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Chapter 456

Chapter 456

By evening, Seraphina finally pieced together what unsettling news Leandro received from Keen.

Leandro had been hospitalized with severe injuries, and the incident involved Gloria, prompting theboard of directors at Reynolds Group to hold an emergency meeting. They decided to recommendLeonard to temporarily take over as the acting CEO of Reynolds Group, ensuring the company’scontinued stability and growth.

That very afternoon, Reynolds Group held a press conference to announce this shift in leadership andto outline a series of upcoming plans and major projects.

Among these new ventures, three were in collaboration with Martin Group.

The crux of the matter was that these lucrative deals had been brokered by none other than Ferne.

This meant that Ferne must have already established a solid connection with Martin Group, as therewas no other explanation for such swift and significant project collaborations.

It was becoming clear, especially considering Ferne was among the first in the Reynolds family to learnof Valerio’s mother was actually Seraphina.

At the time, aside from a few individuals at the Reynolds Manor, only Bowen, Sandra and Andrea wereprivy to Valerio’s lineage. Bowen, in particular, was a known adversary of Leandro.

Ever since Ferne’s exile to the Bahamas-a punishment inflicted by Leandro himself-it was plausible thatshe harbored resentment towards him.novelbin

Although Ferne and Leandro were first cousins and their relationship had been relatively normal, beingbanished by him was a blow to her pride that she could not easily forgive.

Given Leandro’s supreme position within the family, the most effective way to challenge his authoritywould be to usurp it. It was highly likely that Bowen approached Ferne to conspire against Leandro.

Perhaps Ferne believed Bowen’s vendetta was solely against Leandro, which could explain herwillingness to collaborate with him, leading to the sequence of events that followed.

However, Ferne might have been unaware that Bowen’s real target was the entire Reynolds Group.

With the Reynolds Group and Martin Group set to embark on several major joint projects, it remainedto be seen whether this partnership was an opportunity or a trap.

No wonder Leandro was so invested into this whole thing; after all, he had been instrumental in buildingthe Reynolds Group from the ground up. The thought of handing it over to others and facing anuncertain future was unbearable.

Even Seraphina felt a knot in her stomach upon learning that Ferne had negotiated these projects withMartin Group. Since the day she announced Valerio’s heritage to the Reynolds family, she hadsuspected a connection between Ferne and Bowen, but she had never imagined it to be this deep.

Now that Ferne and her father Leonard had secured decision-making power within Reynolds Group,with Bowen presumably solidifying his position at Martin Group, the future seemed bright for them.

Yet the deeper the ties between Reynolds and Martin Groups grew, the greater the risk to ReynoldsGroup.

Ferne and her father were likely aware of this, but the chance to gain ultimate control over ReynoldsGroup might have been a risk they were willing to take.

However, the Reynolds Group’s path forward under their leadership was anything but certain…

After understanding why Leandro was so concerned about the press conference, Seraphina’s attitudesoftened considerably. Out of consideration for Leandro’s condition, she found herself effortlesslypreparing fruit and serving him warm soup.

Nevertheless, her stern reprimand of Leandro earlier was imprinted in Valerio’s mind.

Taking advantage of a moment when Seraphina was distracted, Valerio couldn’t help but whisper toLeandro, “Mom was so fierce


After all, Valerio had never seen this side of Seraphina. Even though she often looked cool, she hadnever truly lost her temper. And since acknowledging Valerio as her son, she had been nothing butgentle with him. The sight of an upset Seraphina was indeed startling.

“Are you afraid of mom when she’s like that?” Leandro asked him.

Valerio pondered for a moment before nodding.

Leandro advised, “Then maybe you shouldn’t sleep with her anymore. You wouldn’t want to befrightened if she gets angry again.”

Valerio thought it over again, then his gaze shifted to one of suspicion.

“It’s you who wants to sleep with mom, isn’t it? That’s why you don’t want me around,” Valerio accused,“Mom was mad at you, not


Leandro found himself speechless his son was smarter than he thought.

Valerio, having spent time with Seraphina, was no longer the naive, easily fooled boy he had been.

As father and son exchanged silent glances, Seraphina entered with a basin of warm water, ready tobathe Leandro.

“What are you two up to?” Seraphina asked as she stepped into the room, instantly changing theatmosphere, “Valerio, have your finished your milkshake? Leandro, done with your chicken soup?”

After getting their names called, Valerio quietly sipped his milkshake while Leandro slowly sipped thebowl of chicken soup in

front of him.

It wasn’t until both of them had nearly completed their respective eating tasks that Seraphina began tosponge Leandro down.

She wasn’t exactly thrilled to do it, but Leandro refused to let the nursing staff touch him, so the task fellto her.

As she was halfway through, the door behind her opened, and she turned to see the hospital directorDaniel walk in with Leandro’s attending physician and two other doctors.

“Mr. Daniel,” Seraphina said, a bit surprised, “What brings you here at this time?”

Daniel, who had a long-standing friendship with Bruce and treated Leandro like a nephew, smiledwarmly and explained, “I had a conference in the next town over and just got free to come and checkon you. How are you feeling today, any better?”

Leandro nodded slowly, “Apart from the soreness at the wound site, I don’t think there’s much to worryabout.”

While listening, Daniel put on gloves and carefully examined Leandro’s wound.

“Young folks bounce back fast,” Leandro’s attending physician commented with a smile, “Strongconstitution too. He’ll recover quickly, for sure.”

After checking the wound, Daniel nodded in agreement, “Indeed, to think you’re this spirited the dayafter such a serious surgery is remarkable. Your wife has been beside herself with worry, crying hereyes out for you.”

At that, Leandro looked up at Seraphina, whose face changed color suddenly, and she quickly changedthe subject, “So, you mean there won’t be any lasting effects?”

“Everything looks promising so far,” Daniel said as he removed his gloves, “Don’t worry. This won’taffect your plans for a family. With his strong body, having ten or a dozen kids wouldn’t be a problem.”

Seraphina clenched her teeth for a moment before responding, “If he could reproduce on his own, thatcertainly wouldn’t be an


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