Tasting All My Mates

Chapter 211
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Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 211

211 He Is Hard For Me

“Thiago, I want you to leave,” I finally broke the silence when the agitation in my body compelled me.

“You want megone?” Thiago asked. I heard the pain in his voice. It was heartbreaking, but my heart was broken too.

“Just for now,” I said, looking everywhere but in his eyes.

“Justa few minutes ago, you were reluctant when I was leaving. What changed?” his voice held suspicion. I knew he was slowly picking up on us, being awareof something from the way he was even looking my way.

“I realized I need some privacy and space,” I said, nervously looking around to find a better excuse.

“From me?” Thiago inquired, since I didn‘t ask Lazlo to leave.

He stayed put in his spot, waiting for my response. After I couldn‘t bring myself to tell him in coherent words, he got the gesture.

“Give me a call when he wakes up,” Thiago said in a disappointed voice before storming out of the room.

“I know it‘s hard for you. Sadly, life is full of twists and unhappy moments. One moment you are enjoying and happy, the very next moment you find out that you have been lied to.” Lazlo looked very disturbed when commenting on our situation.

I knew it wasn‘t easy for him to lose another friend. First Maynard and now Thiago.

“I know it‘s not easy for you too,” as I said it very calmly, he raised his face and our eyes met. We were sitting in his bed and waiting for Oswin to wake up.

I felt guilty of not alerting Oswin about Thiago beforehand. If only Iwere wiser, 1 would have warned him to stay away from the monster.

“Thank you for everything, Lazlo. I know I don‘t say it alot, but I really appreciate your patience and your support.” I gave him a genuine smile and noticed his eyes shining in response.

“Can I ask for something?” It was then he stole his eyes from me before requesting to say something. It took me by surprise because the way he had to avoid eye contact was just odd.





“Sure!” I wasn‘t sure. It was just this feeling that I knew what he was going to talk about.

“I know you need some time to move on from Thiago. But— 1 — I keep thinking—|| mean—” I found sweat forming on his temples as he struggled to speak his heart.

“What is it Alpha Lazlo?” I teased, trying to ease up the tensed environment.

“I want to kiss you,” his lips said those words very softly. He raised his face to look into my eyes finally. I was shocked at his request.

“Please don‘t mind,” he retracted, shaking his head at his demand.

“At least youjust didn‘t force a kiss on me,” I sighed, rolling my eyes. He bobbed his head after lowering his face. I kind of felt bad for him. He had been very calm with me and the rules I made.

“I will be honest with you. I was not going to ever break therules because I was honestly in a very happy place with Thiago. But after he broke my heart, I really think I need to think of myself now,” I said as I let out a sigh. I was ready to giveLazlo a chance, but maybe a bit slow.

Once he got the hint that I was onthe same page as him, he bent down on my lips and waited for my reaction. He continued to pull closerwhen I didn‘t back off. Soon he crashed his lips against mine, and our bodies transferred heat. It was my first intimate kiss with Lazlo.

I was a bit stiff in the beginning, butthen my body eased up. I found his hands were wrapped around my back while he deepened the kiss. His lips sucked mine aggressively, as if he had been thirsty for years.

His firm hands kept pulling me over his chest until hehad lifted me up from the bed and sat me down in his lap. I had my legs parted and wrapped around his back. His tongue demanded an entry, and I let him. Our tonguesconnected, exploring each other‘s mouths.

As he further pulled me closer to his chest, my sensitive area came into contact with his hard dick. Although we were fully clothed, I started rubbing my vagina up and down his bulge.

As I squirmed on his body, he scratched my back a little. The heat was getting out

of control. I didn‘t even know I wanted to do him so badly until now.

Thiago leaving me had opened a door of possibility for Lazlo. We were moaning on each other‘s lips and grinding when we heard a little groan in the surroundings.

We broke the kiss and stared at each other‘s faces in confusion. I knowhe wasn‘t groaning, and neither was I.

“Oswin!” we both gasped in unison after acknowledging we had a wounded soldier in thebed, and we were busy making out.

I jumped out of his lapand reached for Thiago‘s bed to check on Oswin. It was a bit odd to stand next to Lazlo now, but it didn‘tbad.

“He is waking up,” Lazlo whispered, “And Gosh! I am still very hard. That is so inappropriate,” he gruntedwhen his eyes saw how strong his dick was standing in his pants.

My cheeks turned red while I focused on Oswin.

“Thi–ago!” The first word Oswin said was Thiago‘s name, and both Lazlo and I knew why.

“Hey! Don‘t worry. He is not here.” I smiled at Oswin, who drowsily opened his eyes and looked around.

“Where is he?” Oswin inquired.

“He is gone. But he will be back,” Lazlo stated, reminding us we were not fully safe from Thiago.


Lazlo and Enya made out. A lot of hardcore sex coming up in the next few chapters between the two a lonovelbin

I have a hypothetical question for you all. Let‘s say Enya has only two mates left. Thiago andMaynard. And she must pick one, which one would you vote for her to pick?

Do leave your answer in the comment section.

Au Revoir

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