Tasting All My Mates

Chapter 357
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Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 357

Read Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee Chapter 357

“What are you saying, Maynard? She stood with you throughout the academy time, and you are goingto drop her? I was shocked at those words coming out of his mouth. I have seen him look at meweirdly, but that didn’t change the fact that my heart was sealed from feeling love for anyone else now.I have accepted two of my mates and Lazlo had al ready marked me. With that being said, my desire tofind love elsewhere is no longer the same.

Besides, how can he expect me to hurt Christina? Even if I had feelings for him, I would never do thatto her.

“I don’t care about her or anybody as long as you hold my hand. Look! I am tired of hiding my feelingsfor you. After los ing you, I realized I made a big mistake, but couldn’t do shit because you were angrywith me. But now you owe me.” He paused, and my frown grew. What did he mean by that?

“I owe you?” I asked, and he nodded aggressively.

“Your mother ruined my childhood and my mental peace. You should be with me and love meunconditionally so that can move on from the dark thoughts. Just the way you want to help Thiagoescape his dark side,” he was muttering and using his aggressive gestures while the omegas werewalking around him in confusion. They didn’t hear what we were talk ing about, but I am sure they willbe worried about what is go ing on between us.

“Maynard!” | paused as I held my breath in. “I was there with you but no–‘ | paused when he showedme his palm.

“I don’t want to hear anything else. I have waited for the day when I am able to ask you out again, andthe Moon God dess gave me that chance. You have 3 days. Please stop forc ing yourself away fromme and just accept me. We can be much happier with each other. Lazlo doesn’t even care about you

like that anymore.” The moment he talked about my rela tionship with Lazlo, I felt this urge to yell athim.

He had backstabbed Lazlo before; I don’t understand why he is going back when I thought he hadgrown up to be a bet ter person now.

“It is true. The way he treats you— it is like you are just trash for hi—,” before he could finish, I raisedmy hand and slapped him.

| should have looked around, but I didn’t care at the mo ment.

“He is not the one who cheated on me and badmouthed me. Don’t ever compare yourself to him again.You want me to accept you, while you want Christina to be left alone. How selfish are you?” | was angryat his audacity. She killed her brother for me. Christina got raped by Tipper because she wanted tokeep our secrets safe so that Maynard could be happy with her.

“After everything she did for you, if you cannot value her, then you will never value me,” I hissed as Istepped back and looked him in the eye, “If you are decent enough, you would forget about me now.Marry her and be the mate she deserves

because even if you give me three years, I will never fall for you again.” I finished, and just as I turnedto walk away, I saw Lazlo staring at us.

“What is going on? I was coming towards you guys and then saw Enya raising a hand at you.” Lazlogot closer to us and watched our faces one by one.

“He was talking about sadness and depression, so thought I should wake him up.” I laughed, making itless seri ous.novelbin

“By hitting him? You are lucky Christina didn’t see that.” Lazlo rolled his eyes and then walked over toMaynard, who hadn’t said another word afterward.

“Dude! Let’s go see the preparations. Three days are not enough. Especially when your father is still inmourning and unable to help around.” Lazio patted Maynard’s back, who stared at me for a momentand then walked past me with Laz lo.

‘What the heck was that? Did he seriously think we would cheat on our mates?’ Nia was even confusedafter hearing Maynard give us time and make us guilty enough to sleep with him.

‘You were the one who kept babbling and joking about how there could be something between usagain,’ I scoffed, briskly walking back into the mansion to stay in my room for the rest of the day.

‘How was I supposed to know he would turn out to be such a cheater?’ Nia sighed.

‘I don’t want to talk about anything. Let’s go see if there is any update on Thiago.’ I sat down on the bedand checked my inbox.

Seeing Oswin’s name pop up on the screen really made me smile.

Oswin: There is one way we can find him.

I smiled because I had a feeling my brother would be able to help.

Me: How? Tell me, how can I find him?

Oswin: I will let you know, but first you have to tell me why do you want to look for him and why did herun away like that?

I had texted him a few hours ago out of desperation, and strangely, Oswin was back to his normal selfwith me.

Me: Mom was the witch who had cursed him. So I need to find him so that I can lift the curse.

Oswin: Umm! I read the images you sent me of that book, and it seems like there is a sacrifice neededfor it. Don’t tell me you are thinking of sacrificing yourself for him, please?

I let out a sigh, staring at the screen for a minute before typing my response.

Me: I must. My mom created this mess. I should be the one to clear it. Besides, I would rather die thanthink about Thiago running around and hurting people. You know that is the last thing my Thiago wouldwant to do.

Oswin: Enya! If that is what you are planning to do, then I am sorry. I cannot help you.

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