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Chatper 398

Chapter 398

Meanwhile, Leandro was on his way to a suburban villa.

From the moment he got into the car, he had been on the phone with Starhaven, and the call didn’t enduntil the car stopped.

The driver didn’t dare to disturb him and waited quietly.

After about ten more minutes, Leandro hung up the phone, and the driver finally opened the car doorfor him.

Before him stood an old and somewhat worn-out vacation villa. The moment Leandro got out of the car,Keen hurried out of the house to greet him, “Mr. Reynolds.”

Leandro nodded at him and turned to walk into the house.

“Our people have been watching her closely. She’s not in any real danger, but she’s emotionallyunstable,” Keen said. “The doctor is trying to examine her, but she’s resisting fiercely…”

Leandro didn’t comment and walked straight into the house.

In a bedroom as simple as the living room, Sandra sat on the bed, hugging her knees tightly, rejectingany contact from the doctor or anyone else.

The moment Leandro walked in, everyone looked helpless.

Keen quickly waved his hand to signal everyone to leave.

Sensing the sudden change in the atmosphere, Sandra slowly lifted her head. The moment she sawLeandro, her eyes flickered, and the next moment, she hugged herself even tighter.

Leandro didn’t look at her. He walked slowly to the window, took a glance at the scenery outside, andthen turned around.

There was a chair by the window. Leandro glanced at it and noticed a thin layer of dust on the seat.Keen immediately instructed someone to bring a clean chair and replace the dusty one.

Only then did Leandro sit down, looking at Sandra, “You’re not accustomed to this kind of environment,are you, Ms. Smith?”

Sandra hugged herself tightly, her body stiff. It took her a while to quietly say, “Mr. Reynolds…”

Leandro looked at her calmly, “When you faced me in the past, Ms. Smith, you didn’t have thisattitude.”

“I know I wronged you and Sera, I owe you two…” Sandra mentioned Seraphina, her eyes reddeneduncontrollably, “But I truly want Sera to be happy…”

“Do you think she’d be happy if you died?” Leandro asked slowly.

Sandra hugged herself even tighter, and after a long silence, she said, “If I die, at least she won’t havethe burden of hating me… Hating someone is exhausting…”

“What’s more important, you’d be relieved too, right?”

Tears fell from Sandra’s eyes.

“Mr. Reynolds, you want to use me to get back at Bowen, don’t you?” Sandra said, “If I die, he willsuffer for the rest of his life. That’s the best revenge you can have on him… and the best punishmentfor me.”

Leandro just gave a faint smile at her words.

“You’ve known it well. After all, you’ve experienced death once. What are you afraid of the secondtime?” Leandro looked at her solemnly, “You’ve been considering for me and Sera. I’ll fulfill your wish.It’s no big deal.”

That day, Leandro returned home earlier than usual.

It was the time for game time after dinner. Seraphina and Valerio were dedicatedly playing acompetitive video game in front of the TV, while Conway and Karan were enthusiastically watching thefun.

When Leandro walked in, no one noticed him.

Not until the game ended with Seraphina’s cheer.

“I win again!” Seraphina looked at Valerio triumphantly, “Challenge me? You were born from me, andnow you want to surpass me?”

Valerio didn’t seem to care much about winning or losing. He just shrugged calmly at Seraphina’s taunt.

“Look at her, she’s been a serious mom for just a few days, and she’s back to her old ways!” Conwayshook his head and sighed.

“I don’t care about my image.” Seraphina said, “A son never despises his mother. No matter what I looklike, I’m still your mom!”

As she spoke, Seraphina reached out to pinch Valerio’s face.

Valerio, the innocent victim, couldn’t help but turn his face away. That’s when he saw Leandro standingbehind everyone.

“Oh, why are you so stealthy when you come back?” Seraphina was startled and complained.

Leandro glanced at the TV screen, “Or were you too engrossed in the game?”:

“Who knew you’d come back so early today?” Seraphina grumbled. When she turned her attentionback, she saw Valerio winking at her.

But before she could say anything, Karan was already in front of Leandro, “You’re home pretty earlytoday. Have you had dinner? Do you want me to make something for you?”

“I’m okay,” Leandro said, “Just make me a cup of coffee.”

Upon hearing this, Valerio immediately looked at Seraphina with eager eyes.

Seraphina had just teased him, so naturally, she needed to give him some sweet words. So she stoodup and walked over to Leandro, “Are you drinking coffee because you’ll be working late tonight?”

Leandro looked at her sparkling eyes, and said calmly, “Do you have other suggestions?”

“Tomorrow is Saturday, and your son wants to go to the amusement park, Seraphina smiled at him.novelbin

Leandro looked at Valerio, who was leaning on the back of the sofa, looking at him expectantly.

Leandro turned his gaze back to Seraphina, “Are you inviting me?”

Asking knowingly, pushing his luck.

Seraphina rolled her eyes, quickly saying, “No, I’m just letting you know. After all, you’re a busy man.It’s understandable if you don’t have time. It’s fine, Abbot will be there. Whether you come or not, itdoesn’t matter.”

Even though he knew she was doing it on purpose, Leandro’s eyes flickered slightly.

Seraphina continued, “You know, Abbot is such a rock. Wherever I go, he’s right there with me, day inand day out. I probably spend more time with him than anyone else. The more I see him, the moresecure I feel… You must be generous with him, keep him around. If one day he decides to leave, Iwould surely miss him.” Finishing her speech, Seraphina patted Leandro’s chest lightly, “You can go towork with peace of mind tomorrow. Abbot will be with me and Valerio. We will have a blast.”

As she was turning to call for Valerio, Leandro suddenly seized her hand, stopping her dead in hertracks.

On the other side of the room, Conway, who had been enjoying the scene all along, quickly whiskedValerio away upstairs, sensing something was amiss.

Seraphina’s face turned dark in an instant.

“Since ‘ve received your complaint…” Leandro began slowly, “I will take it seriously and handle itproperly.”

“This isn’t a complaint, just a bit of sincere advice,” Seraphina replied with a slight smile.

“Good,” Leandro nodded, “I’m quite interested to see just how sincere you really are.”

That night, Valerio mysteriously ended up spending the night in his great-grandfather’s room. AndSeraphina spent the whole night earnestly “discussing her sincere advice” with Leandro

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