Tasting All My Mates

Chapter 242
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Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 242

242-The Creepy Creature I watched a transformed Lazlo jumping over and tripping Maynard to the sideand saving his life. The commotion turned the air intense.

I felt a pair of muscular arms heave me in the air and take me to the side, but before he could get intothe woods, a few of Marcellus' men jumped in front of us. "Ah! You suckers really want a piece ofZander, don't you?" Zander quickly put me down, just with the tree to get rid of them. I was leaningagainst the tree and watching Christina, Zander, Lazlo, and Maynard fight them. Zander and Maynardwere the only ones who hadn't transitioned yet. Maynard had wolfbane in his system, whereas Zanderwas supposed to carry me out of here. I wish they had arrived just a few minutes early. I touched mybelly and tears streamed down my eyes. And I badly wanted Thiago's baby. It was so comforting toknow I still have a piece of him. But now that it was gone, I was left beyond shattered. I watchedMaynard grab Billy even when he was slow with wolfbane. "Not my son!" Marcellus let out a cry, tryingto fight Lazlo at the same time. Maynard made sure Marcellus was watching him when he snappedBilly's neck and then shoved his hand in his chest to grab his heart out. "No!!!" Marcellus screamed,getting distracted to the point that Lazlo attacked him and bit him on the neck until his head was tornapart from his body. So much bloodshed and the one responsible was getting out alive. Maynardturned out to be the reason that I lost my baby. The family who lost their daughter was gettingslaughtered. It wasn't like I didn't feel pity for them, but it changed when they killed my innocent baby.They were as bad as him. "Look what your crazy friends did," I heard a whisper from behind me, andrealized nobody had been watching Poppy. Before I could turn around, she wrapped her hand over mymouth and dragged me away from the war. "Ahhh!" I was groaning while getting dragged into the deepwoods. For just being an Omega, she was incredibly powerful. She was able to drag me behind herwith one hand. "I fucking knew you were not his mate anymore, and neither was that baby his. But justwanted two birds being killed by one stone." I don't know if it was the fear of what she was planning forme or just the pressure I was under after losing the baby that her voice sounded different. It was roughand deep, almost like a monster. My muscles contracted when she shoved me to the ground and cameface to face with me. She wasn't the Poppy I had always seen. "You are a skinwalker," I gasped,

unable to process anything anymore. "Oh right! I'm," She smirked, her face turning gray and her limbsexpanding. "You thought you were the only special one? I'm more than just an omega she-wolf," shelaughed maniacally, her hair turning into branches and expanding and flowing around her. "Oh My God!The person crying on the rooftop that day of the tornado was you," || gasped when I remembered thatdistant memory. "Ah! It seems like somebody's memory is still working," she smirked, her eyes growingin size and turning all black. "You were always there to torture me and I missed the red flags," Imuttered, remembering how she was the one who kept pushing Willow to go into the fields. "You madeWillow go into the fields," I shook my head at how blind I was to not see what she had been doingbehind everyone's back. "Oh yes, I did. I knew you would hop on the role of a hero and walk in there.Surprisingly enough, you killed that skinwalker. I knew that exact moment I need to get rid of you. If youcould kill that ancient Skinwalker, you can kill me in a heartbeat. I don' t want that. I want to be the mostpowerful creature," she let out a scoff when thinking about our powers. She was clearly power-hungry,and it bugged her that nobody was paying attention to her. "Does that mean Olivia was also a---skinwalker?" I asked in confusion. "No! I was the only child that my father had from having arelationship with a skinwalker," She almost zoned out for a moment. "You said you knew he wasn't thefather of my baby. Then why did you let your crazy father hurt him?" I was still in tears. It wasn't easy toforgive and forget what they did to me. Just because their daughter suffered didn't mean they get apass to hurt someone innocent, and I was innocent in this scenario. "There cannot be two powerfulshe-wolves in one academy. I just didn't like how you got everything you could ever desire and I wasstuck getting bullied. Even my mate cared for you." She scoffed at the memory of Oswin always beingthere for me. "So you made me go through all this simply because you were jealous of me and yourmate's closeness?" | frowned, watching her in shock. "Part of it, but I knew you couldn't ever bephysically involved with him." She smirked, distorting her body to reach me while her feet stayed faraway from me. "Incest is illegal, isn't it?" her statement shocked me and left me confused while she letout a laugh on my face "You sure are more powerful. You have too many mates and people who loveyou, but you are also the dumbest, clueless bitch ever," she snickered, making me pant anxiously I waslost in her words that I didn't even see her bringing out a silver dagger to finish this once and for all

"What do you mean by that?" I asked in terror, my heart pounding in my temples. "It doesn't matteranymore. It's not like you will stay alive to ever find out anything anymore," she giggled, watching myeyes fill with tears. It was as if I was going to die without knowing so much about my life. I no longerhad a child in me, but my body had suffered a significant loss, so I couldn't do anything. "Your mateswill finally rest after their troublemaker mate is gone." she raised the dagger and attacked me with it. Ifelt this pain in my body before I landed on the ground. ** How many of you knew there was somethingdifferent about Poppy? Also, comment down bellow if you want me to update one chapter a week forSharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothersnovelbin

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