Tasting All My Mates

Chapter 176
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Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 176

176-Room Full Of Bitches!

I didn‘t speak to Mr. Tripper again. it just left me perplexed and lost. The trip arrived out of nowhere.Besides, who would he be talking to about me?

Could it be Corbin, but why hadn‘t he told him about that incident in his office yet already?

Maynard has promised Christina to walk with her to her parents and speak to them. However, therewas something that didn‘t sit well with me. I never heard them talk about their adoptive parents. Howcome they came out of nowhere?

And then, exactly when I was thinking about it all, Christina began to explain herself to Maynard.

“You need to be vigilant around them. Zander and I were adopted when we were kids only. Theyweren‘t–the best a kid would ask for, but at least we survived when our biological uncle appeared out ofnowhere. We left the house, but they are still our guardians because our uncle decided to abandon usonce again.” She was whispering to Maynard, who was watching her pack his bags for him.

This is what I was worried about. He had found a new Enya to do the job for him. He would never learnlike that. But I believe | need to just look away from him and what he is doing with his life at this point.

Thiago had walked out of the room when I came back and told him I was unable to speak to Mr.Tripper. He had just returned with a smile on his lips.

What happened to you?” I asked, passing him a playful, skeptical glance.

“Mr. Tripper said you don‘t need to take permission. They have sent the letters out to the parentsalready and had asked them to sign them.” Thiago informing me brought a smile to my lips.

But it wasn‘t only I who was extremely happy. Christina jumped off the bed excitedly and rushed to holdThiago‘s arm. She did it so smoothly and in a friendly way that I couldn‘t even gather my thoughts for amoment.

“Are you serious? Does that mean we don‘t have to go and suffer?” she asked him excitedly. EvenThiago looked confused. He steadily pulled his body away from hers and nodded to the information.

“Oh My Goodness!” throwing her body on the bed, she let out the deepest sigh and smiled to herself, “Iwas so worried about that meetup. Let me call Zander.” she left the room to speak to her brother, andgive him the good news while Maynard stayed still in his spot.

It seemed like he didn‘t like her getting all friendly with Thiago. And also leaving his packing undone.Things were finally pacing fast and good. Nothing weird happened and in two days, we have alreadyleft for the Bahamas.

It was Oswin, Poppy, Willow, Keith, Paige, Maynard, Zander, Christina, Jessica, Lazlo, Thiago, and mewith some other students that I have never actually talked with. But I assumed

they were friends with the others.

The whole airplane journey was the worst because I kept dozing on and off and when it was time fortouch–down, I almost threw up.

“How are you feeling now?” Thiago asked, holding his bags and one of mine too. Lazlo had snatchedmy other bag, so I was pretty much only carrying my own burden now.novelbin

“Much better,” I whispered, resting my head on his shoulder as we took the bus they have hired for usto show us around.

“Okay!” Mr. Tripper got in the middle of the bus to speak to us. “Think of this bus as your meeting spot.You cannot walk away alone and be back on the bus by 6:00 pm,” he warned us before taking his seatwith the other teachers in the front.

“Can I sit with you?” I saw Willow getting up from her seat and reaching for Maynard, who was on theother side of the bus with one row ahead of us.

“I am kind of used to sitting freely. What happened to the seat you were sitting in before?” Maynard‘smild excuse to not let her sit with him made her look up and watch my face as if I have told him to notlet her sit with him.

“I have been sitting with Paige. I think she deserves to sit with her mate for some time,” she repliedsoftly.

I have not talked to her at all after the whole mess. So I wasn‘t sure how much she was going to denyand accuse others of her


“Ah!” Maynard bobbed his head. “Umm! Oh, look! There is a ‘spot empty in the backseat.” He thenturned his body around, still not letting her pass by, and sit with the window and pointed at an emptyseat in the back.

“Okay, thank you.” she looked so defeated, but I didn‘t feel bad for her. She knowingly kept an affairwith taken mates.

While watching her leave, Maynard turned to pass Christina a quick glance, who have been observingthem too.

I had a feeling Christina was going to do something, and I wasn‘ t wrong. She got from her seat andstood beside Maynard to say, “Can I sit here?”

Willow stopped in her steps and watched them communicate.

“Sure!” that smile on Maynard‘s face shocked Willow. Everybody who was watching them went silent.To the outsiders, it seemed like Willow was trying to hit on Maynard, and he rejected her attempts.

Zander had fallen asleep already and even if he was awake, his sister would have switched seats. Wetook off in the hotel with Mr. Tripper and he gave us the keys to our rooms.

There was a slight issue here.

“Why?” Keith inquired, sounding annoyed. Everybody else seemed upset, too. The group didn‘t havevery welcoming

people in it. And around this time, everybody was kind of at odds with each other.

“This is a school trip, not a honeymoon. The girls will stick in one suite and the boys will be in aseparate one. I don‘t want any misbehaver that would lead fingers to our academy‘s reputation. This isalso so that you all don‘t just stick to your rooms with your mates and miss on many fun activities. Nowgrab your bags and part for your floor,” Mr. Tripper had put me with the coven of witches. None of thegirls liked me.

How the hell was I going to survive here? And not to mention, Willow and Christina had been passingeach other glares, too.

“Now let‘s go,” Mr. Tripper repeated, gesturing at us to part for our rooms.

“You are lucky or else I would have fucked you hard enough to get the attitude out of you,” I heardMaynard pass a comment in a whisper to Christina, who didn‘t really take offense when she shouldhave. She sped up from him to match the pace of her brother.

“They are all together. You know what girls do when they are left alone?” I heard Keith talking toMaynard while walking behind Thiago and me. Others have flown off to get great beds.

“They gossip,” Keith added.

“See! You will not be the center of attention for arguments this time,” Thiago nuzzled my elbow andsmiled.

I hope so!

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