I'm just here to send a message.” The guy was as wide as a dump truck withmuscle. It was to the point that his arms laid away from his body,

“You boys honestly think you are going to take on two alphas and their betas?” Taking a few steps, Iwas ready-for it.

“We have some help.” He nodded to the cars behind him and I immediately recognized the newlytransformed wolves.

“Alec.” I said quietly. A moment later, a shot ran out and one of the wolves fell over dead. Before theyregistered what happened, a few more shots rang out, killing all of them.

“You bastard!” He looked fucking pissed.

“You thought we would come unprepared? How stupid is Vin?” Walking up to him, I got in his face.

“Give me a reason.” I whispered.

The guy pushed his finger in my chest.

“Vin isn’t going to like this. Your precious mate will soon be my toy.” Wrong fucking answer. I didn’twaste time in pulling my arm back and using every ounce of power in that punch. I was vaguely awareof my men keeping his men back as I went to town on his fucking face. Grabbing his shirt, I kept goingon his face until it was completely smashed in. Not even a drop of sweat had formed by the time I wasdone, however, I was breathing a little heavily.

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Not finished yet, there was this idea that came to my mind that put a smirk on my face. Going to thetrunk, I kept a small office back here for emergencies.

Grabbing a pencil, I wrote on a piece of paper.

‘Good luck’ After signing my name, I grabbed the stapler and walked back to the men.

The paper laid across his face as I slammed a few staples into his forehead. Finally satisfied, I lookedaround.

“Make sure Vin get this.” After one last look, I was done. “Let’s go.” Thankfully, the men didn’t evenhesitate to get out of our way as we pulled out. Swerving once, the car clipped the man. Leaving tiretracks across the paper as a little something extra.

“Here.” Alec handed me a wipe.

“Thanks.” Taking it, I was able to clean the blood off my hands and chest.

“I'm sorry.” I heard Gunther groan

from the back.

Follow current on

“I don’t want to hear a fucking word from you right now.” BE The rest of the ride was silent. No one saida word. We didn’t stop for food and we didn’t listen to any speeding signs. Since it was in the middle ofthe night, not many cars were on the road.

Pulling into the packhouse, I just needed to see Penny. “Take him to the hosptial and under a guard. Noone is to speak to him other than a doctor.

Remember, he is suppose to be dead.” Slamming my door shut, my attention was only on Penny. © Asthe door came in view, I had to calm myself with a few breaths. Resting my head on the door, I tired tocalm myself.

Suddenly, the door opened, making me almost fall forward. “Oh!” Penny stood in front of me. Her hairwas down, she | was wearing one of my shirts with no pants. “Colt? Are you okay?” It was all I could dobut look into her eyes. The big, beautiful eyes were full of worry but I was filled with anger,protectiveness and frustration. Instead of answering, my hand slipped around her neck. Pulling her alittle more rough than I probably should have, my lips flattened against hers.

There was a moment I was worried I was hurting her but when her body relaxed into mine, I was done.She walked backwards as I pushed forward.

Slamming the door shut behind me, she was working on my belt.

| We didn’t speak or even comment on

the meeting I just had. Instead, we focused on eachother. Ripping my shirt | off her, a slight moanescaped her lips: I just needed to be inside her. I needed to feel her around me.

However, Penny had other ideas. As soon as my pants were off, she kneeled in front of me. Withoutbreaking eye contact, her lips wrapped around my dick. “Fuck!” A deep throaty growl ran up my chestas she got to work. I had to hold onto the wall to keep myself standing.

It had been so long and she was so fucking perfect that I didn’t last long.

One took a few minutes and I blew deep in her throat but the desire in me wasn’t done. Picking her up,turning her around and she immediately bent over the bed. J

I wasn’t sure if it was the belly or if she needed this too but she arched her back, ready for me to takeher, — |

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