Tasting All My Mates

Chapter 326
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Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 326

326 The Broken Bond

Author’s POV:

Years Ago:

“What is wrong with him? Tell me.” Argo hadn‘t looked at Emelia this entire time when talking to her.

“I don‘t know. I was thinking maybe you will be able to tell me what is wrong with him.” Emelia hadbrought Zander here, and while Argo held him, he couldn‘t help but tear up.

“He is so beautiful,” Argo smiled at his little boy.

“He got the handsome features from his father,” she smiled at him, feeling guilty for how she had usedhim in the past.

“Can I keep h—im?” He asked, but then he paused.

“You can,” she decided, feeling like Zander would feel better in his father‘s guidance.

“No! I didn‘t mean it. It‘s just that my wolf has lost control after everything happened. I will never be agood father to him,” he sighed, giving him back to Emelia.

“You are going to give him our son?” it was then Kevin came out from behind the tree and yelled atEmelia.

“Kevin!” she gasped at his arrival, fearing his reaction.

“You cheated on me and I forgave you for it. But now you are going behind my back to give away myson to him. You asked me to look at these twins as my own, and when I did, you

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decided to give him back to this monster?” Kevin was yelling at the top of his lungs, triggering Argo.

“Please hear me out. Zander is a special baby. He needs special care.” Emelia had realized it later, butshe knew Zander would need his father beside him.

“And I cannot give him that special care, is that what you mean?” Kevin yelled, tears streaming downhis eyes. He had loved Emelia more than anything he had ever loved, but her betrayal had caused himhumiliation and pain.

“You know what I am talking about. Argo is special,” she whispered, staring at Kevin to understand herpoint.

“No! he is not special; he is a monster.” Kevin stopped crying, and it made Emelia‘s heart skip a beat.She frowned when she watched Kevin take a step forward and grab her hand to pull her away fromArgo.

“What are you doing?” She yelled, watching Kevin gesture at someone outside the cabin.

“We found a monster,” he yelled, informing the guards of the pack.

“Kevin! What have you done?” Emelia screamed when the guards invaded the cabin. Argo wasbeginning to feel all the heat at once. Emelia knew he wouldn‘t be able to control his wolf for too long,and once he shifts, they will attack him by calling him a monster.

“No! let him go,” she was yelling while being dragged away by Kevin. The guards had surrounded Argoat this time.

520–lhe DIOKHI Bond

“If you tried to shift, we will be left with no other option but to shoot,” a guard raised his voice to beheard through all the cracking of Argo‘s bones and grunting noises he was making.

“Let‘s go.” Kevin had done his job. He didn‘t plan to stick around for the monster in Argo to take over.

“No! I am not going anywhere with you. I would rather stay with him than you.” It was a bit too late forEmelia to make that decision, because Argo had already started shifting. The guards had beeninformed about his monstrous wolf. It was over for Argo.

“Do you want him to shift and hurt our child? Do you?” Kevin shook her by her arm, watching her tearup for Argo. He then dragged her out and swiftly made it to the car while he heard Argo‘s wolf takeover. He knew Argo had transitioned fully, so he escaped without wasting a minute.

The moment he reached home, he called the guards and the warriors to inform them about the monsternamed Argo.

Emelia had been sitting with her twins and crying this entire time. Blaming herself for Argo‘s fate. Hewas doing so well before her selfish desires ruined him completely.

“Your monster boyfriend killed all the guards in the cabin. He is on a run now.” Kevin disconnected thecall and grunted angrily.

“What have you done?” she cried in her hands. “He had been nothing but so nice to me.” She wasyammering and every time she sided with Argo, Kevin felt pain in his heart.

“And what about you? He was nice to you; I was nice to you.

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But who were you nice to? Just yourself.” Kevin was no longer planning to beg her to stay with him. Hedid everything he could to please her. Even forgave her for cheating on him. She asked him to love thekids and he did. But now she wanted to snatch the baby away from him. He was not ready for that.

“I am sorry. I was this broken girl who wanted revenge on everyone. I shouldn‘t have married you until Igot my shit together.” Emelia knew she was not a saint. She messed up everything for everyone justbecause she was angry at the ones who wronged her. But now it was too late because Kevin knewwhat was next for her.

“It is too late now. Alpha Yale had found out about your affair with that monster, Argo. He will beplanning a punishment for you very soon.” Kevin sniffled as he prepared himself for a major heartbreak.

“What? Oh My God! He will take away the babies too,” she whispered as she realized Zander would beconsidered a monster too.

“That will only happen if we tell them Zander is Argo‘s baby.” Kevin straightened his back. “I can savethe babies but you! You are done playing with me. I, Kevin Nolac, reject Emelia as my mate and cut allthe ties with you.” it was something Emelia was not prepared for. She didn‘t expect him to reject her likethat.

But Kevin had made that plan the moment he heard her talk to Argo on call and plan a meeting withhim.

“Kevin!” feeling the striking pain in her heart, Emelia didn‘t understand what it was. She didn‘t have awolf, so she needed

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to reject him. The bond had severed now and they were no longer connected.






I know you all are upset about 1 update a day. I have a lot of work to do (In personal life as well) soplease spare me this month.

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