Tasting All My Mates

Chapter 350
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Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 350

350-They Play Too Much

“I promise I didn’t hide the diary. Somebody stole it from me.” I started talking the instant Maynardshowed up with Christina.

“But why didn’t you tell me it was your mother who ruined my childhood?” He yelled at me, and I took afew steps back from him nervously.

“How could I? I was ashamed of the shit my mother had done. I didn’t want you all to see me in thatlight.” I whispered in guilt, “I wanted to read the whole thing first. And then I thought you would want tohear it from your mom when you confront her.” | bet whatever I said sounded like a bunch of excuses tothem.novelbin

“I don’t know what to say anymore, Enya. I wanted to read about what they did to me just so my motheris unable to lie to me about anything, but you took away that chance from me,” Maynard said, finallyturning his gaze away from my face.

“I didn’t want to. I didn’t know the diary was wi—,” before | could even finish, Maynard sprinted awayand I was left alone with Christina and Lazio. Christina passed me a sad glance, ex cusing herselfbecause she had to go check on Maynard.

“I will go be with him for now,” Lazlo said as he hastened away from me as if he couldn’t stand nearme. At that mo ment, I felt like I had lost everything.

I sat on the ground and raised my face to stare at the star rysky, my eyes filling with tears.

289 Vouchers “I don’t even know how you would have reacted after find ing out it was my mother whohad cursed you. Would you have hated me too?” | asked the sky, but I was talking to that missing mateof mine who took my heart away with him.

‘I don’t think he would have,’ Nia said. ‘I know for a fact that he would have never even made us feelresponsible for anything. Thiago was and is the only mate of ours who has never judged us.’ Shesounded so down that my heart ached for her. But she was right. Thiago would have never done whatthey were doing.

‘But I cannot blame them either. Maynard’s entire child hood was cursed due to my mother. Maybe hewas expecting me to not hide the truth from him.’ I excused Maynard’s be havior. He was hurt and hadevery right to be upset with me for hiding my mother’s sin from him. However, I did not hide the diary. Igot up from the ground and walked over to the edge to stare down without giving it much thought whenmy eyes picked up something.

I saw Moana walking out of the academy in haste and al most sneakily. She was looking around whenshe was rushing towards the road.

I kept staring at her until she disappeared, and then Corbin came into my sight. He left the academyafter her in the same manner. He wasn’t the type to hide from anyone, so where was he headed that hedidn’t want anybody to catch him?

W ochers I think they are up to something,’ | whispered, turning around and rushing downstairs tofollow them. I understand my life is full of a mess right now, but there is one person I still can’t stopworrying about.

‘I am going to follow them and make them confess to their plans,’ I said. It was just a fact that,somewhere deep inside, I felt like I needed to fix things. Since everybody had been look ing at me like Iwas a big culprit, I found my brain wanting to prove to them that I was not a bad person. I walkedstraight towards the exit and left after them. I was able to catch up with them, but I made sure I kept asafe distance between us.

It was clearly suspicious that the two were not walking to gether. She was a few steps ahead of him,and he was follow ing her. After about an hour-long walk, I found them getting marched inside anabandoned house. After Moana entered, Corbin stayed outside for three minutes and then followed herinside.

‘I knew it. I knew they were here for a reason.’ It was a good way to be helpful and solve an issueinstead of causing one, like my mother.

I rushed over to the house and walked inside with my heart beating inside my chest. I had preparedmyself for any thing worse. The house looked like it had been abandoned in sheer panic. There wasfurniture all over the place, and even the dirty dishes were resting on the floor. There was a living roomupon entrance, and attached to it was a kitchen. Then there were stairs that led to the second floor,where I believe

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they went

Taking the stairs, I reached the very first room where I ex pected to find them. I kind of felt like I wasgoing to witness the same shit as I witnessed when my mom was cursing Thia go.

“I can do this,” I told myself, hyping myself up. I slammed the door open and walked inside, allprepared. However, I was met with disappointment and guilt the moment I saw what

they were doing.

“Hey!” Moana complained, quickly pulling her pants up, adjusting her dress, and jumping out of thebed.

“Babe!” Corbin looked my way and gasped. “I don’t know when she slid into bed with me, but trust me, Icame here alone.” His words confused me. I stared at him as he rolled out of bed, looking for his pants.

I was stunned by his reaction.

“Why do you look so sad? You said you want to have your mates and I can have mine,” he wasyammering out of his ass, so I decided to just leave. I couldn’t even apologize for walking in on them.The moment I took a step back to turn around, I bumped into someone.

“Lazlo!” I said, watching his jaw clench at my sight.

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