Tattooed Luna

Chapter 454
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Chapter 0454 “Well, then you can figure it out.” “Ill tell you what. I'll give you $250,000 for thatinformation and I'll give you the rest after I get Kara out.

That sure encourage you to figure something out that doesn’t involve me pissing off another person.Let me kill Vin first.” Hanging up before he could reply, I got up and headed to Penny. My phone dingedbefore I got there.

Alec: Just sent them Opening the door, I sent a reply to Alec: Found Kara. Let you know tomorrow.

As soon as I hit send, I put my phone in my pocket and looked up. Penny was

already asleep on the couch. The movie was still running the opening credits but she was out. Going tothe closet, I got myself ready for bed. Then I folded down the bedsheets, turned the T.V off and pickedPenny up. She stayed asleep as I put her under the covers and curled around her. With my hand onour children, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning, only coldness touched my skin. Not wanting to be awake yet, I tried to reach forPenny but she wasn’t there. Cold sheets greeted my hand as I felt for her.

“Penny?” I asked out loud. Rising my head up, I looked through one eye into the room.

Penny was sitting on the couch. When I said her name, she looked up and smiled at me. “I'm sorry I fellasleep

Follow current on

last night. I got uncomfortable. Turns out, I do need that pregnancy pillow.” Pulling myself from thecomfortable bed, I got up and moved to the couch.

“I can have someone get the pillow for you today but I would like you to stay here as much haspossible.” “T understand. You won’t hear an argument from me. I was able to finish all the stuff for theHalloween party.

Plus, each program I have installed have really thrived. So far, we only have little issues but nothingthat we didn’t anticipate.” “That’s great to hear.” I was so proud of her for all she has accomplished.

“When do you need to leave? I have already requested your suit be pressed.

It should be here in about an hour.”

Penny went back to tying on her computer.

“You are honestly the most amazing person on this planet.” Leaning over and kissing her forehead, Ineeded to shower and get ready. It’s been awhile before I trimmed my beard and it was getting ratherlong. Usually, I go for the shadow look so having something I can run my fingers through was a littlemuch.

There was something refreshing about being freshly showered, shaved and styling my hair that mademe fell like my life was put together. “Colt?” & Penny opened the door and looked at me. I was standingin front of the mirror as I finished my hair.

“What's up?”

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“Your suit is here and so is Alec but I think you should save your suit till you get there. You have a longcar ride ahead of you.” “Sounds like a good idea.” I said as I finished doing my hair.

Penny turned and walked back to the couch. Following her, I saw Alec and Jasper standing in myroom.

“Boys ready?” “You never answered my text.” Alec frowned. “You found Kara?” “Kara was missing?”Penny was half bent over. She straightened up so fast that she about fell over. Thankfully, Jasper wasclose and was able to catch her.

“Yeah. I think I found her.” Giving Alec a look, I wasn’t happy he said anythingnovelbin

in front of Penny. He seemed to understand as he changed the subject.

“Our suits are in the car. Jasper, why don’t you take Colt’s down and we will be right now.” Alec rubbedthe back of his neck.

Jasper must have caught on as his eyes avoided all eye contact and walked out with my suit. “Not verysubtle.” Penny glared at me.

“You knew I didn’t tell you it all.

Honestly, we just found out that they found the tracking devices. We didn’t even know how long theyhad been found. I didn’t want to dump it all on you.” I tried to plead my case.

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“Where is she?” “I got word she is going to be sold in an

auction in a week.” “Sold? In an auction?” Penny looked at me like she dared me to argue with what Ijust told her.

“Yes. Don’t worry. We will get her before that. I literally just found out before I came to bed last night.Once I figure out how we are going to get her, I'll let you know.” “Please do. It feels wrong to let her justgo through that. We already killed her in front of the pack.” Penny was feeling really guilty.

Knock! Knock! “Luna Pe- oh! I'm sorry, Alpha Colt!” The door opened and someone from the kitchenstepped in before looking at me.

“It’s okay! Come in.” Penny said as she sat down on the couch.

“Oh, um...okay.” She looked nervous as she pushed the door open and wheeled in what smelled likefrench toast and strawberries.

“Text me if you need anything. I'll see you either late tonight or tomorrow.” Going up to Penny, I had tostep around the breakfast to give her a kiss.

“Please be careful.” Penny said to me but her eyes were focused on the strawberries.

“Always am!” Alec rolled his eyes as we walked out.

Closing the door behind me, I pushed him in the arm. “Dude!” Alec gave me a fuck you look.

“Why did you bring Kara up? You know Penny doesn’t want to know it all.”

“Sorry, man. Your sister was fucking pissed off at you. I've been hearing it for the last twelve hours. Ifshe wasn’t mad at you, she is worried about you.” “I’m a lovable guy.” Smirking, we walked out of thepackhouse and got into the car.

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