Tangled Love

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I pad softly up the stairs, glancing down at my watch. Jake has officially been locked away in his roomfor almost four hours. Myra shocked us all with her outburst but I can't help agreeing with her. The feudbetween Jake and Tobias is exhausting and we all want it to come to an end. I pause in front of Jake'sbedroom door before knocking on it.

A minute passes and there's no answer. I roll my eyes, knocking on it again.

"Are you ignoring me? Pfft," I huff, spinning on my heel. The door suddenly swings open and Jakegrabs my arm, dragging me into his room. My eyes widen as he slams the door shut behind me,pinning me against the wall.

"Jake, what are you doing? You crazy —"

He lets out a frustrated groan before silencing me by crashing his lips against mine.

His kiss is hungry, needy and deep from the start. I wrap my hands in his hair once the shock quicklywears off. His hands travels down my body, in all the right places. I let out a small gasp inside hismouth and Jake pulls back, eyes hooded over. In one swift movement, I find myself being lifted fromthe ground and carried towards the bed.

Okay, this escalated real fast.

He places me down, nestling between my legs before placing soft kisses down my neck. The feel of hislips caused me to arch my body into him, loving the way he feels against me. My body lights up inflames, the passion between us both so strong. I can feel Jake's breathing shallow out as he pullsback, a frown on his face.

"I don't want to hurt you," he breathes out uneasily, tugging at his hair with his hands. I sigh and lookedaway, blinking.

"Even with Jones dead, he still finds a way to ruin my life." I whisper, feeling my stomach twist withknots. Every time I feel pain, it reminds me of Jones and what he did to me. In a sick way, it's almostlike he planned it to be this way. So I can never forget him.

"Hey, look at me." Jake whispers, causing me to turn my face back towards him.

"It's not forever, it'll heal," he says quietly, planting a gentle kiss on the side of my mouth. So differentfrom the passionate crazed one he had given me mere seconds ago.

"I'll always remember it though, he'll always haunt me Jake. This ugly scar proves that," I reply, myeyes filling with sadness. Knowing he would always have some sort of hold on me was terrifying . . .even from deep inside the grave, he still managed to fill me with fear. Jake sighs and looks into myeyes, searching them intently before speaking.

"Whatever happens to us in life builds us into stronger individuals, no matter how painful it is. It adds onto the every layer of personality we already have making us unique from others. Pain makes youstronger Muffin." Jake says gently and I stare back at him, my own eyes filling with complete love forhim.

Every word he'd spoken impacted me and I believe him, believe that this can only make me stronger.I'm going to let someone as evil as Jones tear me down, especially since I've survived years of abusefrom Trevor.

I reach up, pushing his head down with my hand. The second his lips touched mine, I sigh contently.Butterflies erupt in my stomach which amazingly dulls the aching pain.

"Thank you," I whisper, looking up into his beautiful blue eyes that are drinking me in shamelessly. Hiseyes travel down my body, approval flashing through them.

"You have goosebumps, do I give you goosebumps?" He breathes against my lips and I nod silently,biting my bottom lip. Jake rests his forearms on the bed, one on either side of my face and his eyes fallto my lips.

I smirk, knowing he loves it when I bite my lip. It takes him a few seconds to pull himself out of thetrance he's in and his eyes finally meet mine, looking disappointed.

"You're a tease," he grumbles re-adjusting himself on top of me.

"Jake junior can't handle a tease Muffin."

"Jake junior? Really?" I ask, spluttering with laughter. Jake appears offended but he masks it over withhis usual cocky expression.

"Yes, don't hurt his feelings Muffin. You may live to regret it" he winks and I look back at him, my owneyes twinkling —

"You are crazy, Jake Melvin."

"Baby, you love it."novelbin

I nod in response and pull Jake's head towards me once again. Seconds before his lips could meetmine he speaks, his eyes flickering between mine —

"You're so beautiful."

I immediately feel my body tense up at his words.

Those exact words.

Memories of the hospital come flooding back to me and his voice is clear as day now. I sit up andshove at Jake's chest, attempting to get him off me. Tobias' face flashes through my mind and this timeI'm completely certain it's him that spoke to me in the hospital. He called me beautiful. The exact wordshe used, Jake just repeated.

"You're so beautiful."

How dare he?

How dare he come to me when I'm in a coma of all times and confess his feelings when I'm his cousinsgirlfriend.

I feel the anger rise in my body and I shove Jake harder, not that it made any difference.

"Hey what's wrong?" Jake asks, rolling off me himself considering I couldn't even move him aninch. He's definitely been a caveman in a previous life.

"I have something I need to do." I mumble, gritting my teeth together. You're so beautiful.

My jaw tenses and I feel my body start to shake due to how angry I am.'Tobias crossed a line,a major line. I run a hand through my hair and head for the door, barely hearing Jake's protests frombehind me.

All I know is that I'm absolutely livid and Tobias will be on the receiving end of it.

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