Tangled Love

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I flinch as I pull my dress over my head, getting undressed. I scan my body, eyes landing on mystomach where huge ugly bruises stare back at me. I feel hideous. They don't seem to be healingwhich concerns me that something is definitely wrong. I sigh in defeat, knowing I can't go to thehospital to get them treated.

What could I possibly say?

Years of abuse wouldn't go un-noticed by professionals and I know Trevor would kill me if I searchedfor help. I shake my head, ridding myself of the thoughts.

After the wedding, I made sure to put my number into Grandad's phone so we could stay in contact. Ifeel slightly better knowing I have one person to rely on. I've just gotten him back so I'm ready to let himgo anytime soon.

I made Grandad promise me he wouldn't let Mum or Trevor know we exchanged numbers but he wasalready one step ahead of me, his eyes filling with sadness as he nodded silently. I think a part of himknew I lived in destruction and pain constantly.

I change into some fresh pyjamas and sit down on my bedroom floor before pulling out various differentsheets of homework that need doing this weekend.

I don't mind homework, it keeps me occupied whilst I spend the weekend locked in my room. Trevordoesn't let me leave the house and I don't have the courage to sneak out. I've never been out with myfriends to experience things every teenager should. Sadness fills me as I think of teenage memoriesI'm missing out on that my friends aren't.

Parties, boys, hanging out with friends.

All superficial however I want to experience it, desperately. I grab my phone and scroll through mycontacts, landing on Trish. I ring her and wait patiently for her to answer.novelbin

"Hello?" She giggles on the other end, sounding breathless.

"Trish? Are you okay?" I ask her, concerned at her difficulty to breathe. She giggles louder and I faintlyhear a male voice in the background, instructing her to hang up. I gasp, slapping my knee —

"Trisha Louise Lockwood, do you have a boy with you?!"

She erupts into giggles and I roll my eyes before ending the call. No way am I listening to my bestfriend making out with someone through a phone. My nose scrunches up in disgust before I sigh sadlyfrom the lack of my love life.

I may be sixteen now but before I know it, I'll be eighty surrounded by sixty different cats. . .

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