Tangled Love

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As I step off the bus, I grimace in pain before swapping my book bag to my other shoulder. If I movean inch, the pain flares up immediately. I slowly walk down the road, heading for the school buildingstraight ahead.

"If you walk any slower, that snail will probably pass you."

I turn my head, my eyes widening in surprise as they land on Jake Melvin. He's right behind me,dressed in a white shirt, jet black skinny jeans and a leather jacket. He's holding a unlit cigarette in onehand and a lighter in the other, looking extremely annoyed. The encounter with him flashes through mymind and I smile at him tightly. He raises one brow at me, his eyes quickly scanning over my body.

"Cat got your tongue Muffin?" He says bluntly and I frown, shooting him a glare. He shrugs it off,stepping around me before walking a few steps ahead. I sigh and switch my bag again, unable to stopthe discomfort from flashing across my face.

"I'm mad at you for being mean yesterday when I apologised." I say loudly, grabbing his attention. Ihear a scoff before he slowly turns around, blue eyes staring straight at me.

"I shouldn't have to apologise, you ran into me."

"It was an accident, I'm human." I protest, ignoring the nerves building in my stomach from beingunderneath his intense gaze.

"Manners don't cost a penny Jake Melvin." I scold him, attempting to walk ahead of him in a huff. Thepain in my sides makes that impossible and to my dismay, I have to slow down.

"Whatever you say Emily Wentworth." Jake mimics me, placing the cigarette inside his mouth andlighting it. I grimace and take a step away from him.

"You're extremely annoying," I mumble under my breath which earns a smug smile from Jake. Heblows the smoke out in my direction and I immediately begin to choke on it. His laughter fills the air ashe walks off, leaving me shooting daggers in his direction.


I can't numb the pain, the limp when I walk is so obvious. I swallow two painkillers and lean against theback of the chair, waiting for them to take effect. I decide to arrive early so I can sit down in classwithout anyone noticing my discomfort. I managed to clean up the cut on the side of my head and it'snow disguised cleverly with my hair. My stomach is still pulsing from the pain, every little movementcauses my eyes to flutter shut and my head to spin with dizziness.

I groan and place my head on the desk, waiting for the room to stop spinning. The class door opensand a few of my classmates enter,

shooting an awkward look my way. I quickly sit up, giving them a weak smile. I take out my booksslowly and pretend to be fascinated with trigonometry. If I kept my head down, maybe no-one will noticethe pain on my face or my eyes.

A few minutes pass before the teacher walks in, greeting us all. I wave at Trish as she pulls up next tome, looking as fabulous as ever. Her blonde hair has been straightened and flowing down hershoulders. Her makeup is immaculately done and her nails are painted a bright blue. She is such aBarbie. She turns towards me, flashing me an award winning smile before frowning —

"Are you feeling okay Emily? You look pale."

"I'm fine Trish, just a little run down."

She grimaces and nodded in agreement, leaning closer towards me.novelbin

"Time of the month?" She whispers, sympathy flashing through her eyes. I smile weakly in response.

"Yeah, I feel like I've been ran over, multiple times."

It isn't the the truth but not entirely a lie either.

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