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Chapter 16

Chapter 16

On that evening, as the bustling city lights came to life, Seraphina crossed half of the city and arrived atthe reserved restaurant. Nestor welcomed her at the entrance, and they chatted all the way until theyreached their private dining room. Once inside the room, Seraphina finally understood why she hadreceived that phone call earlier in the day.

The private dining room was filled with many people. Ike was sitting at the head of the table, joking witha seductive lady. However, as soon as he saw Seraphina, he immediately stopped and sat down,smiling at her. “Sera, you’re here! I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

“What were you waiting for me to do?” Seraphina casually found a place to sit and looked at him. “Don’tyou already have someone with you?”

Upon hearing this, Ike unreservedly asked the woman next to him to leave, saying, “Go away… makesome


The seductive lady naturally felt unwilling and glared at Seraphina before leaving.

“Why are you glaring at me?” Seraphina pretended to be innocent, “Wasn’t it that guy who told you toleave?”

Hearing this, Ike laughed even more, “Sera, come sit here.”

“No.” Seraphina flatly refused, “I don’t want to sit beside you.”

Hearing this, Ike immediately took off his coat and sat next to Seraphina, “Is this better?”

Seraphina lazily ate her cherries without answering.

“Sera, stop pretending.” Ike smiled, “I’ve checked, you and Leandro have no relations… otherwise, youwouldn’t be here when he just returned from abroad today, right?”

Seraphina turned to look at him and laughed, “When did I say I had anything to do with Leandro?”

“Leandro?” Someone nearby heard their conversation and suddenly asked, “Leandro from theReynolds Group?” Seraphina looked at the woman who spoke, she seemed familiar, like some not–so–famous starlet.

The starlet looked at Seraphina and laughed, “Ms. Bennett, Mr. Ike treats you so well, he’s soattentive… you should follow Mr. Ike, don’t hold any expectations for Leandro, he’s not interested inwomen!”

Seraphina glanced at Ike and showed interest in the starlet, “Really?”

People in the private room were watching Ike’s response, seeing how he was trying to pleaseSeraphina. Seeing Seraphina taking the bait, the starlet immediately walked up to her.

“Of course it’s true.” The starlet quickly became friendly with Seraphina, taking her hand and saying,“Ms. Bennett, my name is Una, I’m from Blissful Entertainment, do you know our company’sGeorgina?”

Seraphina nodded.

Georgina, an actress from International Edge, was stunningly sexy, a recognized beauty and agoddess in men’s


“Once, there was a big event at Seashore Haven, our boss personally invited Leandro for dinner andinvited Georgina to accompany him. That night, Georgina was sent to Leandro’s room, guess whathappened?”

Seraphina played along, “What happened?”

Una couldn’t help but laugh, “Georgina was in a very seductive nightgown acting alluring in the room.Leandro opened the door, took one look at her, turned around, closed the door and left, and flew backto Sunburst City overnight.”

“Really?” Seraphina exaggeratedly played along, “He’s not even interested in someone like Georgina?”

“Yes!” Una looked at Seraphina, “Even women would be jealous when they see Georgina but he wasactually indifferent and just left.”

Seraphina fiddled with her earrings, “But that alone doesn’t prove he’s not interested in women.”

“There’s more!” Una quickly said, “Our boss was afraid Georgina didn’t know how she offended him, sohe tried another tactic and sent Fidelia to Leandro…”

Seraphina also knew Fidelia, another goddess in men’s hearts, but with a completely different stylefrom Georgina, aloof and artistic.

“So Fidelia was also rejected?” Seraphina guessed.

“Yes!” Una got excited, “Our company’s two top beauties both failed… it goes without saying, Leandrodefinitely doesn’t like women.”

Seraphina took a sip of her drink, thinking about Leandro on a blind date right now, and couldn’t helpbut laugh. His sexual orientation was unclear, Leandro was quite an interesting character.

If he really wasn’t interested in women, then where did his son come from? Could it be… surrogacy?

Seraphina had no time for deep contemplation, as Ike had already approached her, his breath waftingnear her ear, “You seem quite intrigued by Leandro…”

“After all, he is the most influential figure in Sunburst City. Isn’t it natural for me to show some interestin his affairs?” Seraphina adjusted her hair, flicking its ends toward Ike’s face, compelling him to stepback a bit. She then stood up and said, “I’ll excuse myself to the restroom for a moment.”

As she got up and walked out, Ike naturally couldn’t follow, but he gave Una a look.

Una immediately understood his meaning and stood up, “Ms. Bennett, I’ll go with you!”novelbin

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