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Chapter 460

Chapter 460

When Leandro sneaked back into the hospital after his little escapade, he found Seraphina lounging onthe couch, one foot propped up as she leisurely flipped through a magazine.

Keen escorted Leandro back to his room, and upon seeing Seraphina’s relaxed posture, he instantlysensed trouble brewing. Compared to Keen, Leandro was much more composed, yet when he spoke,his voice was notably gentle, “Back already?”

Seraphina lifted her gaze from the magazine, her eyes casually drifting over to Leandro.

“Well, look who’s returned,” she drawled, “Managed to come back without passing out in the streets,did you?”

“Just went for a little stroll, nothing drastic,” Leandro replied, beginning to change out of his clothes toget back into the hospital bed.

But no sooner had he finished speaking than the attending doctor and the nurse on duty burst into theroom.

The doctor, clearly anxious, couldn’t help but scold him, “Do you have any idea how serious yourinjuries are? It’s only been a few days since your surgery, and here you are sneaking out of the hospitalfor three whole hours! What if something had happened? Who would be responsible then?”

“Yeah, Mr. Reynolds,” the nurse chimed in while preparing to check his vitals, “You’re making it toughfor us, and Mrs. Reynolds, she’s been worried sick.”

Hearing the nurse mention her, Seraphina finally spoke up, her tone nonchalant, “Me? Worried? He is abig boy; he knows his own body better than anyone. It’s not our place to fret over him.”

With that, she stood up and sauntered out of the room.

“See what you’ve done,” the doctor said to Leandro. “You’ve upset her. You’re not just beingirresponsible with your health; you’re being irresponsible to her as well!”

Leandro merely smiled faintly, “Don’t worry, doc. I assure you, you won’t be the one shouldering theblame.”

After giving Keen a knowing look, Keen sighed deeply, bracing himself as he followed Seraphina out.

She was outside chatting with a janitor when Keen appeared, causing her to roll her eyes at hisapproach.

Keen, on the verge of tears, could only explain, “Mrs. Reynolds, he went to see his mother… After allthis time, he hadn’t seen her. He didn’t even know how she was doing… The son’s connection to hismother is deep, he couldn’t simply stay put and not know.”

Seraphina nodded, seeming to agree, “Fair point.”

“So don’t be mad at Mr. Reynolds. He wasn’t trying to risk his health on purpose.””

“I know,” Seraphina said. “I’m not mad at him.”

Upon hearing it, Keen suddenly had a sinking feeling.

Sure enough, Seraphina added, “His concern for his mother is natural, and I have no reason to be madabout that. But his reckless escape from the hospital, that’s on you. As an assistant, it’s your job tomanage these things, and you failed!”

Keen was aghast, “Me?”

Seraphina’s lips curled into a smirk, “Any objections?”

Keen’s shoulders slumped, “No, it’s my responsibility, it’s my fault. If this happens again, I’ll inform youimmediately…

She nodded, giving him a stern look before asking, “How’s the situation over there?”

“Mrs. Reynolds is stable, no changes,” Keen replied. “But she refuses to see Mr. Bruce and… she’sasked for a divorce.”

Seraphina paused at that. Gloria, after decades trapped in a nonsensical marriage, had finally come toher senses with such clarity./

Just when Bruce realized his lifelong debt to her and sought to make amends, she had decisivelychosen to walk away. She had lived in confusion for decades, looked pitiful for decades, yet in this finalmoment, she reclaimed her pride and dignity.

This was unexpected for Seraphina as well, and upon hearing the news, she felt a twinge ofmelancholy.

Upon returning to the hospital room, Leandro had finished some tests. The nurse was reporting hisblood pressure to the doctor, and the readings were not promising.

The doctor’s expression was grim as he admonished, “Look at you, just starting to recover and nowthis. Are you trying to run yourself into the ground?” Leandro, leaning back in the hospital bed, wascompliant, “This won’t happen again.”

The doctor sighed and turned to Seraphina, “He should be fine with some rest. Don’t worry too much.”

“Me, worry?” Seraphina shrugged. “Why would I? It’s not like anyone would fret over me if I woremyself out. I don’t do pointless things!”

The doctor and nurse exchanged a knowing smile at this and soon left the room.

Still ignoring Leandro, Seraphina sat down on the couch again.

But Leandro suddenly spoke up, “Come here.”

*Just because you call, you think I’ll come?” Seraphina retorted. “Do you really see me as thatobedient?”

Knowing she wouldn’t let go of her anger easily, he added, “I’ve got a gift for you.”

Please, I’m well off now, Seraphina scoffed. “I don’t need your gifts.”

Leandro pulled an envelope from his bedside drawer, “Are you sure you don’t want it?”

Seraphina glanced over, her interest piqued despite herself. Yet, she stood her ground, pulling out herphone after a few seconds.


Chapter 460

Her phone chimed with a notification – she had transferred fifty thousand to Leandro.

Only then did she stride over, snatch the envelope from his grasp, “I told you, I’m not interested in yourgifts. Consider this a purchase!”

She sat on the edge of the bed and tore open the envelope, her curiosity finally winning over her pride.Sure enough, it was a recent photo of Sandra.

In the picture, she was sitting in a diner, her eyes red and puffy as she tried to force down a bite of hercheeseburger.

It was obvious that she wasn’t in a good place; her appetite was bad, but still, she was determinedlyshoving food in her mouth.

Even though she couldn’t get over Bowen, at least she was trying to soldier on for the baby growinginside her.

Seraphina’s gaze lingered on the photo, studying it over and over until Leandro reached out frombehind her, wrapping an arm around her in a half-hug.

“Don’t use this as an excuse to get cozy, Seraphina said flatly, “I paid good money for that photo. I don’towe you a thing. Don’t expect me to change my opinion of you because of it.”

Leandro, hearing this, picked up his phone and in front of Seraphina, reversed the transfer of fiftythousand dollars.

“I didn’t take your money, Leandro said, “I’m not about forcing deals here.”

“I don’t want the photo either, take it back!” Seraphina suddenly threw the photo over her shoulder.

“Ah-“Leandro sharply inhaled.

Seraphina instantly turned to him, “What’s wrong? Did I hit your wound?”

Leandro’s face was tinged with pain, obviously not faking it.

Seraphina quickly helped him lean back against the headboard of the bed and then said, “I’ll call thedoctor to check on your stitches.”

As she was about to press the call button, Leandro gently pulled her hand down and slightly shook hishead, then said, “I knew it…”

“Knew what?” Seraphina frowned slightly at him.

Leandro slowly lifted his hand, brushed a lock of hair from her forehead, and whispered, “I know… mydear Seraphina, you aren’t as heartless as you pretend to be.”novelbin

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