Tasting All My Mates

Chapter 444
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Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 444

444-Maybe He Seeks Revenge.

I stayed in my room and cried my heart out for a few minutes, and then I took a shower. I wasn’ttoo sad, just a littleworried because I wanted to help Thiago come out. Theo’s return meant Thiago can be back too. Kellice was the one worrying me a little. Did he bring her with him from the other sideor meet her overnight? Was Theo genuinely in love with her?

What if Thiago loved me but his Lycan loved this new girl?

All these thoughts were making me nauseous, and then I heard a knockon the door. With my hair still wet, and the blue silk gown unable to keep mybody warm, I got out of bed to answer the door.

“Why did you lock the door?” Lazlo asked, staring at my as he waited for me to getout of his way and let him in.


“I don’t remember talking about staying under the same roof again after I caught you having anaffair for two years,” I said, stepping aside only so that I could have a word with him.

“It is not like you hav—,” he tried to talk, but me shaking my head put a halt to whatever he was going to say.

“Fine. I cheated on you because

—-,” the pause he took

gave me time to respond to him.

“Because you fell out of love with me,” I said, and, weirdly enough, no tears were formed inmy eyes this time.novelbin

“That’s not true,” he argued aggressively, trying to close the

door after us.

“Don’t. I don’t want to stay in the same room as you. You take your room back; I will go stay in oneof the guest rooms,” I

decided, and as I grabbed my pillow, he came my way.

“I know why you so desperately want to go to the guest room,” he muttered, refusing to get out of my way.

“Why act stubborn if you already know?” I shrugged, “Lazlo! I amnot going to become a victim of your alpha ego again. You cannot stop me from talking to him just because your alpha ego wants to win a competition. I am no longer a trophy.I hope you get it this time. Besides, he is my mate too and you will be seeing him a lot now. So if you are bothered, stay in your room when he is around.” I looked him in the eye and said it in the mostconfident tone. The tone I might have not used after that night two years ago.

“You are making a big mistake. He only wants to fool you so that he can ruin us all. He seeks revengeand nothing else,” he muttered under his breath, his eyes digging holes through mine.

“I will be the judge of that,” I said, giving him the same look before walking towards the door.

“You were never a competition, a challenge, or a trophy to me. I loved you, and I still do. I justhad my weak moments.” His claims stopped me in my tracks. I turned to smile his way.

“I was a bird you used to watch fly over your head. So the instant I sat on yourshoulder, you captured me, clipped my wings, and threw me in a cage. Youloved having control over me because you always thought I was disobedient.” I said quietly, without showing any emotion on my face.

There was so much that had happened in those two years that taking him seriously was nolonger an option for me.

“That’s what my father taught me to do. He taught me to cage who I love, to always put them throughhardships, and always make them keep trying to pursue me. Although it is not a good excuse, I admit, I did what I thought was right,” he confessed, having no remorse back in the day whenever he mistreated me.

“As you should, because now I can do whatever I want to do freely.” Finally, a smile crept over my lips.

“Thank you for theclosure,” I added, and he instantly shook his head, not believing I should take it as a hint that we are


“I am tired. I don’t have the energy for any more arguments,” | murmuredand walked out of the room with a pillow tucked under my arm.

Instead of heading to the guest rooms, I sat in the living room, hugging my pillow. Life isso weird. These alphas who were treating me as if I didn’t even exist were seen acting

differently today.

Why were they so intimidated by the arrival of Thiago?

“Thinking about me?” I heard Theo enter the living room and watched him pass me a wink.

“Everything!” I said, sliding to the side when he sat beside me on the same couch.

“Why did you let them yell at you?” he asked, hunching over and resting his elbows on his knees.

“Because sometimes you just need to stand silent and let

others show their true colors. Youwant to see how far they are willing to go in hurting you when there is nointerruption,” I stated, leaning back on the couch and resting my head back.

“You haven’t eaten anything,” he asked, changing the subject.

“I barely eat anymore.” I closed my eyes to avoid staring at him like an idiot.

“That’s a bad habit. You need to consume energy from other sources,” he disagreed with me andsuddenly I felt his finger brush against my cheek. I shot my eyes open and watched him pull away and rhis hands in defense.

“Just removing that strand,” he pointed at my hair.

“It wasn’t bothering me, though.” I sighed, straitening my back this time.

“Then what is bothering you? Or should I ask, who is bothering you?” heasked in a serious and deadly tone.

“You know already.” I said, “I don’t want Janetto be taken away by Corbin,” I said, and a laugh from his side was all I got.

“So you are not helpingher? Just so you know, she used to be best friends with Thiago. She has given him her loyalty, her all, awant to help her?” I raised a question since I didn’t understand why he didn’t care about her.

“And that’s exactly why I don’t want to help her,” he said, turning to mewith a sarcastic smirk on his lips until he realized what he had said.

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