Tangled Love

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My phone rings instantly and I glance down at it for a second or two, unsure of what to do. Withoutthinking too hard about it, I answer the phone, holding it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I whisper, my voice quiet and hoarse.

"Hey Emily."

I smile, liking how my name sounds coming from him. I'm also surprised at how comfortable I feeltalking to him.

"Hi Jake."

"Are you okay?" Jake asks. I notice his voice is deeper than usual with a hint of raspiness.

"Yeah, I'm probably coming down with the flu or something. Have you been sleeping?" I ask him,sounding amused.

"You got me."

I laugh quietly, pulling the duvet up to my chin. My body sinks into the covers and I sigh, shouldersslumping in relief.

"Do you want me to come round and keep you company? I can bring medicine." Jake responds, hisvoice raspy.

"At half eleven? It's dark outside." I respond, ignoring the flutter in my stomach. I can't believe JakeMelvin just offered to keep me company and bring me medicine.

"I'm a night person," Jake responds back, humour lining his voice.

"Like a vampire?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty good at the whole blood sucking thing as well."

"Gross Jake," I giggle, his voice washing away any feeling of loneliness. Instead a warm sensationgrows inside my chest and a smile stretches across my face.

"I thought all girls love vampires?" Jake jokes. I roll my eyes at his stereotypical thought —

"Not this girl. Besides are you trying to make me love you?"

My words are risky, directed to be a joke. Once they leave my lips, I instantly regret them. Jake pausesfor a moment on the other end, silence falling between us.

"I don't need to try," he eventually replies and I immediately scoff, the conversation turning light heartedonce again.

"You're so big headed. Not every girl wants you Jake."novelbin

"That's where you're wrong Muffin. No-one can resist my handsome face and bright bubblypersonality." His tone of voice is sarcastic, causing me to giggle once again.

"Are we still describing you? Because that sounds nothing like you Jake." I respond.

"Ouch, that hurt Wentworth."

"Do you want me to kiss it better?" I tease, feelings my cheek ache from the grin on my face. Jakechuckles on the other end and I imagine him smirking, a cheeky glint in his eyes.

Gorgeous blue eyes that resemble the ocean.

"I'd love for you to kiss it better." Jake responds without hesitation. I pause, noticing the playfulnessright his voice has disappeared. I swallow the lump in my throat nervously, unsure of how to respond.

"I'll hold you to that." I say quietly, a slight shiver running down my spine. Jake pauses on the other linefor a brief second —

"Make sure you do Muffin."

We end up chatting on the phone for the next hour, talking about all the silly things in life. Theconversation never turns deep but I prefer it that way. One thing I notice is that I couldn't stop smilingand giggling the entire conversation.

After the call, I turn my phone off, putting it underneath my pillow. Jake made me feel better. Idon't quite feel like I've just done ten rounds with Mike Tyson and obviously lost.

I close my eyes, drifting off into one of the most peaceful sleeps I've had in a long time. My dreams arefocused around the people in my life that make me happy. The people who make me smile and causea warm feeling to settle inside my stomach from the thought of them.

Dad, Trish, Grandad, Ivory, Jake. . .

Yes, even I'm surprised at the last one.

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