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Chapter 322

Chapter 322

Abbot was close by, watching as Seraphina came out of the room. He didn’t approach immediately;instead, he stared at the room in front of him.

The door was open, and soon a man came out. When the man came up to them, Seraphina stillseemed a bit out of it.

Leandro stood in front of her, silently watching her for a moment before taking off his coat and drapingit over Seraphina’s shoulders.

Only when she was wrapped in his still-warm coat did Seraphina seem to snap back to reality. Hergaze refocused, landing on Leandro’s face.

“Hey,” she softly greeted him when she finally came to.

Leandro quietly held her gaze for a moment before reaching out to take her cold hand, “Let’s go home.”

Seraphina’s body was still a bit stiff, but she let him lead her towards the elevator.

The hallway regained its peace. The room Leandro had just emerged from was littered with crushedcigarette butts, and a cup of coffee had gone completely cold.

Seraphina was quiet all the way home.

She sat silently in the back seat, motionless, her hand in Leandro’s, but still cold.

Leandro didn’t ask her anything throughout. After they went upstairs and into the room, he murmured,“I’ll heat some water for you. You should take a hot bath.”

“I’ll do it myself.” Seraphina finally spoke, looking up at him, “Let’s sleep separately tonight. I needsome peace and quiet.”

She was still smiling as she said this, but she didn’t say anything else or make any other requests.

Leandro respected her wishes.

Seraphina quickly closed the door in front of him.

Leandro, stood at her door for a moment before moving to his own room.

As soon as he entered, his phone rang.

“Mr. Reynolds.” Keen’s voice came from the phone, filled with anxiety and unease, “I managed to get intouch with Miss Andrea, but she said if you want to know what happened today, you should ask yourwife, not her…”

Leandro hung up the phone and tossed it aside.

That night, Seraphina’s room went dark early, but the light in Leandro’s room stayed on until dawn.

Around five in the morning, as the sky started to lighten, Seraphina, leaning against the headboard,heard the sound of a car downstairs.

At this hour, no one should be leaving, but not long after, the car slowly drove away.

Seraphina sat in the dark all night, hearing every sound and movement, but she remained still.

At six in the morning, Leandro’s car arrived at the hotel where Magdalen was staying.

The door opened, revealing a completely different Magdalen than the one he had seen the day before.

She was already dressed and had put on exquisite makeup this early morning.

Already a breathtaking beauty, the meticulously done makeup and wrinkle-free dress elevated herbeauty to another level.

Aside from the redness in her eyes that hadn’t disappeared yet, this was the most beautiful Magdalenin Leandro’s memory.

Seeing him, Magdalen softly said, “You’re here.”

“What do you need?” Leandro asked.

Magdalen invited him in, and he quickly spotted the suitcase by the bed.

“Are you moving out of the hotel or leaving Sunburst City?” Leandro asked.

Magdalen smiled faintly, “What do you think?”

If she were just changing hotels, she wouldn’t have chosen this early hour.

Leandro sat down, quietly waiting for her to continue.

“Did Sera say anything to you after you picked her up yesterday?” Magdalen asked softly, sitting acrossfrom Leandro.

Leandro chuckled, “Are you concerned about her? Why didn’t you ask her when you saw heryesterday?”

“Because I didn’t know how to ask.” Magdalen calmly replied, “What right do I have to ask her, to careabout her? As a mother, I’ve always been irresponsible. I abandoned her when she was so young andthen repeatedly drove her away… Even though she never gave up on me, she would definitely bescared if I suddenly changed my attitude, wouldn’t she?”

Leandro listened quietly, replying after a moment, “And what do you plan to do?”

That’s why I need your help,” said Magdalen, “I know you truly care for Sera, so I’m entrusting her toyou. Her father entrusted her to me, but I proved to be untrustworthy. I believe, you are worthy.”

“I can only make up for the hurt I’ve caused her,” Leandro said, “As for the hurt you’ve caused her, Ican’t make up for that.”

Hearing this, Magdalen nodded slightly.

I know I’ve gone too far…” she murmured.

Then she got up, walked over to the bedside table, and picked up a letter.,

There are things I could never say to her face-to-face, so I wrote her a letter,” Magdalen sald, turningaround and placing the letter in front of Leandro, “Could you please give it to her?”

Leandro silently stared at the white envelope, not saying a word.

