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Chapter 429

Chapter 429

This topic had been previously discussed between Seraphina and Andrea.

Andrea had sensed Seraphina’s intention to take Valerio away, so she asked her, “Do you think Valeriocould bear to part from Leandro?”

“He would definitely miss him,” Seraphina replied. “But I never planned to cut off their relationship.Leandro can visit him anytime.”

Andrea remained silent for a moment before speaking again. “Valerio might not get used to it though.After all, he has grown up in a large family.”

“What large family? He used to live only with Leandro. Just the two of them and a nanny, it was a lonelyexistence,” Seraphina retorted.

“But he has experienced the warmth of a large family now,” Andrea added. “It would be hard for him toreturn to that lonely life.”

“I understand that for a child, a complete family is important,” Seraphina said. “But if a child cannoteven feel safe in this so-called complete family, how can he grow up happily and healthily? In this case,what’s more important? A complete family or safety and health?”

Though Andrea had tried to consider the situation from Seraphina’s perspective, she had to agree. “Ofcourse, safety and health are more important.”

“That’s why…” Seraphina sighed softly.

“Will Leandro agree to this?” Andrea asked.

Seraphina rubbed her forehead, “He probably won’t.”

“You need to have a serious talk with him,” Andrea advised. “You are doing this for Valerio’s good.Valerio is also his child. He needs to consider his child’s life too.”

Seraphina nodded slowly.

She had initially planned to discuss this with Leandro later. After all, the incident with Gloria had justoccurred and she expected everyone to be on high alert to prevent Valerio from getting hurt again.

But the arrival of the other relatives from the Reynolds family that day made Seraphina change hermind. Because Valerio was scared when he saw these people.

The large Reynolds family, if only Conway and Leandro could provide him with warmth, then theexistence of this family was more of a threat than a comfort to Valerio.

In the past seven years, he had encountered too much neglect. Seraphina couldn’t imagine how muchmore his tender heart could bear.

As a mother, all she could do was try to heal his wounds and let him grow up like a normal child, happyand carefree. But in the Reynolds family, where he could be frightened at any time, this healing was toodifficult.

Maybe a change of environment would bring about a completely different life.

Seraphina had plenty of reasons, but she didn’t know if these reasons would be enough to convinceLeandro.

“I also hope that Valerio can grow up safely and happily,” Leandro said in a deep voice.

Seraphina, who had been leaning against him, couldn’t help but turn to look at him when she heardthis.

Leandro’s eyes were deep, but when he said this, his tone was extremely firm and serious.

Seraphina was taken aback for a moment.

Leandro looked at her for a long time before finally speaking again, “So, you can take Valerio toSummitville.”

Seraphina’s heart contracted suddenly.

She had never mentioned this topic to Leandro before, but as soon as Leandro opened his mouth, hehit the nail on the head. Obviously, he had guessed her thoughts a long time ago, even the city sheplanned to go to, he had figured.

She and Valerio had lived in Summitville for a while. There were familiar people and things there, andhe had been very happy there.

The harmony, warmth, and cozy vibe of the old house in Summitville were all the environment thatSeraphina wanted to create for Valerio.

That place was indeed her first choice, but Leandro’s attitude still made her a bit dazed, “You agree?”

Leandro looked at her, “Valerio is also my child. If it’s for his good, I have no reason to disagree.”

“Yes…” Seraphina murmured, “And in the coming time, you would be very busy… You wouldn’t havemuch time to spend with Valerio…”

She softly enumerated some reasons she had prepared in advance, but they seemed disjointed andlacking in confidence when she said them out loud.

Seeing her like this, Leandro gently reminded her, “I have already agreed.”

“I know.” Seraphina responded, then took a deep breath involuntarily before looking at him and saying,“I can bring Valerio back on weekends.”


“You can also visit us when you have time.”


Seraphina couldn’t think of anything else to say for a moment, so she fell silent.

