Tangled Love

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“Hey! What's wrong?" Jake asks me, his expression confused. I mutter a brief explanation and turntowards Ivory in a hurry.

"Thank you both for letting me stay here.” I smile at her.

"You're welcome, don't be a stranger." Ivory smiles, holding out her arms as she signals for a hug. Ireturn her smile, leaning in and embracing her. I can't thank her and Jake enough for being so kind tome. I make my way towards the door, glancing down and sighing at my clothes. When I push down thehandle to leave, Jake's hand slams the door shut again, stopping me from leaving.

"Where are you going?" He questions me, frowning deeply.

"Home. I really have to leave, like now." I reply desperately, trying to open the door again. Jake shakeshis head at me, his jaw tense with frustration.

"No, you can’t."

"Jake, please. I need to go!" I tell him firmly, feeling the panic inside me increase.

"Emily, you can't go back there. Let me look after you." Jake argues back, anger lining his voice. I feelthe panic increase inside my chest and images of Trevor growing increasingly angrier by my lack ofpresence clouds my mind.

"You're not my hero Jake!" I yell at him, trying to make him see sense. Hurt flashes through his eyesand he lets go of the door before taking a step back.

"Please understand, I need to get home." I plead with him, pulling the front door open. I silently wishJake doesn't hate me for it. I walk out the front door, the fear inside of me growing until I feel nauseas.

It's my birthday today but Mum has clearly forgotten. No-one else knows beside Trish. I pull my phoneout of my pocket and glance at the screen. One message from Trish.

Happy Birthday Bestie! I'll see you in college soon! Love you xoxo

I stuff the phone back inside my pocket, making a mental note to reply to her later. My gaze lands onJake who's leaning against the doorway, watching me like a hawk.

"Please don't tell anybody my secret," I plead with him before turning around and hurrying down thedriveway. I hear Jake follow me from behind and his warm hand slip in mine. The smooth feeling ofpaper falls into my palm and I feel him close my fingers around it.

I turn around, curiosity written across my face as I look at him. I don't have time to question his actionso I wrap my hand around it tighter, not wanting to lose it. Before I can leave Jake leans close to me,bending down slightly. I feel his lips press against my cheek tenderly and I freeze, stunned to the spot.The skin sparks up with electricity from his touch and his lips linger before he pulls away. I inhalesharply, my fingers tracing over the skin. I can still feel the pressure and contour of his lips.

"Happy birthday, Muffin."

He turns around and walks back to the door, hands stuffed inside his pockets. My heart skips a beatfrom his words and begins thumping wildly against my chest. He knows it's my birthday.novelbin

I want to run up and kiss him properly but decide against it. It just a friendly birthday kiss, close friend tofriend. I have to push any feelings for him aside especially since my life is so crazy right now. Havingfeelings for Jake will make everything increasingly difficult . . .

Especially with Trevor in my life.

Speaking of Trevor, I turn around and bolt down the street.

I need to get home, before it's too late.

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