Tangled Love

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Jake's POV -

I turn around and walk back through the hospital doors making my way through the route I've nowmemorised. I push open the door leading to the private rooms and head for number 52, the one Emilyis in.

She was still asleep when I left her but the nurse told me she'd be waking up soon. I don't want her towake up alone but on the other hand I don't know how to react when she does wake up. She lookedterrified before, her eyes wide and her body trembling. I curse myself for standing there frozen to thespot, I should have helped her.

All the days of waiting for her to wake up and it finally happened. I definitely didn't expect it to go theway it did but I completely understand why she was so freaked out. Jones kidnapped her, mentallybroke her down and tied up her up for weeks. The marks on her wrist were still healing from the ropeshe'd used. I stop outside the door and wait a moment before pushing it back slowly and walking in. Istop as soon as I notice she's awake and sitting up. Her eyes stare straight into mine and once again Iremain rooted to the spot.

"Hey you," she says quietly, giving me a little smile. I smile back at her —

"Its good to hear your voice again, thought I lost you there for a moment."

My own voice comes out quiet and I fiddle with the small white tablets in my pocket once again.

"Are you okay?" She asks me and I nod quickly, my gaze landing on the floor.

I'm not okay, I'm definitely not okay but I can't let her know that, I need to be strong for her.

She holds her hand out to me and I walk towards it, taking it in mine. Her skin is so soft and her hand istiny compared to mine. I smile down at it and she also looks at our hands intertwined with each other.

"I missed you," I whisper, my voice barely loud enough to be heard.

"Is it weird that I missed you? I don't know how long I was asleep for but I missed you." She responds,stroking her thumb against my skin. I take a seat next to her and know the time has come to explaineverything that happened.

"You were in a coma for roughly three weeks Emily," I start. Her eyes widen a little at this but sheremains quiet, allowing me to continue.

"When Jones shot you, I didn't know what to do. I was so scared, I've never felt fear like that before."

I shut my eyes, trying hard to compose myself. My voice is trembling and I hate having to admit howscared I am, I hate showing fear. I feel Emily lift my hand to her lips and she places a gentle kiss on it,reassuring me. I take a deep breath before carrying on —

"After he shot you, Jones shot himself. He's dead." I say, swallowing the lump in my throat as Iremember him hitting the floor with a loud thud. I look up at Emily and I'm surprised to see her taking itso well. Her face remains emotionless and I can't figure out how she's feeling. I take her silence as mycue to continue —

"You've been here for the past three weeks, I haven't left your side, I swear. I've slept here every singlenight with you, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault, I should be lying in that bed, not you. I'm so sorry." I finallybreak down, my voice falling to pieces.

The tears I've held back for the past three weeks spill down my cheeks. I feel like the guilt is eating meup inside out, chipping away at me piece by piece.

"Jake. . . Jake, look at me!" Emily says firmly. I lift my head and she takes both of my hands in hers,brown eyes flickering between both of mine.

"It's not your fault. You didn't pull the trigger, I don't blame you at all. I can't believe he's dead. . . Jonesis dead." She says quietly, registering her words.

She releases one of my hands and I feel her hand cup my chin, forcing me to look up at her. Her otherhand gently wipes the tears away from my cheeks and I nestle further into her touch, so grateful to feelher warm skin on mine once again. It's amazing how despite being in her condition, she's the onecomforting me. I didn't realise how much I needed to hear her next few words —novelbin

"I don't blame you, I never will so please don't blame yourself.”

"Thank you." I whisper, the tight hold on my chest finally being released. I felt like I couldn't breathe fora long time, too guilty to function properly. Moments of silence pass between us and I glance up to seeEmily hesitate before she speaks again.

"Did my mum come to visit me?"

I debate whether telling her but decide to be completely truthful knowing she would eventually find outanyway . . . the truth has a way of worming it's way out of the woodwork.

"She visited once last night... She didn't stay long." I respond choosing my words carefully. I decide toleave out the fact her mother is now a drug addict knowing no good could possibly come from Emilyknowing.

Emily nods slowly, absorbing the information. I see the hurt flash across her face and I sit next to herthe bed, pulling her into my arms. She cuddles into me close and I gently move one of the wires she'sattached to out the way.

"When can I leave and go home?" She asks me quietly and I kiss the top of her head, feeling her hairtickle my chin.

"Soon. The doctor needs to run some tests and the police need to speak to you. Just tell them the truthbut leave out the part where I become superman and save your pretty little ass."

I feel her body shake as she chuckles at my words and the smile that lights up my face is the firstgenuine one since I can remember. My heart warms and I kiss her head repeatedly —

"God, I've missed you." I add squeezing her gently in my arms. She murmurs in agreement andcuddles into me closer, pulling the covers over both of us. I felt content, holding her in my arms. Herbreathing becomes heavier and I watch as her chest falls and rises steadily, signalling she's in a deepsleep.

It isn't long before my own eyes became heavy with sleep and I finally gave in to the urge to sleep for adecade. Three weeks of exhaustion finally hits me and that night was the first night I haven't had thenightmare that haunted my dreams.

No gunshot, no screams, no blood.

Just the warm body nestled against mine peacefully.

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