Tattooed Luna

Chapter 104
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Chapter 104

Chapter 0104 “Whoa!” Alec dodged my punch. Grabbed my wrist forcefully, he kicked the door shut and pushed meup against it. His b*dy was pressed against mine. It betrayed me as the sparks sent waves of pleasureto my core. “That wasn’t very nice.” His l*ps were grazing my own “F uck you.” I whispered. “Hmm, my pleasure.” I felt his d ick harden. Using everything in me, I pushed him off of me. “I can’t believe you! First I find out that you are havingthis meeting about Sherry that you never spoke to me about. Then I walk in on your having a privatemeeting with Angela! Your dad opened the challenge to everyone and you left pis sed off this morning!Anything else I forgot?” I was yelling at him by the end of it. Alec was just standing there in all his se xiness with his arms folded over his chest. His eyes werenarrowed at me as I continued my rant. “Hmm.”

“What gives you the right to keep that s hit from me? I thought we were f ucking equals! We have onlybeen mated for a f u cking day and you already are treating me like I am under you!” I started walkingoff. Pacing around the room as I kept going. “I told you from the beginning that I rather be single thanbe treated like I am less than! Just because I wasn’t sorry about issuing the challenge doesn’t give youthe right to be pi ssy with me and walk off! You are suppose to support me! 1-” Alec grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. Slamming his l*ps against mine, he forced me toshut up. At first I tried to push him away but it was futile. His hand was pressed against my lower backas the other hand cupped my face. His thumb shifted like he was going to choke me, which just causeda wave of pleasure through me. The fight in me was leaving me all too quickly. “You..” He placed a k*ss on my neck. He kept talking as he assault kept going. ” ready…to listen?” Hishand was cupping my as s. Moving it down, he lifted my leg so it wrapped around him. My b*dy wasputty in his hands. “Nnoo” I moaned as he licked my mark. Grabbing my other leg, he picked me up and walked me over to the couch. Lowering me down, he

pinned me between the couch and himself. Even I wanted to get out, I couldn’t. “Too bad.” Grabbingboth of my wrist, he held them above my head. “That is for my safety.” “Get off.” I sighed. “Not until you listen to me.” Alec waited until I made eye contract with him. +15 BONUS “Fine, please try to explain the betrayal that I have been shown all day.” I pulled out my most sarcasticvoice. “First off, you have known from the beginning that I hated this challenge.” “Yeah, because Angela was your girlfriend and you have wanted nothing but to protect her.” My wolfflashed before me. “Wrong.” He said firmly. He kept one hand round my wrist but the other cupped my face. His thumbgently rubbed my cheek. “I dumped her the day she was disrespectful at the pizza parlor. I didn’t evenhave that strong of feelings for her. That moment I k*ssed you in the club, I knew you were meant forme. I love you. I was worried about your safety, Kristen, I have never seen you fight. All I have done iswatch you get hurt. Day after day, you have only known hurt. For one day, I just want you to not gethurt.” I mean, he wasn’t lying. If it wasn’t physical pain, it was emotional pain. “Hiding the meeting?” Alec rolled his eyes. “I was going to tell you about it after the challenge. I wanted you to focus on thatand not the meeting. Jasper will be hearing about this.” “The meeting with Angela?” I asked through gritted teeth. “That wasn’t planned. She was released from the cells earlier in the morning. I honestly went to myoffice to cool off about the challenge before you went down so I could be helpful. She walked in literallyone minute before you did. I never even had time to speak. She walked in and demanded I cancel thechallenge.”novelbin

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