Tasting All My Mates

Chapter 461
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Chapter 461

461-Because He Only Wants To Sleep With Me.

He licked my cleavage, pressing my boobs tightly together so that his tongue could enjoy their softnessof them. I don’t remember when someone made me feel this way. He was leaving hi*keys down mycleavage and all over my boobs.

His hand ran under my shirt and reached for my boobs, pressing them gently and fondling them. Isquirmed when his hand came directly in contact with my naked nipple. He pinched them a little,making them erect before he lifted his face from my cleavage and stared into my eyes.

It was awkward when his fingers were playing with my ti*s while he kept staring into my eyes. His gazelowered to my lips after a few minutes, and he finally crashed them against mine. The softness of hislips made me gulp instantly as if I had sucked nectar from the juiciest fruit. I was not fighting him off. Myone arm was wrapped around his back while I was brushing his hair with my other hand.

The more I rubbed my hands over his body, the more excited he turned. He tilted his face withoutbreaking the kiss and then shoved his tongue into my mouth. I felt pleasure strike through myexistence.

It was the best night of my life after two years.

As he deepened the kiss, I began to recall Thiago. I know I craved Theo too, but the right way would beto make Theo accept returning this body to Thiago. It is not like he will lose control this time.

As all the worries clouded my head, I stopped taking part, and that’s when Theo got the hint. Instead ofkeep going, he parted his lips from mine but held his face closer.

“What happened?” he asked. I knew he would not continue if he realized I was uncomfortable.

“I am missing Thiago.” I said and he got off me entirely. I sat up while he sat in front of me, his legsfolded under his body.

“You really want him back?” he asked, and I felt like maybe he was going to c*ack. We have bondedwell, and I knew for a fact that Theo was not evil.

He was just misunderstood.

“I do,” I whispered.

“But if I let him take over, would you convince him not to prevent the transitions?” He asked, sad andafraid that we would imprison him again.

“Theo! You have my word. I will be the one to make sure nobody imprisons my mate this time,” Ipromised him as I got on my knees and cupped his face in my hands.

“You will do that for me?” Even he looked confused when he heard those words from me.

“I promise you,” I said, not lying to him. Once he lets Thiago out, the two can enjoy and feel my touch. Itwill be a win-win situation.

“Okay then,” Theo sighed, giving up on his ego and lowering his face. My heart began to pound at thethought of meeting Thiago again.

He kept his head lowered for a few seconds, which worried me. I relaxed my muscles and sat back. Idon’t know why I thought he would listen to me and set Thiago free.

I had given up hope for the night, but that’s when he lifted his head and stared at me with a smilecovering his lips. I immediately felt goosebumps.

“Th–,” before I could say it, he said my name.

“Enya!” A pleasant smile crept over his lips as he said my name. I was too stunned to speak. Theo letThiago go.

“Thiago!” I gasped, and he nodded. That was all I needed in the moment before I jumped at him. Iwrapped my arms around his neck and crashed my lips over his aggressively. He tightly held my backand carried me while sitting in bed on his knees.

The kiss was silent but full of passion before I pulled away from him, and he dropped me on my kneesas he set me free from his arms.

The awkward silence and my staring into his face made him burst out laughing.

“F*ck!” He held his hand to his stomach and kept laughing.

“You are not him,” I muttered, slapping his chest angrily.

“Wait a minute! It is not my fault that you always fall for the same prank.” He jumped out of bed while Igrabbed a pillow to hit him with.

He was running around the room like a spoilt brat, and I was chasing after him. His laughter wascontagious, making me keep hitting him.

“Set him free!” I yelled and hit him again and again. I don’t know why I wasn’t mad at him. I was upsetbecause I really

wanted to meet Thiago again, but it was just that I knew it would happen sometime soon.

However, this Theo was truly a troublemaker.

I only stopped when my phone rang, and I saw the caller ID. The instant mood change even caughtTheo’s attention.

“What does he want now?” Theo frowned.

“I guess we will find out just now,” I said, attending Lazlo’s call.

“Enya!” The way he said my name with urgency from the other side made me blink hard andaggressively let out a sigh.

“Are you okay? Please tell me he is not being inappropriate.” He started talking as if he suddenly cared.

All those nights when he left me sick at home while he went out and f*cked Valerie seem to be longgone from his memory now.

“I am fine. He is good to me,” I said, and Theo understood why Lazlo had called. He suddenly sn*tchedthe phone out of my hands and put it on speaker.novelbin

“What are you doing?” I mouthed the words to Theo, who reassured me via his gestures that I shouldtrust him for once.

So I didn’t object and kept the phone on speaker.

“He is only good to you because he wants to sleep with you, Enya,” Lazlo said from the other side, andTheo grunted.

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