Tattooed Luna

Chapter 441
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Chapter 0441 “Oh?” I asked, waiting to hear what he had to say.

“Crash it and let everyone know that you have ears everywhere, even without your informant...” “Or?”“Or stay in the shadows and see what you can hear. However, 1 did gather some information that mightintrigue you.” Alec got a weird glimmer in his eye.

“What?” I asked, suspiciously.

“The old man that lives there. He hates Vin. Rip funded his operation so the old man turned a blind eyeand did favors for Rip. Since Rip was killed, Vin hasn't paid him, It might be worth our while

to pay him a visit with a check and see what we can do.” “That’s.... an idea.” I stewed over it for awhilebefore I spoke again. “We could give him money and he could betray us or give us wrong information.”“True. He could take our money and not want to work with us since he has spent his life aroundeverything illegal.” Alec agreed. “However.” He leaned forward. “He could give us all the information weare missing.” “1 mean, we could pay him a visit and see what he has to say.” I felt a little uneasy aboutthis.

“If we did, we couldn’t use the quiet, shadow approach. Our cover would be blown.” “What’s evenworse, if we did approach him and he said he would

help us. We get to whatever event is going on and then he announces who we are. There isn’t anotherway. out. We would be dead.” I stressed. “I gota look of that place when I approached Gunther. Plus, Ihad my hand around his neck. He wasn’t exactly a fan of me.” “Money changes a person.” Alec gaveme a look as he said it. He wasn’t wrong. Money does change a person.

Changes their motives and changes their attitude towards a situation.

“It’s not like we can send Zac anywhere and Gunther and Kara have been hiding in some cabin. Weare running out of tricks to see but I would like to figure out what he has to say.” “That might be our nextmove. See

what Gunther thinks.” Alec agreed.

“You said he slept at the old man’s house. Maybe Gunther will be able to gage on if he would work withus or not.” “We would have to see if Vin is around or watching.” “We could send that pack of wolves.

Blake has been with them since a few days ago. He doesn’t have a family and I'was thinking he wouldbe good to have undercover in case we needed something.” “That would be helpful. Blake could givehim a message or figure out the best way to communicate with Gunther.” I was surprised he sent Blaketo live with the pack of wolves but it made sense.

“The only problem with that. If Vin

recognized them, that wouldn’t be good.” Alec said.

“That is assuming Vin has enough man power to do anything about it.” “They ran to that cabin with nohesitation. Other than the helicopter we sent to look at it, we don’t have eyes. Who knows what securityhe has.” Alec didn’t sound too sure himself.

“Think about it. Kristen wants to go to your house for supper. She doesn’t Penny isn’t going to cook soshe is wanting to bring something with us for everyone.” @ “Is everything okay?” I asked.

“Oh yeah. I think she just misses you honestly. You have been so busy with things that you haven'tspent time

with Kristen and she is missing her twin.” “Look at her heart showing.” 1 ~~ laughed.

“She has been a little more emotional ~ butshe does have something she wants to talk to you about.”“Emotional like Emmy?” I asked.novelbin

“Fuck no. Nothing like that.” “What does she want to talk to me about?” I asked, unsure of this supper.

“That’s between you and her. My only job was to tell you that we are coming.” Alec held up his hands.

“Thanks for the warning.” I said, dully.

“Anytime.” Alec smirked as he stood up. “I'm going home to tell her I | delivered the message. We wiilsee you | at six.” “Okay. See you then.” Alec nodded and walked out.

Deciding I might as well go break the news to Penny, I stood up and walked out of my office. Thepackhouse was busy. People were coming and going and the warriors were all on high alert.

Since the attack on Vin, I have expected an attack in retaliation but so far, Vin has been quiet.

Getting into my car, I was able to make it home in complete silence. Just looking at the house, I wasfilled with happiness. Raising my kids here meant everything to me.

“Penny?” I asked as I walked in the

front door.

“I’m here!” Penny yelled from the ; kitchen. pe “What are you doing?” I asked as I walked into thekitchen. She was looking in the fridge, while holding an opened jar of pickles. As she looked, she keptpicking one out and eating it.

“Looking for something for supper.” She didn’t even look over at me.

“Kristen wants to bring supper over for us. She has something she wants to talk to us about.” “Oh?What's that?” Penny sighed and shut the door.

“Alec didn’t say.” Grabbing a pickle, I ate it as she walked to the livingroom.

“I think I have an idea of what it might be about.” Penny looked at me and sat down.

“What's that?”

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