Tangled Love

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"Are you gonna eat that?" I motion towards the last slice left of Tobias' pizza. His glances at my emptybox before his eyebrows raise in surprise.

"Go ahead, it's all yours," he replies, imitating a pig. I chuckle as he snorted one last time at me andpasses the slice over which I gladly take.

"What time are the others getting here?" I ask just as the doorbell rang. Tobias jumps up and waltztowards the door, running a hand through his hair.

"Good timing," he responds at me and I nod hearing him open the door. The sound of greetings fill thehouse and the living room door swings open revealing four of Tobias' and my friends.novelbin

Brett, Charlie, Micheal and Jeremy.

All of them had been involved in the gang somehow and we all had one thing in common — we hateAmil. I lock eyes and raised my eyebrow at Tobias, nodding my head towards Jeremy silently toquestion his loyalty. I barely know the guy. He's best known for his street fighting skills, the guy is builtlike a tower and could move like a cheetah.

"He's cool," Tobias nods, reassuring me and I nod slowly, holding my hands up at Jeremy.

"No offence but I can't take any risks."

"Don't worry, I understand," he walks towards me and slaps hands with me, bumping into my shouldergently. I do the same with the others and slap Brett on the back a few times causing him to chucklequietly.

"You've seen better days," he says, gesturing towards my cuts and bruises.

"I got my ass well and truly beaten."

"So now we're gonna do the same to Amil and I'm going to love every second of it," Tobias chimes in,an evil glint in his eyes. He smirks at everyone and I watch as they all agree silently, nodding theirheads.

"The only difference is he won't be breathing by the end of it." I mutter, my words dripping with hatredand revenge.

"We'll see you in a few days."

They nod back at me as a sign of respect before leaving the house and shutting the door behind themgently. I yawned, stretching my arms over my head feeling my eyes grow heavy.

We plan for hours, talked through every last tiny detail. We talked about the what if's and considerevery scenario and outcome. I've given each man a option to drop out at the end if they were havingsecond thoughts and all four of them shake their heads, declining my offer.

Everything is ready and planned to take Amil down in a few days. I'd have to rest to make sure I'm upto it and ready which means getting enough sleep. I head for the stairs and turn towards Tobias —

"Night Tobias."

He turns towards me, his eyes red from lack of sleep. He gives me a small smile in return beforereplying softly —

"Night Jake."

I make my way to the room and shut it behind me, locking the door. My gaze lands on the bed and Iremember the night I spent with Emily. I close my eyes and lean against the wall, remembering everylast detail.

I feel myself stir inside my jeans and groan silently, cursing myself for thinking about her. When I'm withher, every kiss she gave me blew my mind, making me lightheaded and hazy. No other girl did that tome, no other girl made me feel the way she did.

I pull my phone out and glance at the time in the top corner, groaning as I realise it is three AM.

She's probably was fast asleep right now, her mouth parted slightly as she makes little sounds in hersleep that I find so adorable.

I take my chance and text her anyway, the empty feeling inside me increasing further and further.

I miss you.

I send the text and swallow the lump in my throat, feeling like a part of me is physically missing. Myheart aches painfully for her and all I want is to have her back in my arms.

I instantly regretting sending her the text as I realise how weak I sound, so vulnerable. The grip on myphone tightens as I know it's been sent and I can't take it back. I breathe out deeply, annoyed at howshe could make my feelings and emotions go up and down like a crazy roller coaster.

I pull my shirt over my head and step out of my jeans before walking towards my bed. I feel my phonevibrate in my hands and my eyes widen as I realise she's replied. I hold my breath as I read over thetext, my heart doing somersaults over her reply.

I miss you too.

I lie down onto my bed, settling back into my soft covers. I write out a reply before deleting it and stareat the blank screen, not knowing what I should reply with. My fingers hover over my keyboard and I bitemy lip before typing out a response quickly, forcing myself not to over analyse it.

I can't stop thinking about you or our night together.

I send the text and throw my phone down onto the mattress, silently wishing she wouldn't burn meback. If she did, I'd be grateful if she did it gently. There's something about late nights where you feelexhausted that turns you into an emotional mess.

Moments pass and I feel an uneasy feeling settle in my stomach. She's going to burn me down, sheprobably just doesn't know how to do it. My phone vibrates suddenly letting me know she's respondedand I lung for it, turning it over to read her reply.

I don't regret it.

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