Tasting All My Mates

Chapter 348
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Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 348

348-Suffering Silently

H a Vouchers The moment I remembered that hidden memory and why I had dreamed about thewoman cursing Thiago, my heart sank in my chest. I couldn’t even utter a word or walk inside the roomto inspect it.

“Wow! That’s a weird color,” Maynard said, walking past me to enter the room and then looking around.“There is noth ing here. But why is the color so red, and what is all this mark ing on the floor?” hefrowned, probably confused at what kind of messed up work my mother was doing here.

Thad tears in my eyes, my vision was blurred, and my body was shivering in guilt. It was my motherwho cursed Thiago, but for what?

Why would someone curse a little child? I couldn’t com prehend how my mother could be this evil. As Iraised my face and blinked the tears away, I saw Maynard walk around the room cluelessly. He had noclue my mother screwed him over, too.

At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if my mother had done something for Zander to turn out like that. Isit why I was given so many mates? Did she mess up everyone and then the Moon Goddess gave methem as a mate to punish me? Maybe

it is a redemption point where I have to help my mates?

“Enya!” Maynard spoke to get my attention. “Here is a pic ture—,” he was looking through the closetwhen I shook my head and started walking backward. I wanted to get out of here and leave as fast as Icould.

“Um! What is happening to you?” He must have seen me cry, because he ran after me out of the roomto check on me. I shook my head one last time before I turned around and sprinted out of the room like

crazy. He followed me, and once! was in the front yard, I broke down.

“What is going on? Did something happen?” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer tohis chest as I cried frantically.

“Enya! You are scaring me,” Maynard whispered, gently patting my back.

“What happened to her?” I heard Christina ask Maynard. That’s when Maynard broke the hug andsteadily handed me over to Lazio.

I wasted no time before pulling myself closer to Lazlo and hiding my face in his chest. He hugged meback but didn’t say anything.

He was probably still upset remembering his mother, and now he had to calm me down.

“I am so worried about her.” Christina was running her hand through my hair and trying to calm medown, but how do I calm down? How can I even tell them what happened? How do I tell them thewoman who cursed Thiago was my mother?

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The one who needs to be sacrificed is me.novelbin

“Let’s go back to the academy. It seems like this place gave us the answers we needed,” Lazlomumbled, and I finally lifted my face from his chest to speak to them. I needed to tell them I was theone who should be sacrificed for Thiago.

“I will go grab our bags,” Christina suggested, and she ran inside to pick up her stuff. I was just blanklystaring at them, feeling like a culprit. My mother messed up everything and then left me behind to clearthe mess.

How can someone be so heartless?

“I have to tell you guys about—” | paused, watching Christina come out and join us.

“Guys, we should go,” she suggested, and they agreed. I wanted to have a talk with them, but I wastrying to calm my self down first. In the meantime, we sat together in the car and hit the journey back tothe academy. I had my head resting on Lazlo’s shoulder when I noticed him moving a little.

“Can you sit over there? My shoulder is kind of numb,” he complained as he gently massaged hisshoulder.

“Oh! I am so sorry, I didn’t notice,” I uttered, and instantly sat up straight.

“Enya! What happened back there? Did you have a vi

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sion?” Maynard questioned himself while driving the car. He was keeping one eye on the road andsnitching a glimpse of me in the mirror.

“I — I found out – who had cursed Thiago,” as soon as I said those words, Maynard hit the breaks andwe almost col lapsed. Thanks for the invention of belts!

“What? that is good news.” Maynard turned around and smiled. The others suddenly looked so happy.

“That means we can contact Thiago somehow and tell him we have found the cure.” Christina clappedher hands excited ly. “wait! we cannot do anything until we find him, right?” She tried to confirm, and abrief nod from me gave her the answer.

“Dammit! He didn’t want us to go with this plan. So how in hell are we going to find him to cure him?”She sighed, getting out of the car after Maynard eyed us all to leave the car and sit on the side of the

road to discuss it in detail. I reluctantly got out of the car, followed by Lazlo, who was just silent all thetime.

“We can make a plan to lure him back, but first, we need to get our hands on the one we are going tosacrifice.” May nard stroked his chin while Lazlo sat silently on the side.

“What if the witch’s blood is pure? I mean, kids can turn out good,” Christina suggested, but then Ifound Lazlo glaring at her in silence. I just didn’t understand what was going on with Lazlo, but therewas something definitely bothering him.

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“An evil person’s child turns out evil only.” That came from Lazlo. He said it without looking at anyonespecifically.

“But Enya turned out good.” Maynard shrugged his shoul ders, and it helped me a lot. Because I wasgoing to tell them now that the evil person who cursed Thiago was none other than my mother.

“The witch who cursed Thiago —- was my mother,” My words distracted them from discussing anymore plans. The silence engulfed them entirely, and I found myself in the cen ter of the quizzical stares.

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