Tangled Love

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Jake's POV -

"What do you mean, she's gone?" I croak out, my head spinning from the pain I'm feeling right now. Ireach over, grabbing the painkillers and throw them to the back of my throat, swallowing them dry.

"Where has she gone?" I ask Tobias who's now looking down at the floor, his hands at his sides. A badfeeling settles in my stomach and I sit up straighter, groaning from the effort.

"Tobias?" I ask quietly, my lungs tightening.

Why isn't he answering me?

"Tobias!" I yell, causing him to flinch. He looks up, his eyes large and full of regret.

"She's gone, she's left you." Tobias says quietly, his voice timid.

"What the hell do you mean, she's left me?" I say, my voice rising. I swing back the covers and attemptto get out of bed. My legs immediately give in, unable to support my weight and I fall to the floor, myteeth gritted tightly together from the pain.

"Jake, you need to rest."

"I don't believe you!" I yell, tears pricking my eyes. She couldn't have left me, she loves me.

I love her.

"She's gone Jake," Tobias says, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. Once I'm on my feet, I leanagainst the wall, letting it support my weight before I hobble towards her room.

I groan from the pains invading my body, I've never had a beating so bad. Amil well and truly whoopedmy ass.

I make my way to her bedroom, my lungs tightening as I kick open the door. Her wardrobe doors areflung open, hangers all over the floor. My heart instantly drops to my stomach as I fall to the floor, myknees shaking from the strain of walking. I crawl my way towards her bed, feeling like I'm living anightmare. I shake my head, looking around, refusing to believe she's gone.

She can't be gone.

I turn towards the door, seeing Tobias and Ivory kneeling against the frame, looking at me withsympathy in their eyes.

"Where is she?!" I yell. I feel a stab of pain run through my heart and I let out a scream, punching thefloors with as much force as I could. Pain instantly flares through my hand and I hiss, clutching itagainst my chest.

My eyes land on two pieces of paper torn on the floor and I suck in a breath.

"No, no, no!" I yell, crawling my way towards them. I ignore the blood dripping down my temple from awound that had sprung open, it wasn't important right now.

I pick the pieces of paper up, turning them round and taking in the heart warming image.

She'd torn it up, torn us up.

"No!" I repeat, my voice breaking as I yell loudly. Ivory runs over to me, throwing her arms over myneck before she pulls me close into her chest. I struggle at first, my brain full of confused muddled upthoughts. She holds on tight and I grip onto her arms for support, my heart breaking as my small criesfill the cold empty room.

"It's my fault." I gasp, feeling my lungs squeeze tightly from the lack of oxygen I'm getting. How could Ihave been such an idiot? I pushed her away, tainted our relationship. The best thing that

had ever happened to me was now gone.

"Breathe Jake, it's okay. It's going to be okay." Ivory soothes me, pulling me close to her.novelbin

"She's gone because of me," I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut. My head reels and I feel my stomachclench tightly, threatening to bring up the little contents of my stomach.

"It's all because of me," I choke out, the guilt and pain spinning me into a hole of darkness.

I watch as his old sports car chugs to a halt in front of me and he turns off his engine. He opens thedriver door before stepping out slowly, his arms outstretched. I immediately fall into them, his comfortsealing over my pain a little.

"Shh Elly, it's going to be okay."

"Oh Grandad, it's all such a mess," I whisper, inhaling his woody scent. His presence immediatelycalms me down and he pulls back, sadness filling his eyes. His hand reaches up, wiping tears awaythat I didn't even realise had fallen —

"You should have rang me sooner sweetheart."

"I didn't want to upset you Pops," I respond truthfully, giving him an apologetic smile. He shakes hishead sadly, motioning for me to get in the front seat.

"We'll talk more once I get you away from here Elly," he says softly and I nod, opening his front cardoor and taking a seat, placing my bag near my feet. He turns the key in the engine and motions for meto pull my seatbelt over. I obey and sniffle, wiping away the unshed tears from the corner of my eyes.

"How does a hot chocolate and apple pie sound honey?" He says, driving down the road. I smilewarmly at him, my eyes glistening with pain and tears.

"That sounds great Pops."

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