Tattooed Luna

Chapter 144
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Chapter 144

Chapter 0144 My eyes looked up at Penny, who was avoiding eye contact with me. Colt was standing beside her butnot touching her. “Penny?” She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. “I swear I don’t know anything! You know I was an orphan!You literally found me in the woods!” She was begging me to listen. “I don’t even know who my familyare!” “The DNA was a percentage of a parent. That means, her dad loaded the gun that shot you.” AlphaMarc clarified for me even more. “How did you find her?” “She was in the orphan when I volunteered there. She was a teenager… almost 15 and was gettinginto trouble. Sneaking out, stealing…” “I was stealing books! It wasn’t like I was a druggy!” Penny defended herself. “The books she took were advanced books. No one payed attention to what books she took but thatshe took them. I noticed what they were so I took responsibility for her. Making her do tasks for me. Onceshe earned some trust and showed me what she was capable of doing, I started paying her. Not much butenough she was able to buy clothes and food. Eventually, Dad got her into a young adult housingsituation and out of the orphanage.” It was like I was on autopilot. “I don’t remember any of my family. I swear! I only remember the orphanage!” Penny had tears in her novelbin

eyes. “We found her on the edge of our property as a baby. No one claimed her and we put her DNA in thesystem in case there was any hits. There wasn’t, until now.” Dad was looking at the paper like it was an alien. “Colt, is she lying?” Alpha Marc asked. “No. She is telling the truth. You can command her if you wish.” Colt looked up at the ceiling in pain.

This must be incredibly hard for him. His loyalty to his sister against his mate. “C-colt?” Penny looked betrayed at her but Alpha Marc didn’t need to be told twice. We watched as hisaura lashed out and covered Penny. She instantly fell to the ground in submission. “Have you told us a lie?” He commanded. “NO!” “Are you leaving anything out?” “No! I love Kristen and would never betray the only sister I have ever known!” Alpha Marc looked around at us. Everyone shook their heads before he pulled back his aura. Pennyslapped Colt’s hand away as he tried to help her up. Holding herself, she tried to make herself as smallpossible. I wanted to go to her so bad but something was stopping me. “I thought they were rogues that shotme?” “They were but we haven’t traced them back to who wanted to take you. We assume it was the same from the rogue attack here.” “So we haven’t found Ace’s killer yet.” I added in there. “Did you find the phone?” “We did, it is still being analysed. Looking for the IP address. It was all encrypted.” Dad said with a a sigh. “So we have nothing and now Penny’s DNA caused a hit. It will now be flagged for everyone to see and for her family to know where she is.” I clarified. “To be fair, they left her outside the gates, they have always known where she was.” Jacob chimed in. “All we know is that the gun that was used to shoot you was loaded by Penny’s dad.” Alpha Marcstated. “At least it wasn’t the gun that killed Ace.” I said to Alec in the mind-link. Glancing up at him, he barely looked down at me but didn’t respond. “But we don’t know if they rogue that was firing the gun was her dad?” I asked. “No.” Dad said. “So, we could have killed him. Where is the b*dy?”

“You know we burn them. There is no way of knowing if the rogue was her dad or if he just loaded thegun.” Dad looked at me and frowned. In I knew that but I was hoping I was wrong. I felt so bad for Penny. Slowly, I made my way to Penny andsat I I down in front of her. “Please believe me. I didn’t know. I would never betray you.” She whisperedthrough her tears. Today’s Bonus Offer

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