Tasting All My Mates

Chapter 361
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Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 361

361-She Came For Him

"What's going on here?" she asked, looking at me instead of her boyfriend.

"Get up. I don’t want any drama." I pulled my body away from Corbin and told him to leave me alone.The look of empathy and concern was soon replaced with frustration and annoyance.

"What? Why did you come back so soon?” he got up on his feet and yelled at Moana, not explaininganything to her.

That is what I didn't want for the night. Another drama

"Why were you sitting so close to her?” she pouted, dropping her big mini purse and approaching him.

"That is none of your business,” Corbin answered, turning around to grab his shirt.

"And you were shirtless. What happened between you two?" She continued to question him, and hekept ignoring her. Why was she so desperate to keep him close when he was clearly not digging intothe energy?

"Fuck off, Moana!” he rolled his eyes at her, wearing his shirt and then sitting down in the bed to buttonup the shirt peacefully.

“Tell me how you seduced him, you daughter of an evil witch!" she turned to me and bitterly yelled atme. I was expecting her to come at me, but the approach she used reminded me of Lazio's words.Everybody saw me just for who my mother was. My personality seems to have drowned now.

“Back off," I responded to her with little energy, but it was Corbin who got out of bed to grab her by thearm and pull her away. He did it so aggressively that she almost tripped and was forced to be on herfeet when he lifted her up.

"What the fuck did you say to her?" He yelled at her, grabbing a handful of her hair and yanking herhead back. It really came as a shock to me.

I thought he would sneakily try to convince her he wasn't talking to me about our relationship, but hedidn't do that. He was pretty vocal this time.

“Let her go,” I complained, not liking how he was hurting her. That's when he calmed down andreleased her, but instead of arguing with him or leaving, she lunged at me.

If Corbin hadn't grabbed her from the back, she might have landed a punch to my face because I wasthat distracted that night. I jumped to my feet and stared at her in shock.

"Let me go! She is such a bitch. She gets everything without putting in any effort.” She screamed andtried to break free like a wild animal.

The anger and hatred she was showing shocked me. I watched Corbin try to get her away from me fora few minutes until he gave up.

He set her free, only to turn her around and smack her across the cheek. A gasp heaved across herlips when she landed on the floor.

She finally came back to her senses but didn't get up from the floor for a few more seconds.

"Get up when you've regained your senses," he said, pointing at her. "And why the heck are youattacking her as if she stole your mate? I am not your mate. And we never fucked.” Corbin said as heplaced his hands on his waist.

"What? Why are you looking at me with shock-filled eyes?” he yelled at her when she kept staring athim in shock, "You came to me, begging me to let you get into the academy because you wanted tospeak to Alpha Thiago. In return, I asked you for a favor.novelbin

We mutually planned to spread the news that we fucked so that we could be sent here. I got my wishand stayed right where she was after I helped you take admission here. And now suddenly, you areacting like we weren't pretending at all?" he let out a laugh when reminding her of the plans they havemade before arriving at the academy.

Obviously, he couldn't come here to stay with us because he wasn't a rogue, so he had to get punishedin order to stay here. But why?

"What did you want to say to Thiago?" I lost control and yelled at her. It makes sense now. Thiago leftsoon after she came. She must be the one who said something to him that made him leave me likethat.

"I admit we were playing, but then--- then, I started growing feelings for you,” she whispered to Corbinas she ignored me entirely.

"That is not my problem.” Corbin didn't even look a tad bit interested when responding to her.

"And you don't love me. You just wanted to steal her alpha king mate so that you can feel better aboutyourself," He added and she hissed.

"Why do you all want her so bad? Don’t you know what her mother did? What makes you think she willbe any better than her? She is evil. She has everything that belongs to me.” She stomped her foot likea child when getting up on her feet.

"Listen! I don't care about your insecurity issues, but tell me, what did you say to Thiago?" Iapproached her and grabbed her by the arm. She thought she could fight me, so she tried to shrugherself free, but she was like a tiny ant in front of my strength.

"Now be a good girl, and tell me, what have you done?" I asked, my eyes digging holes through hereyes.

"Never!" She brought her face closer to mine and smirked when yelling that word in my face.

"That's enough. You are getting the fuck out of here!" Corbin yelled as he grabbed her away from meand started shoving her out of the room.

"What? Nol I must stay here. My job is not done---,” she complained, but he didn't listen to her.

"You cannot do this to me. I must do it—," I heard her crying from outside the room, but Corbin hadmade up his mind to kick her out of the academy for once and all.

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