Leandro then reached out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear, saying softly, “When things getsorted out, bring Valerio back.”

Seraphina wasn’t sure what he meant by ‘things getting sorted out’ or how long it would take.

But she didn’t ask, and she just responded softly, “Okay.”

Seraphina’s plan to take Valerio away was put into action the next day.

Valerio initially thought that the trip that had been canceled the day before was back on. However,when he found out that they were going to Summitville, and that it would be just him and Seraphina, hewas slightly disappointed.

“Dad’s busy, and he’ll come find us as soon as he’s done,” Seraphina reassured her son. “And the kidsback at the old house are all missing you, especially Susan. She’s always asking when you’ll come findher.”

Upon hearing his friend’s name, Valerio smiled faintly and nodded.

Conway, sitting nearby, found himself at a loss for words in this situation.

Seraphina, however, scolded him first. “Grandpa, don’t you dare break the rules when I’m not around.I’ll be calling every day to keep an eye on you and I’ll be back on the weekends for spot checks. If youdare to mess around and not take care of your health, don’t blame me for being tough on you.”

“Look at her,” Conway said to the nanny, “she treats me like I’m a child, even smaller than Valerio!”novelbin


Chapter 429

“Yeah, yeah,” Seraphina retorted. “If you don’t behave, I’ll even spank you!”

At this. Conway playfully hit Seraphina with his walking stick.

“Hey, I’m a mother now, how dare you hit me?” Seraphina responded. “Watch out, my son mightavenge me!”

“Come here, Valerio, let’s see how you’re going to avenge your mother,” Conway teased.

Hearing his name, Valerio looked from Seraphina to Conway, then decisively leaned in and gaveConway a big kiss on the cheek.

Conway’s face immediately lighted up with laughter, and the sadness of parting was subtly washedaway in the playful banter.

That day, Leandro left early in the morning and didn’t return until after Seraphina and Valerio have left.

Their travel plans were arranged by Keen, who informed Leandro when it’s time for them to depart. “Mr.Reynolds, your wife and Valerio are off to the airport,” he said.

“Okay,” Leandro responded without looking up from his papers.

Keen hesitated before asking, “Do you want to see them off at the airport?”

“No need,” Leandro replied without raising his head.

Keen, having been dismissed, quietly left the room. Once the office door was closed, Leandro finishedreviewing the document in hand before lifting his gaze.

After a moment of silence, he picked up his phone and called Seraphina on video chat.

The call was quickly picked up and Seraphina and Valerio appear on screen from the backseat of theircar.

“It’s your dad,” Seraphina handed the phone to Valerio. “Tell him to hurry up and come find us.”

Valerio, blinking at the phone for a moment, eventually uttered two words, “Dad… Dad…”

Leandro smiled and replied, “Take good care of your mom. I’ll come find you as soon as I’m done withwork.”

Hearing this, Seraphina was taken aback. It’s a familiar phrase-Carney had said the same to her beforehe passed, asking her to take care of her mother.

Carney’s deep love for Magdalen made him worry more about her than Seraphina when he couldn’t bethere. Was it the same for Leandro now, was he more worried about her? Lost in thought, Seraphinawas jolted back to reality when Valerio handed the phone back to her.

“Message me when you arrive,” Leandro instructed, not mentioning anything else.

“Okay,” Seraphina agreed.

“Call me anytime,” he added.

“Alright,” she assented.

“Good,” Leandro concluded, “I’ll get back to work now.”

“Okay,” Seraphina handed the phone back to Valerio, “say bye.”

Valerio said “bye” into the phone, then hung up the call.

The video chat was light and casual, as if the family of three would be reunited in just a couple ofhours.

That’s exactly what Leandro intended.

After all, this separation was hardly a separation-they were just apart for a short while, Everythingremained the same, except for their physical presence. There was no need to stress or make a big dealout of it.

A message, a call, a video chat, were all methods of communication for them, but also… proof thatthey’d never truly been separated.

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