Tasting All My Mates

Chapter 369
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Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 369

369-Play Dirty

Author's POV:

Years Ago:

The guard had fetched Alaric for the alpha king. Alaric had been waiting his entire life for the AlphaKing’s attention. He was just one of the other servants, but it seemed like tonight might be his night.

“I have been hearing about your hard work and how you—," Alpha King paused to think of acompliment because he only knew of him because of Hazel, "How you mop the floors," he finished,rolling his eyes at the thought of complimenting a servant.

“That is very kind of you to notice your loyal servant.” Alaric had his hands clutched obediently beforehis body when speaking to Shaun.

“But that doesn't matter anymore. I have made a mistake, and now I am wondering how long before Iget removed from this position."

Shaun let out a sigh when talking about the possibly worst day of his life.

Alaric didn't know anything, because Hazel never shared the secrets with him. She believed in takingher secrets to the grave.

“You know, my problem is not even myself. I am worried for — your wife," Shaun said, raising his faceto watch the frown sprees a cover Alaric's forehead.

“Hazel? Did she make a mistake?" Alaric was quick to question him. When he cheated on his one truemate, he actually left behind a lot more than just his mate to be with Hazel.

"No! Actually, I don't know. I don’t see her like that," Shaun mumbled under his breath, confusing Alariceven more with his words.

“You know, like a witch. But I wonder how the next alpha king will see her. I am sure you are aware ofyour wife’s work. She is a witch and has been actively practicing magic. The only reason she is notsafe and secure is that I have her back. But the day the council removes me from the title, you knowshe will be the first they burn on the stake like old times." Shaun made sure he used all the right kindsof scares. Alaric's heart instantly started beating at the mention of Hazel practicing forbidden magic.

"My lord! Please let me know how I can assist you?" Alaric was quick enough to jump and ask for help.

“I am sure you brought me here because there is something I can do," Alaric added when he watchedShaun looking at him.

"There has been a case. Alpha Shepard lost his mate, and now he has gone crazy. He questioned afew people after somehow getting the information that I also took that road that night." Shaunmurmured, fear starting to take over him.

He then picked up the documents from the side of the table and let the guard in to discuss the seriousissue with them.

"My DNA is all over her," he said, slapping his forehead, reading the documents that were going to bepresented in the trial.

Alpha Shepard had filed a complaint of foul play. These documents were going to be presented, and ifthat happens, Shaun is gone.

"Do one thing. Tell them you haven't don’t checking her body and —burn the morgue down. How canthey expect to find DNA when there is nobody?” He smiled to himself. "Oh! And make sure you do it in

a way that it seems like Alpha Shepard did it to save his ass." He ordered none other than Enya’'sbiological father to do the job. Where Enya's mother has casted a spell on

Thiago, her father burned the morgue down.

"I— umm—,” Alaric rubbed his palms nervously. That conversation escalated from zero to 100 reallyquick.

“But-- he didn't do it, right?" Alaric asked Shaun as he stared at the documents in his hands. It waspretty certain to him that

Shaun was the culprit here.

"It doesn't matter. I was not myself that night. I mean, you know I am not a bad person, or else I wouldhave burned your wife a long time ago. I am a genuine person, and it was a genuine mistake.” Shaunhad to roll his eyes secretly at Alaric for his audacity.

"Of course, I know you are a good person." Alaric couldn't go against him when he kept making threatsto get Hazel in trouble.

"Good! Now take these files and burn them inside the morgue. Let everyone inside burn to death tomake it seem more real,”

Shaun ordered as he handed the files to Alaric, who nodded and left the room with the guard besidehim.

Soon they were going to spread the news that Alpha Shepard killed his wife with the silver bars andthen drove the car off the hills to make it seem like an accident.

Alaric went home first to inform Hazel of what he was going to do. The guard kept tailing him just tomake sure he did the job.

“Hey, where have you been? We were supposed to dine together." Hazel had been waiting for Alaric forthe past few hours, and when he didn't receive her calls, she got anxious.

“Can you give me a moment, please?" He turned to the guard and asked for some time. Since theguards knew Hazel was a trusted person of the alpha king, he nodded and walked out of the house.

The moment the guard left, Alaric started wheezing.novelbin

“What is going on? Are you alright?” Hazel got to her feet, rushing over to her husband and rubbing hisback.

“No! stay away from me," he let out a cry, pushing her away and stepping near the fireplace. The nightwas extremely cold, and even though Alaric had a wolf, he was freezing.

“What is happening? Why are you acting like that?" she complained, as she felt offended when hepushed her back.

“You tell me, Hazel. What the fuck are we doing?" He yelled, but then bit his tongue to lower hisvolume. He was crying like a child, holding some files near his chest, and looking at Hazel like he hadnever looked at her before.

She could tell that for the very first time, he was judging her.

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