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Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Seraphina felt a tickle, her body shrank a bit, but then she burst into laughter. Leandro pulled her towards him, gently wrapping his lips around hers. Seraphina’s lips were soft and rosy, and she occasionally chuckled during their kiss. Leandro peeled off her dress, held her half-dressed upper body in his arms, and his big hand slowlymoved downwards. Seraphina obediently snuggled up against him, until his hand slid somewhere and suddenly stopped. The romantic atmosphere suddenly disappeared, Leandro’s lips left hers and then he looked up at her. Only then did Seraphina show an expression of sudden realization, “Oh cr ap, I forgot it’s that time ofthe month!” After she finished speaking, she got up from Leandro, put on the skirt that had slipped to her waist, andthen looked at Leandro, “But, this is actually your fault. I told you to use a condom that day, but youdidn’t, which means I had to take the morning-after pill, and now I have irregular periods…” Leandro quietly watched her, patiently waiting for her to continue speaking. Seraphina glanced at him, it was only a brief kiss, but Leandro was already aroused. She couldn’t help but chuckle, bent over and lightly jabbed his bulging pants, then looked up at him,“Mr. Reynolds, you seem pretty excited, you want to keep going?” Leandro reached out to grab her arm, but Seraphina quickly pulled her hand back to avoid him, justlaughing. “Too bad, I’m not in the mood to accompany you today…after all, last time, it was…mediocre.” After saying this, Seraphina turned around and bolted out of the room. Leandro sat quietly for a while, took out a cigarette and lit one, smoking it silently. When the cigarette was almost done, Gloria passed by the room, saw him, and immediately came in. novelbin

“Why are you here smoking?” Gloria asked as she sat next to him. Leandro didn’t answer, Gloria was quiet for a while, and then asked: “Tell me the truth, your thing withSeraphina is just a fling, right?”

Leandro gently tapped the ash from his cigarette, “What are you worried about?” “I’m worried that you’re bewitched by her!” Gloria said through gritted teeth, “After all, she is, at heart, avixen!” Leandro heard this, a hint of a smile flashed across his lips and then he said, “Don’t worry, I’m clear-headed.) After speaking, he extinguished the cigarette, stood up and said, “I’m going to take a shower.” Gloria watched him leave the room, and when she looked back, she suddenly saw the dress thatSeraphina had been wearing tossed in the corner, and her eyes narrowed. At midnight, Seraphina’s eyes sprung open. After switching to a new environment, she had some insomnia, had tried for two hours but still couldn’tsleep. She lay there for a while longer, then Seraphina decided to get up, pulled back the curtains, the gardenlights outside were quiet and serene. Seraphina stood by the window for a while, then opened the door and walked out. She planned to take a walk in the garden, but as she reached the top of the stairs, she nearly kicked achild. Seraphina looked closely and recognized a familiar face. The child seemed to feel something, turned around, his innocent eyes looking at her. The moment their eyes met, he showed a hint of joy, but soon it turned into loss. Valerio Reynolds turned his head away, refusing to look at her anymore. Seraphina watched, a small sigh escaping her lips. In the past, this child was always clinging to her, but now he didn’t even want to look at her anymore.Apparently, the last time they met, when she honestly told him she wasn’t his mother, it completelybroke his heart. After all, this child’s longing for a mother’s love was too obvious After standing quietly behind him for a moment, Seraphina moved down a couple of steps and sat nextto him.

“Can’t you sleep either?” Seraphina asked. “Valerio sat there, hugging his legs, not answering. Seraphina couldn’t help but sigh, looking at him, “What’s wrong? Just because I’m not your mother, wecan’t be friends?” Valerio kept his head down, still silent. “Hey, kiddo, you used to have a blast when you were playing with me!” Seraphina reached out, gentlypatting his head. With that pat, Seraphina suddenly noticed something, bent down to look at his face, only to find that hewas actually crying. Because he was not crying out loud and was trying to hold it in, his crying was very quiet. He tried notto tremble, and his tears just kept falling. Seraphina paused, stayed quiet for a moment, then pulled his head into her lap. Only then did Valerio, who had been avoiding her, reach out to hug her, lean on her, and no longer heldback his tears. Holding him, Seraphina barely recovered from her own low mood, only to find that Valerio’s body was abit hot. “Do you have a fever?” Seraphina asked, but also knew she wouldn’t get an answer, so she held Valerio and went back to hisroom. Valerio held on tightly to her neck, she had no choice but to sit on the edge of the bed holding him,softly comforting him. Thinking about this child’s past, Seraphina felt a sense of regret. He was separated from his biological parents, then adopted by Leandro, was that lucky or not? This child was so longing for motherly love, so had Leandro ever investigated his background? Thinking about this, Seraphina said: “I’ll ask your father for you, let him tell me who your mother reallyis, okay?” Hearing this, Valerio immediately stopped crying and looked up at Seraphina.

Seraphina squinted her eyes, thinking: this little guy, he didn’t do that on purpose, did he? But seeing him cry so sadly, and it didn’t look like he did it on purpose, Seraphina said again: “But let’smake it clear, no matter whether I can get the answer or not, you can’t cry in front of me anymore.” The moment Valerio heard those words, he quickly dried his tears with his sleeve and looked atSeraphina expectantly. “What are you gawking at!” Seraphina lightly tapped his forehead, “Anyway, it’s late, we should getsome sleep now. I’ll help you find the answers tomorrow morning.” Upon hearing this, Valerio reluctantly went to bed after a while. He was still a kid, after all. Tired from crying and still recovering, he fell asleep pretty soon. Seraphina stayed with him for a while, waiting until he was sound asleep before she got up to leave. She carefully tiptoed out of the room and gently closed the door. But as she turned around, she walkedright into a familiar chest. Rubbing her nose, Seraphina looked up at him. Leandro was dressed in a deep blue robe, looking like he just got out of the shower, his body stillsmelling of body wash.

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