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Chatper 407

Chapter 407

That gentle “can’t let go” felt like it carried the weight of the world, landing heavily on Leandro’s heart.

He lowered his gaze, observing Seraphina in silence for a long time before finally asking, “Can you saythat again?”

But Seraphina refused, pushing him away instead. “Hurry up, Valerio will be home soon, he’ll beworried if he can’t find me…”

Yet Leandro wouldn’t budge, turning the conversation back to her words over and over again, insistingshe repeat what she had just said.

Left with no choice, Seraphina finally reached up to rest her hand on his shoulder, gasping slightlybefore speaking. “How could I possibly let such a great man like Mr. Reynolds be taken by anotherwoman? I won’t let you go, not in this lifetime-”

Before she could finish her sentence, she kissed him, stopping his words.

Leandro was taken aback.

Her words were a mix of truth and falsehood, making it impossible to discern whether she truly meantit, or if she was just trying to appease him.

Leandro was not one to be easily swayed by words, but with her, he desperately wanted to hearsomething that would satisfy him. It seemed impossible.


But now, her willingness to say such things was more than enough for him.

Next moment, he pulled her into his embrace, sinking into the quilts.

When everything finally calmed down, the sky had darkened.

After Seraphina finished her shower and emerged from the bathroom, Leandro had already changedinto fresh clothes, clearly ready to head out again.

“Where are you going?” Seraphina asked him casually. She was concerned about Valerio and wantingto spend time with him.

As he adjusted his cufflinks, Leandro replied nonchalantly, “Some friends are hosting a dinner party.They plan to put in a good word for Bowen, so I thought I’d show up.”

Seraphina, who was already halfway out the door, spun around and walked back to him. “They’respeaking up for Bowen? Will he be there?”

Leandro glanced at her and replied, “Probably.”

“You’re going to such an exciting event and you weren’t going to invite me?” Seraphina asked, alreadyheading for their closet to choose her outfit and start getting ready.

“Weren’t you going to stay with Valerio?” Leandro asked.

“How dare you even mention that!” Seraphina retorted. “If it wasn’t for you… do you think I wouldn’thave time to spend with him?”

Seeing her determination to go, Leandro didn’t stop her. He let her take her time getting ready while hewent downstairs first.

By the time Seraphina was ready and made her way downstairs, Leandro had managed to pacifyValerio. Seeing his mother getting ready to leave, Valerio didn’t seem too upset, only bargaining for a

weekend outing in return.

Seraphina readily agreed, kissing him and saying, “Of course, we’ll go out this weekend. Not just on theweekend, whenever you’re on holiday, all my time is yours.”

Valerio seemed satisfied with this and finally smiled, glancing at Leandro as if to challenge him.

Ever since he had accepted Seraphina back, the little boy seemed to be getting bolder.

Leandro didn’t comment, simply rising to his feet and pulling Seraphina towards the door. “Let’s go.”

As they were leaving, Seraphina turned back to wave goodbye to Valerio, noticing his somewhat sadexpression.

She felt a pang of reluctance but there was nothing she could do. She really wanted to see Bowen.

Leandro was delayed of handling business due to the activities in the afternoon. As soon as they gotinto the car, he started making phone calls. Soon, someone from the dinner party called to ask whenhe’d be arriving.

Leandro, of course, wasn’t concerned about being late, and Seraphina was in no hurry either. She eveninstructed the driver to “take it slow.”

By the time they arrived at the restaurant, it was nearly nine o’clock.

When Leandro and Seraphina were led into the private dining room, the atmosphere was lively.

The dinner party was organized by Hanley, an older acquaintance of the Reynolds, family whohappened to have some connections with Bowen as well. Seeing the recent developments, he hadtaken it upon himself to arrange this dinner party in hopes of mediating between Leandro and Bowen.

Usually, these types of gatherings were dominated by men. Besides the few men in the room, therewere also several charming escort women chattering away. The room was buzzing with conversation.

But when Leandro and Seraphina walked in, the room fell silent.

Perhaps no one had expected Leandro to bring his wife along, and for a moment, everyone was takenaback.

who had been flirting with a beautiful woman,

felt somewhat embarrassed and quickly let go of her to greet the newcomers. “Leandro, you’ve arrived!And I you brought Sera too?”

Seraphina glanced at the women who clearly outnumbered the men in the room, saying, “I heard

I’d come and have a sip. You all don’t need to mind me. Continue your conversations”

2. Would be drinks, and I was feeling a bit thirsty. So I thoughtnovelbin

Hanley laughed and led them further into the room. “Leandro, you’re truly lucky to have such anunderstanding wife.”

It was obvious that some of the women in the room were there for Leandro, but he remainedcomposed, walking hand in hand with Seraphina to take the seat at the head of the table.

As Seraphina sat next to Leandro, the other women naturally moved away. However, Seraphina’sattention wasn’t on them. Instead, she looked around the table and asked, “Wait, where’s Bowen?”

The moment the words were uttered, the bathroom door swung open, and Bowen strolled out.

As another protagonist of this dinner party, Bowen had obviously arrived early and seemed to haveindulged in quite a few drinks. His eyes were somewhat bloodshot, and there was a particularlybrooding look in his gaze when he looked at people.

Yet, even so, he broke into a smile the moment he saw Leandro and Seraphina. “Sera, you’re heretoo?”

“Indeed,” Seraphina replied, “Bowen, I heard you were here, so I decided to come.”

Upon seeing this, Hanley immediately interjected, “Since everyone knows each other, we should beable to talk freely, right? What’s such a big deal that we can’t get past? Right? Come on, sit down,tonight, no one leaves sober!”

Hearing Hanley’s words, Seraphina’s smile became even brighter.

‘Some things, indeed, couldn’t be simply swept under the rug.

“I heard Bowen was at Sunburst City airport today?” Seraphina said to Bowen, “Funny enough, Ihappened to be driving by this morning, but we must’ve just missed each other. I didn’t see you.”

Bowen took a seat and opened a pack of cigarettes. He lit one, took a draw, then turned his gaze backto Leandro and Seraphina. ‘Is that so? Guess we weren’t meant to cross paths. Where were youheaded when you drove by the airport?”

Seraphina chuckled, “I won’t tell you.”

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