Tangled Love

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"Bacon sandwich please, white bread and plenty of ketchup."

I hand over the exact change and take a seat in the hospital cafe as I wait for my order. Emilysqueezing my hand had motivated me and it's like I had gotten a little ounce of my spark back. I'drealised how hungry I am and finally gave in to my rumbling stomach. I pull out my phone and addTobias, Mum, Ivory, Trish and Aunt Myra to a conversation before texting them all.

Emily squeezed my hand today. The doctor's said it was good news but we shouldn't get our hopes up.

I send the text and took a gulp from my coffee, grateful for the instant jolt it gives me. I need caffeineand lots of it. When I told the doctor about Emily's progress, he warned me not to be hopeful as herhand moving could just be a reflex of her nerves.

I refuse to believe him, she'd squeezed my hand when I asked her to. Even if the doctors have givenup on her, I haven't. For the first time in what feels like forever, I'm hopeful for the future. I smile andthank the cafe owner as she places the plate down in front of me, the glorious smell wafting in the air.

I've just picked up one half of the sandwich when a blonde sits in the chair opposite me on my table.She smirks at me flirtatiously before speaking —novelbin

"Manners and cute? Where have you been all my life?"

Her voice is squeaky, high and completely artificial. From the looks of her, she is too. Her face iscovered in an inch of thick makeup, five shades darker then her actual skin tone. She wears blackeyelashes stacked ontop of her real ones and I lift my eyebrow at her, putting my sandwich back down.

I sigh, feeling annoyed that I'd been interrupted from eating this glorious bacon sandwich. My stomachrumbles loudly, filling in the silence between us and she giggles, nodding towards me.

"Hungry?" She asks, not taking notice of my facial features at all. If she had, she'd know I'm notinterested at all, I'm practically scowling at the girl.

"I'm not interested." I respond bluntly, picking my sandwich back up and finally taking a large bite fromit. I groan quietly as the taste finally fills my mouth and take another bite, not caring if I look like astarved caveman right now. I finally understand why Emily moans when she eats when food tastes thisdamn good.

The blonde appears taken aback from my words and I have to stop my eyes from dramatically rollingas I realise she isn't used to being turned down. What she's doing in a hospital cafe completely bafflesme.

In the past, I would have probably played along and flirted back. Maybe even shared a kiss or two. . .eventually I'd give her my number which was in fact the number for a random pizza place.

All that was in the past now, I'm not interested in anyone beside Emily. She completely ignores mywords and one of her hands rest on my arm suggestively. She strokes my skin and my eyes snaptowards it.

Does this girl not get it?

What part of I'm not interested does she not understand?

"Aren't you Jake Melvin?" she purrs, getting closer to me. I can smell her sickly sweet perfume, the kindthat makes you gag when it hits the back of your throat.

"Nope," I lie. I hastily move my arm away and continue to eat my sandwich which funnily enough is somuch more interesting than her. She giggles childishly at my response, taking it as a joke and I raisemy brow at her ignorance.

She leans forward once again, completely invading my personal space and whispers seductively in myear. I choke on my bacon sandwich at her words and gently push her back away from me whilst tryingnot to have a coughing fit. Funnily enough, I'm in the right place if I so happen to die from choking onbacon. Death by bacon.

What a legendary way to leave this world.

"What do you say?" She purrs, smirking at me and I sigh dramatically before turning towards her.

"Look, I'm here to enjoy a simple bacon sandwich. I'm shattered and my girlfriend is lying upstairs in acoma. The last thing I need right now is to be doing 'that' with you." I tell her bluntly, making sure sheunderstood my words.

I can hear a few sniggers around me and I smile tightly at her before downing the last of my coffee,scraping the chair back and standing up. Her face is priceless, she looks embarrassed and from theblush creeping up her cheeks, I'd say my guess is right. I chuckle quietly, thanking the cafe workeragain before heading back to Emily's room.

Some people just have no shame.

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