Tattooed Luna

Chapter 450
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Chapter 0450 “Not sure. We can ask them when we get inside.” Alec got out We were going to be onmajor lock down from here on out. “Warriors.” I mind-linked everyone. “Stage five lockdown!” I was metwith a collective, ‘yes alpha’ and the alarm instantly went off. It meant that everyone is to stay in ourterritory. No one is to come and go but you can travel freely within the territory.

Walking up the stairs, there was this suffocating heaviness that appeared in my chest. I wasn’taccustom to this emotion but I knew what it was. Fear.

Fear of losing my family.

As soon as we walked into the office, my eyes immediately went to Penny.

She was sitting in my chair, smiling at something someone said. All eyes looked at Alec and I as Iclosed the door.

“This isn’t good.” Ice said. She tried to stand up but Alec got to her first and made her stay in her seat.

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“Penny. We had a deal.” Walking up to her, I got on my knees in front of her and took her hands. “I toldyou I wouldn’t keep anything that had to deal with you, from you. What I have to tell everyone haseverything to do with you. Do you want to stay here for this or do you want to go to your own space?”Penny looked at my face, read my sincerity and absorbed it. I knew

everyone was looking at us but I didn’t give a flying fuck. I watched as Penny accepted that this wasn’tgoing to be good news. “I don’t know.” “It’s your choice but you would have to remain calm. Any stresson the babies isn’t good for you or them.” “Maybe I should go get a snack.” Penny looked at me withtears in her eyes.

“I think that is a good idea.” Pulling her against me, her scent filled me, calming me. I should becalming her but it was her smell that calmed me.

Being away from her was difficult and today made it much worse. I could even start to smell my pups.They were starting to have their own unique smells and if I wasn’t already kneeling, I would have fallen.My family.

“Come on, Penny. I'll walk with you.” Sherry was standing up, holding her hand out for Penny. a “Take aguard with you at all times and never leave them.” I said to Penny.

Penny nodded as I stood up. “Okay.” She said when she was finally on her feet.

“Grant. Luna Penny is going to the kitchen for a snack. Are you not to leave her for any reason,understood?” Mind-linking a very talented warrior, | he was quick to respond. €» “Yes, Alpha.” AsSherry and Penny walked out, I heard his voice down the hall greet them.

Follow current on

“What's going on?” Ice asked. Jasper closed the door and I hit the secure button. Within seconds, thewindows

and doors were sealed shut. Nobody was leaving and nothing was getting } in. da “I don’t...” Shakingmy head, I just ran my fingers through my hair. My stress was coming out and there was no hiding it.

“Colt...” Ice’s voice was one she saved for when she was scared. Looking at her, her eyes mirrored myworry.

“I can tell them.” Alec offered.

“No.” Taking a deep breath, I started in. “Vin has an uncle. Sir Joe Gambino.” “Isn’t that the mafia due?”Jacob asked.

“He’s in Italy.” Jasper agreed with Jacob.

““...and human.” Jacob followed up.

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“All wrong.” Interrupting them, both of their heads snapped to me. “He is now in the U.S. He is the headof the mafia family in Italy but he is here and he is Vin’s uncle. Vin has called on his mafia connection toassist in his....

business.” “The mafia doesn’t deal with human trafficking.” Ice stated. “Do they?” Shaking my head ather, we made eye contact. “Vin isn’t trafficking girls. Vin has created a potion that turns humans intowerewolves. Their human part is gone but they are werewolves. The issues is, the potion needswerewolf blood. The higher the ranking wolf, the stronger the blood.” “He made a werewolf?” Jasperwas trying to absorb this information.

“Correct.” “You saw this?” Jasper continued. He looked at Alec as if to ask if I was lying or not.“Seriously?” Alec nodded. “We watched him do it.” “How?” Ice asked in a far away voice.

Leaning forward, I placed my hands on my chair and stepped back so I was partially bent over. “Thathouse to torched? It was to bring girls there but not for the reason we thought. Darin would lure the girlsin. Interview them and possibly assault them but would take them to the basement to experiment onthem. Females are genetically tougher than men. As in they endure more physical strain like childbirth,household chores and more

bent over activities that would kill our backs. The higher ranked the female, the stronger the blood, thebetter transition of wolves.” @ “Penny is an alpha...” Ice’s face was white.

“That is why they origionally wanted you. We are twins, making our genetics the same. You were thestrongest female when I took over because I was an alpha. Darin wanted to have babies with you so hecould use their blood to fuel his. Now, Penny inherited the pack and is a female alpha. Where you arelacking as a luna, Penny is 100% alpha.

She is strong than you. They want Penny’s blood and they want our pups to raise as their own bloodbank.” It was hard getting the words out. Just saying it made me so pissed off that my

claws dug into the chair. Chunks of foam fell to the floor in the room of complete silence. S— No onesaid a word. Ice had her hand over her mouth. Jasper and Jacob looked fucking pissed and Emmy waslooking horror stricken.

“What’s our next move?” Jacob asked looking at me. His eyes were full of hatred.novelbin

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