Tasting All My Mates

Chapter 477
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Chapter 477

477-The Thirsty Mate

In the morning, after Theo and I freshened up, we left the room to have breakfast with the others.Facing Christina was going to be fun this time. She had the audacity to make me suffer for somethingmy mother had done and pretend to be my friend all this time.

When I reached the garden where they were having breakfast, I found Christina staring at me withoutblinking her eyes and sitting beside her mother, who was forcing her to eat.

"Hey! stop staring at my mate, I feel jealous,” Theo called her out when he helped me sit down and satbeside me. Lazio and Maynard looked fresh when I walked into their sights.novelbin

"Enya! are you feeling fine now?" Lazio asked, making me give him a head nod. Now that I knew whyhe had been so angry with me for the past two years, I just felt like it all happened for the right reason.We were never supposed to be together.

Here! drink some fresh juice first." Maynard instantly handed me a glass of orange juice and demandedthat I finish it first. I watched Christina shift in her seat and look over at her mother. It seemed to be herway of complaining about Maynard to her mother.

"Save a little affection for your own mate, Maynard,” Emelia joked, but it was obvious that she didn't likewatching her son-in-law take care of someone else. I wouldn't have blamed her if only Maynard hadn'talready been over Christina. But Christina wanted me to take care of Enya." Maynard had enough. Heturned to her and shrugged. I remember Maynard being very snarky and playful. I wonder whathappened to that Maynard, because the one in front of me wasn't the real one. This one was alwayssilent, probably Christina's effect.

"She must have said it out of the kindness of her heart," Emelia defended her daughter without evenknowing the entire story.

"Umm No! Nobody pushes their mate to sleep with someone he has a crush on out of the kindness oftheir hearts. She really wanted me to accept Enya, but I guess then she got jealous.” Maynard's boldremark turned Emelia's mouth dry. She grabbed a glass of water and chugged it down before looking ather daughter.

"I did not do that." Christina straightened her back and defended herself.

"You did not? Christina! You can convince your mother, but how do you plan on convincing me whenyou are literally lying to my face?" Maynard slammed his fist on the table, and all the dishes jumped upand came down in a few seconds.

"But you told me it was Enya who seduced Maynard," Lazio asked Christina. I realized the two hadplanned to confront her finally. If only they had been this thoughtful and had done it before. But it isnever too late to bring the truth to the world.

I— is this your excuse for be shitty to me now?” she ignored Lazio but kept talking to Maynard.

"Enough! It is very disrespectful to argue when you are eating,” Emelia, who understood her daughterwas at fault, yelled to draw attention to herself.

"Oh Gosh! No matter what age these kids are, they need a mother in their lives." She proudlystraightened her back, calling herself our mother.

I know my mother had treated her badly, but I just couldn't think of her in a positive light. Maybe whatmy mother did to her was so horrible that she too turned evil? That could be a possibility, but whypunish innocent people?

“Anyway, how are you, Lazio? did you tell them about me?" Emelia suddenly turned our attention toLazio with her weird remark.

"Emelia used to be the nanny who took care of me in my hard times," Lazio opened up, reminding meof the time he told me he used to have a nanny for whom he was grateful. It was strange how twistedfate was.

"Oh!" I sighed, not knowing what to say.

"Her father was a horrible man. I don't understand how could someone hurt his own kids,” Emeliapaused only to look my way,

"Or someone else’s kids and not expect Karma to touch their kids." The change of tone made meuneasy. She hated my sight. There was no secret in that.

"Maybe because the kids are innocent? It doesn't matter if they belong to the victim or the abuser. Thekids are always innocent."

Theo once again spoke up, and this time, even Maynard and Lazio bobbed their heads.

"Punishing someone for what their mother did is a lowest of low," Lazio commented and kept his headdown. I noticed what he was doing.

He was scratching an E at the back of his hand.

The instant rush of tears as I recalled my own miserable days made me blink hard to get rid of thetears.

"So, when are you guys heading back to your pack?” Christina didn't let Maynard take part in theconversation and changed the subject.

"Whenever they want," Maynard snapped at her.

"Actually, we will be leaving now. I have been getting calls from my pack since morning, so I know thereis a matter that needs to be taken care of," Theo informed me, and he eyed Lazio and Maynard, whobobbed their heads at him in understanding.

I hope we will meet again," Emelia said, as she watched us get up and leave. I turned around whenwalking away with Theo, Maynard, and Lazio just to stare at Emelia one last time.

After we reached the parking lot, I watched Theo and the two discuss things while my mind wasgrasping onto where I have seen Emelia before.

There was no way it was a pleasant incident. Something bad had happened when I saw her.

It must be the beginning of my fall.

My father's scream hit my eardrums while I watched his car get hit by hers.

Ahhh!" I gasped as I finally remembered how I knew her.

“Enya! are you okay?” I heard the guys reach for me and gently tap me on the shoulder.

"She killed my parents,” I recalled.

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