Tasting All My Mates

Chapter 420
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Chapter 420

420-The Cabin Where He Kissed Me

“Maynard! Tell us what happened last night?” Lazlo insisted to know as he kept watching Maynard’sface. Maynard lifted his head and made a deep eye contact with Christina, who was looking at him onlyand then he opened his mouth.

“What Christina is saying is the truth,” he whispered under his breath, not turning over to look me in theeye as he lied bluntly.

“Why are you lying?” I whispered in shock, a piece of my heart was crushed after Maynard too did whatI had never expected from him.

Now that I think about it, it was my fault only. He had done it before; I was a fool to think he changed.

“You heard him!” Christina yelled, looking confident than before.

“Why?” I asked them both, “Why did you guys play me?” | couldn’t even react to this obnoxious lie.

“I should be the one asking you that question. Why did you play me? you had him in your heart theentire time,” Lazlo yelled, avoiding the other two and approaching me. He grasped my arm and when Itried to free myself, he dragged me out of the living room. Once we were in our bedroom, he locked thedoor and started pacing back and forth. I hadn’t been able to shed a tear.

But now I felt guilty.

Guilty of believing Maynard and Christina and letting them fool me. I just couldn’t get why they did thatto me?

“Why?” Lazlo muttered, “I understand you were angry at me but why him? why sleep with my friend?”he clenched his jaw, “You did not only ruin our friendship but their relationship too,” he was grunting

and panting, walking all around the room in panic.

“Why do you care anyway? You never loved me. You were long over me, Lazlo!” I finally spoke up andhe ceased upon his steps to look at me.

“You are right,” he admitted, making my heart shatter but a smile covering my lips, “I was over you theday I found out you have been sleeping with Maynard behind everyone’s back this whole time,” as hefinished, a frown appeared on my forehead.

“That is your way to make yourself feel better for mistreating me?” I let out a laugh at him, shaking myhead as I didn’t buy his excuse.

“Tell me what happened between you two in the cabin that night?” he asked and my heart made a flipinside my chest, “tell me you two didn’t kiss?” he yelled, grabbing his hair in a fist and biting his lips.

“What are you talking about?” I was a little stunned to hear about that distant memory. It seemed like along time ago but why was he bringing it up now?

“That night!” Lazlo muttered as he pointed his hand towards nothing, “Zander recorded you two. Is thatwhy you went on a date with him so that you can hide the truth of your relationship with Maynard?” heasked and let out a grunt, his veins were becoming visible as anger began to take over him.

“Wh—,” I paused, “How do you know about that night?” I felt like my whole world came crumbling downin my feet. I must look like a wh*re to him for cheating on him and hiding it.

But why didn’t he ask me once to explain myself?

“I saw the video too. You thought Zander dying would be enough to hide your sins? Christina washelping us in every way possible while you were sleeping with her boyfriend. I thought I could trust youbut — I get it that back then you were allowed to have fun with all your mates but at least have a

curtesy to let me know and spare your friend’s mate,” he hissed at me, wrinkling his nose at myactions.

“It is all a big misunderstanding. He was drugged that night so he kissed me thinking it was Christina,” Isaid, shaking a little. I don’t know how many things he had kept in his heart and never told me.

Was he punishing me all this time?

“Really? Just like last night? What a sweet coincidence that you two are always ending up finding eachother when you are drunk. Oh! By the way, my office has a camera too,” he scoffed, bringing upanother topic.

“Then you must have seen that I pulled away from him.” I said, but he laughed at me, clapping hishands hard to hurt my feelings.

“Because you too knew about the camera,” he commented.

“Is this what you think of me? Why did you never speak to me about it? why make me suffer every dayfor two years for something i could have provided you a better explanation to?” I yelled as my facefinally displayed emotions. Life has been already so difficult for me after losing everything and the onlysupport I had also betrayed me.

“Because I suffered too. It wasn’t easy for me to think I finally got you just so that I can lose you. Youwere supposed to stay faithful to me,” he shouted, throwing his arms around and dropping the frames.

“If only you have asked me once, but you didn’t,” I uttered as there seemed to be no exit out of thismess now. Everybody was having f**king delusions now.

“Ask you what? that the girl in the video is you or not?” he grunted, refusing to believe anything but hiseyes.

I cannot blame him for not believing his eyes but at least he should have asked me instead of declaringpunishment for me. Now it all made sense. He was always so bitter to me, focusing on hurting me.

“So what now?” I asked as I couldn’t get why we should stay together.

“Alright! I will l—,” before I could say another word, Christina barged in and glared at me once again.

“She needs to leave,” she screamed at the top of her lungs, “she should not live here anymore,” sheadded, crying hysterically. 78.37%

“Kick her out of the pack now,” Christina repeated herself, angrily glaring at my face as she demandedLazlo drag me out of his pack and basically leave me homeless.

“What?” Lazlo scorned, staring at her face in bewilderment. I watched Christina, and my anger rose.

“Who are you to decide what he should do to me?” I muttered at her, watching her shake her head andrefuse to let me stay here. I didn’t get how she thought she should make a decision for Lazlo, butbasically, that’s what she was doing.

“Shut up,” Lazlo muttered to me, trying to calm me down.novelbin

“Kick her out. I didn’t come here to lose my mate. It was your responsibility to keep the little thirstywh*re trapped,” Christina yelled again. She was looking hysterical as she kept running her handsthrough her hair and not listening to anything else. She made it clear that she wanted me gone at anycost.

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