Tattooed Luna

Chapter 383
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Chapter 383

Chapter 0383 The tent erupted in cheers. “I don’t understand why that needed to be said now.” I asked Colt in themind-link. “There has been question if Alec is as strong of a leader as his dad. Regardless of what his dad did, hewas allies with these Alphas. They need to know that he is just as strong and firm in order to keep thealliance. Alec and I have a long way to go to fully earn their respect and trust we can handle things.” “You too?” I looked at him shocked. “Oh yeah. I am a little more respected than Alec. Dad didn’t f uck things up the way Marc did at the endbut died willingly. Dad had his affairs in order and spoke with these Alphas so they knew it was coming.However, I am still young and have only seen one enemy.” Colt looked at me as he spoke. The roomdrifted away as I focused on Colt’s face. “Will we need to say something similar?” I was more shocked than anything. “We will. Not quite the same but I’ll need to make a statement.” eyes shifted over to his sister. I wasvaguely aware of them walking down the aisle. The sounds of the room came back to me, snapping meout of my thoughts. “That was really beautiful!” Emmy was wiping away her tears. “It was!” I agreed, quickly. novelbin

“What’s wrong?” Colt asked, in the mind-link. “Nothing is wrong. I just wasn’t fully aware of this. Some of this ruling stuff is still sinking in.” I just assumed we had respect until we lost it. reached out to the other lunas and tried to make nice. “I’ve let you do your thing. You said you didn’t really want to focus on that stuff so I didn’t force it. I washonestly waiting until school got going and your centers figured any and all kinks out before I put morestuff on you.” “Please help yourself through the food line according to your table assignments.” Alpha Thomasannounced. We were table one so we

were up. “Thank you.” I told Colt as he helped me stand. After I got food, these heels were coming off. Colt heldmy hand the entire way to the table but let it go as we reached for our plates. “Do you need me to fill a plate for you and come back?” He asked. “I think I should be okay.” Taking a plate, I started with some salad. Then I added some pasta to itbefore opting for a few different finger foods until my plate was full. Since wasn’t sure what any of itwas, I just figured I’d try them all. Kris was pregnant too so I assumed it was all safe for me to eat. Walking carefully back to my seat, I was able to sit down before Co came over to me. “Why didn’t youwait for me?” He asked, slightly annoyed. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to get back to my seat.” “Jacob is here now. What would you like to drink?” “Lemonade or tea. Which ever is fine.” Colt leaned down and kissed my forehead before walking off. “Everything looks so good!” Emmy gushed as she sat down. “Do you have a bigger appetite since you gave birth?” I asked, honestly curious about postpartum. 270 “Oh, some. I get hungry more frequently but I don’t eat more. I think it evens out but I eat smaller morefrequent meals than big meals.” “Interesting.” I said as I picked up something and ate it. After a few bites, it tasted like a blueberry tart,which was amazing. “Here you go.” Colt set down a glass of something yellow. That must be lemonade. “Thank you.” I said as I took a sip. It tasted amazing as it went down. “Jasper, how have you been feeling?” Colt asked as Jasper sat down with drinks for him and Emmy.

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