Tattooed Luna

Chapter 302
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Chapter 302

Chapter 0302 “I… we came to see how things were going.” Walking in, the nurse shut the door and resumedchanging the bandages. Cassie’s front was covered but her back was fully exposed. This was the firsttime I saw just how bruised and frail her b*dy was. “Thank you for coming.” Cassie winced from whatever the nurse applied. “How are you feeling?” I asked. I was vaguely aware of the lack of emotion in my voice. My heart was only calm because Colt kept shoving relaxing emotions into me. “Much better. The doctor has me on a 800 calorie diet. Next week, we will move up to 1200 calories. He said a little at a time so my stomach can handle it. I can tell I amimproving each day.” The nurse finished wrapping some spots before pulling down her night gown.Helping her turn and lay down, she covered Cassie up with the blankets and went to clean up. The room was smaller but still bigger and more comfortable than the hospital room. The bed on off tothe right with a small seating areal on the left. The bathroom was next to the walk-in closet. The bed was

still a king size so there was plenty of room for them to sleep comfortably. “I would like to get you so clothes and other items. If you want to make a list of what you want or need,I can get them. The bathroom is filled with men and women’s things that are your’s to use.” The whole thing felt awkward. I wasn’t sure what to say and they kept just looking at me. “The nursetold me I should be able to start walking around and maybe eat in the cafeteria this week.” Cassiesmiled at me. 1/5 “That would be good improvement.” agreed. “Any exercise you get will be good. Laying in bed all day isn’t good but you shouldn’t over do it either.The physical wounds are about healed. Now it is about getting your b*dy healthy again.” The nursegave her a pointed look before taking her gloves off and washing her hands in the bathroom.

“Zac is starting training tomorrow so I figured I would try to walk to the porch maybe and get some freshair.” Cassie smiled at Zac. “I think that will be a fine idea.” Zac didn’t move but gave her a small smile. “Well, we are off to an event. I just wanted to drop by and make sure you were situated.” I said, readyto leave. “I will make a list tonight of my sizes anything else I may need. It shouldn’t be much.” Cassie said. “The same goes for you, Zac. Anything you need and you will need more clothes. Write down yoursizes as well.” I said firmly. I swear he was wearing the same clothes he was wearing a week ago. He didn’t answer but nodded at me. I’m sure it was his pride getting the way. “Thank you for coming by.Maybe I will get to see you thi week while I am walking around.” Cassie smiled at me. “Maybe.” I said and turned to leave. Colt opened the door for me before I ran into it. I didn’t stopwalking when I heard the door close. “Penny.” Colt had to take a few steps to catch me before grabbing my arm. My b*dy instantly turnedand folded into his. “It’s okay.” “I don’t know why I can’t handle this.” I small s ob broke through me. Not enough to make me breakdown but just enough to get it out. “You are handling this great.” Colt whispered. His arms were wrapped “Me ntally, I know they didn’t abandon me.” “For your entire life you believed they did. You can’t take back 19 years worth of anguish in two weeks.” “Kristen would.” “You’re not Kristen.” Colt pulled me back. “Penny, Kristen isn’t as put together as you think. She wasemotionally torn down and An n hitting her everyday….she was far from put together. Outwardly sheappeared to not be bothered but she was a mess inside. Trust me. You can’t compare apples tooranges.”novelbin

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