“I didn’t write any secrets in it. You don’t need to worry about me hurting her again. I’ve hurt herenough…” Magdalen said, “If you don’t trust me, you can open it and

read it.”

Leandro didn’t move, just looking at her, “Where are you planning to go?”

At this question, Magdalen fell silent for a moment, then she started laughing softly, “Summitville.”

Leandro wasn’t exactly sure what had transpired, but he didn’t let on in front of Magdalen.

But Magdalen’s behavior was completely unexpected.

Yesterday, after Seraphina read the appraisal report, she went straight to Magdalen. Magdalen hadcried in the restaurant, and then her attitude towards Seraphina changed.

Something had shifted in Magdalen’s attitude towards Seraphina, and she’s planning a trip toSummitville, which also showed a change in how she saw Carney.

The old Magdalen was as stubborn as a mule, but after last night, it seemed like she had made peacewith herself, becoming more grounded and logical.

What went down between them, Leandro wasn’t sure, but at this moment, he seemed to have a hunch.

Magdalen used to hate Carney, hate Seraphina, but after hearing the test results, she completelychanged her attitude. The only explanation was that she had misunderstood Carney.

So, the reason for this turnaround could only be one thing…

After explaining everything to Leandro, Magdalen started packing to leave.

Just as she was about to step out the door, she suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at him.

“So Sera didn’t tell you anything, did she?”

Leandro’s gaze dropped slightly. He didn’t answer, but his silence was admission enough.

Magdalen let out a bitter laugh.

“I knew it…” she said, “That kid, she’s really good at hiding her true feelings. Like last night, she wasobviously upset, but she didn’t shed a tear, instead, she kept smiling and comforting me…”

Leandro listened silently, his face expressionless.

“She can’t keep going like this. She’s suppressing too much. It’s going to backfire.” Magdalenmurmured, then let out a self-mocking laugh, “Of course, if I hadn’t abandoned her, left her with theReynolds family, she wouldn’t have gone through so much pain, and she wouldn’t have met you… Butstill, even though I’m the culprit, I’m passing this responsibility onto you. She fell for you once, she canfall for you again… You must help her recover.”

With that, Magdalen didn’t stick around any longer, she turned and walked away.

By the time Leandro left the hotel, Keen had arrived and was waiting for him in the lobby.

As soon as he saw him, Keen reported what had just happened, “Mr. Reynolds, Magdalen has just leftin the hotel’s car for the airport.”

Leandro merely nodded, not saying anything else.

Keen didn’t press either, only reminding him, “We should head to the neighboring city now.”

Only then did Leandro remember he had a signing ceremony in the neighboring city today.

Seeing Leandro’s gloomy expression, Keen couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Reynolds, should we invite thefamily doctor to come with us?”

“No need.” Leandro replied coolly, briskly walking out of the hotel and getting into the car.

As the car slowly moved away from the hotel, Leandro sat inside, staring at the scenery flashing by thewindow, not saying a word.

He still had schedules he couldn’t cancel, appointments he couldn’t break.novelbin

This just goes to show, no matter how high one’s status, there’s always something that doesn’t goaccording to plan.

Just like how he wanted to be there for Seraphina, to listen to her vent, to hear her cry, but he couldn’tpull away.

This kind of helplessness was unavoidable.

And it seems like she didn’t need him as much… that was probably the only comfort in this wholesituation.

At 8:30 in the morning, the living room of Reynolds Manor was very quiet.

Conway, Valerio, and Karan were all seated at the dining table, but no one was talking.

They were all waiting for Seraphina to come downstairs, but there was no movement from upstairs.

After another glance at the clock, Conway finally lost patience and said to Valerio, “Valerio, go get yourmother to come down for breakfast”

Upon receiving the order, Valerio immediately stood up, ready to go upstairs.

But just as he was about to take a step, the sound of a door opening and closing came from upstairs,and soon after, Seraphina appeared at the top of the stairs as usual, and slowly descended.

“Good moming, Grandpa. Good morning, Karan.” Seraphina walked over, patted Valerio’s head, andplanted a kiss on his forehead, “Good morning.” Valerio was a bit confused about what was happening,but when Seraphina kissed him, he lightly touched his lips and the spot where she had kissed him..

The wrinkles on Conway’s forehead deepened as he watched Seraphina quietly sit down before hefinally said, “Sera, is there something you want to tell me?”

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