Tattooed Luna

Chapter 439
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Chapter 0439 “No. He never made it outside from what I saw.” Alec said as he took a shot.

“How did you find us?” Zac asked. His voice was thick with pain. His breathing was heavy and a layerof sweat had formed on his skin.

Ignoring him, I grabbed the binoculars and looked around. Men were coming out of the castle withblood seeping out of their eyes, nose and mouth. “This is working good.” I said, feeling a littlehopefulness.

“Gunther and Kara are bleeding but not coughing like the rest.” Alec reported.

“Eyes on Vin. He ran into the woods

with a group of men. No eyes on him.” “Are you going after him?” Zac asked.

“Gunther and Kara took off after him.” The same guy reported.

Alec looked at me. “Hold positions.

Finish off our task here.” Closing my eyes, I just listened to Alec’s gun go off a few more times beforehe sat up. “It was the right call.” “You let him get away.” Zac had a bitterness to him.

“Why the fuck are you even here?” I rounded on him. “We had a fucking plan and you royally fucked itup! Why can’t you just fucking stay in the shadow and not get caught?” I tried

SRE Ea a tr not yell but damn it was hard.

“I'had some intel. Didn't count on Vin’s men being there.” Zac looked away from me.

“Intel on what?” “There was some girls that were being sold. They used to be maids for Vin and Ithought they might have some intel on his operations.” “Let’s pack it up and go home.” Alec said to his


“When is the next auction?” I asked Zac.

“Not for another few weeks. After this, might be a long time before they do anything public. Might juststick to private interactions. This was a major punch to Vin’s gut. He won't let this go.

This just costed him his reputation.”

Zac looked at me and meant every word.

“He shouldn’t have the man power to retaliate just yet. This would have taken him months to build.”Alec chimed in.

“Don’t get comfortable. He has allies and could call on them to issue an attack to your packs.” Zaclooked at us like we didn’t take him seriously.

“With our size, he has enough allies to think they stand a chance?” I asked.

“You pissed a lot of alphas off by killing Rip. They might team up with Vin to kill you and then willprobably turn and kill Vin after. No one likes Vin but they hate you more.” “The enemy of my enemy ismy

NOME a ac friend.” Alec muttered as he kept packing his stuff up.

“Exactly.” a “That’s not a bad thing. Just fucking attack and we can battle this out. No more of thissneaking around shit.” I wanted this over and if a battle was coming and bring it on.

“Only a handful of men made it into the woods.” I heard from behind me as the men started comingback.

Grabbing my phone, I loaded the tracking and looked at them. They were running still, like they werebeing chanced. Zac was too busy watching everyone pack up that he didn’t pay attention to my phone.Still, I closed it and put it in my pocket. My feet were getting a little chilly from not having shoes but it iswhat it was. &9 E.

WY TIS BON “Where are your shoes, Alpha Colt?” Blake asked me as he shifted back into his humanform. Sie “Had to take them off. Tracking dirt and leaving a trail.” “I can shift back...” Blake offered,awkwardly.

“I can shift too if needed but thanks.” Sighing, I grabbed the rest of my shit and started off towards thecar.

“Little help here!” Zac yelled at me.

Feeling somewhat annoyed by him still, I grabbed his arm and yanked him up. “Better?” Watching himgrimace in pain, he just scowled but kept going.

“How many lives do you have left, Zac?” Alec asked as he came up beside

SW 710 BONU us. Probably to make sure | didn’t just kill him myself, “Few more. I ain’t done yet.” Zachad some places reopen and was bleeding again. Still, my sympathy was extremely low.

“Stop talking, Zac. If you would have just fucking killed Rip when Cassie found Rip, none of this wouldhave happened. Did you even fucking try to kill him over the years?” I knew I was projecting my ownanger onto him but that didn’t mean I was exactly wrong.

No one said a word, not even Zac as we continued the rest of our walk back to the vehicle. Shovinghim in the back, we got in. The sun was starting to rise and we were all exhausted. Still, I forced myselfto stay awake with Alec.novelbin

+15 BONL The rest of the car was passed out, Their snoring was louder than any music we could play.The worst part, none of it was in sync with the others SO as soon as one stopped another would start.He would be half done with another would start. This is how it went for the entire way.

“You can sleep.” Alec sighed.

“I'm good.” “Where are they?” Alec asked. We were only a few hours from home at this point.

“Still walking in the woods. Headed East.” “Unless they go back and look, he i ize it was us until later.”might not realize it w.

Alec sounded hopeful.

“That would require more luck than | think I have.” That would be nice for Vin to believe Zac didsomething but I doubted he was that stupid.

“Yeah. We need to assume he knows it was us.” : “We should really bomb that place.

Keep him from going back and looking at any footage. Anyone there is dead so now it’s time to flattenit.” “Yeah, I would have to agree. Maybe that will prolong them from tracking, They could think it wassomeone he fucked over from a deal.” Alec suggested.

“The biggest question is if he will call in his allies and exactly how much support will he be able to get?”

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