Tattooed Luna

Chapter 275
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Chapter 275

Chapter 0275 “With that, we will start the deconstruction of this pack with the packhouse. Please back up and we willlet this b itch burn.” Colt said with more humor to his voice. We got off the steps and backed away a good distance. Colt took the gas and went inside for a little bitbefore coming back out. Spilling some on the porch, he did a little line of gas down to the grass andover where we were standing. Penny handed him the match. Just as he was about to light it, he lookedover at me. “Want to do the honors?” “I do.” Taking the match, I felt a rush as it scraped down the side of the box. The flame instantly cameto life. All the trauma I endured. All the men tal games and scared feelings came up. I was letting. everything go. Kneeling down, I whispered so low that I doubt anyone could hear me. “With this, I amletting go of all the negative emotions and feelings. I am healed and any trauma and do not hold anyanger in my heart.” The flame touched the gas and instantly shot forward. I barely got to stand up before the flame touchedthe house. A large boom and gas ball exploded as the house erupted into flames. My hair was throwrback but Alec was there to catch me. My b*dy didn’t blow back as fa but enough that I was thankful thathe was there. novelbin

No one really spoke but just watched the b itch burn. It was a turnin point for everyone I think. Theslight breeze made the smoke drift behind the house, giving us the best view. Windows broke as thewood was no longer able to hold the weight. The bricks fell to the ground, making a thud each time. I wasn’t sure how long we stood there but the moon was high in th melting the way the bricks would fall. Eventually, only the chimney stood and the rest was a pile ofbricks and charred wood. “If you need a ride, there are van available for you to take. If not, please follow each Alpha as we headback to our packs. You will get your assigned rooms and turn in for the night.” Colt said. “Those going to the Black Moon Pack, we will have a meeting at 9am to discuss a few different things.

Please be on time in the conference room. I’ll make sure there are signs marking it clearly.” Alec said. Everyone nodded. Alec and I walked over to our vehicle and waited. We watched as everyone else got in their cars and got situated. No one was getting into the vans so I assumed they allhad their own way to get there. Only once everyone was in a vehicle, did we get into ours and slowlystart driving out. Where Colt turned one way, we turned the other. Everyone followed behind us as we slowly made ourway out, making sure everyone was following us. Most of our pack had already arrived back in ourpack so when we got there, there was many people standing at the front of the packhouse to welcomethem. My heart was filled as I watched our pack go to each vehicle and help them unload their items for them.Emmy was standing at the front door, telling our members where to take our new ones. Alec and I stood off to the side to make sure we were not needed. Our warriors were carrying luggage to rooms, and even some older teens were passing out waters and snack bars. It took an hour to make sure everyone was situated and finally, everyone else went to be. I caught aglimpse of a few women putting out the signs to the conference room. Alec had sent out a mass minclink, telling our pack to be there as well. “How do you think Zac and Carrie will adapt I asked started getting ready for bed “I think Cassie will adapt well, Zac will probably need an adjustment or two.” Today’s Bonus Offer GET IT NOW

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