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Chapter 112

Chapter 112

At 10 pm local time. Seraphina’s plane landed on Velvetwood

After getting her luggage Seraphina jumped in a tax and headed straight for the hospital.

When she arrived at the hospital, it was the dead of night, but a slew of reporters were still camped outat the entrance

Seraphina breezed past the reporters, not giving them a second glance as she marched in

At this hour, most patients were already asleep, and the hospital was eerily quiet The only sound wasSeraphina’s footsteps echoing down the hallway.

Finally, she reached a hospital room at the end of the hall, where the lights were still on

Seraphina pushed the door open to find Magdalen sitting on the hospital bed

Magdalen was anxiously flipping through TV channels, but when Seraphina suddenly burst in, she wastaken aback. She tossed the remote aside and leaned against her pillows, asking coldly. “What are youdoing here?”

“I heard you were in the hospital, so I came to visit, Seraphina said, pulling up a chair next to the bed.

Im not dead yet,” Magdalen retorted, “So you can save your breath.”

But Seraphina simply stared at her

As a woman, Magdalen had been a headstrong beauty her whole life

Her beauty was her pride and her greatest asset, but now, with bruises on the corners of her eyes andlips, it was a huge insult.

Sure enough, after being stared at by Seraphina for a while, Magdalen’s annoyance erupted, “You’veseen me, now get out!”

“Who did this to you?” Seraphina asked, “The people outside don’t know, but as the victim, you mustknow who you’ve pissed off and why you’ve been kidnapped, right?”

Magdalen sneered at her. “Trying to get some info, are you?”

“My department doesn’t care about your affairs, Seraphina said, “But those reporters outside would beinterested. After all, news of Samuel Wilson’s widow being kidnapped and threatened due to lovedisputes is quite juicy to them”

“Get out” Magdalen didn’t want to hear another word and shut her eyes in dismissal

But Seraphina didn’t stop, “Why is no one accompanying you in the hospital? Where are all the menwho usually fawn over you?”

Just as she finished her sentence, the door behind her was pushed open, followed by a male voice,“Magdalen, I’ve brought you the greenhouse melon you wanted.”

Seraphina turned and saw a man around 35 years old. He was tall, about 672, and very handsome.

Seeing Seraphina, he paused, then smiled, “Didn’t expect someone to visit you this late. Hi, I’m Adler,and you are?”

Without answering. Seraphina got up and looked at Magdalen, ‘So you do have company I won’t be abother then.”

With that, she walked past Adler, giving him a small smile, ‘Nice meeting you, but knowing who I amwon’t do you any good. So, I won’t introduce myself. Goodbye.”

With that, Seraphina left

Ader watched her leave in surprise, then sat down next to Magdalen, “Who was that?”

Magdalen took a deep breath, but couldn’t calm the emotional waves Seraphina had brought. As Adlerhanded her the melon he bought, she grabbed it and threw it against the wall

Despite this, Ader didn’t get angry

As Seraphina left the hospital, the reporters outside were having a late–night snack, discussing theirtarget.

“After Samuel’s death, Mrs Wilson inherited a fortune and led a scandalous life”

“No no no, even before Samuel’s death, she was already entangled with many men. Still, Samuel lefther most of his fortune.”

‘She dates men from 60 to 25 years old. Is it the woman or her money that’s so attractive?”

As Seraphina walked past them and got into a cab, she wanted to answer that last question. If shecould, she would have told that reporter that even if Magdalen didn’t have a dime, men would still fallover themselves for her That’s just how Magdalen rolled

Seraphina didn’t know much about the past, only that her father, Carney Bennett, loved Magdalen, andso did Bruce. After Carney died, Magdalen dumped Seraphina on the Reynolds family and moved toStarhaven, quickly marrying the famous tycoon Samuel. When Seraphina moved to Starhaven to livewith her for a while, they both felt uncomfortable, so Seraphina moved out During that time, Magdalen

made local headlines with her countless affairs. After Samuel died of cancer two years later, Magdaleninhented most of his fortune and became even more scandalous.

Seraphina didn’t know when her relationship with Magdalen became so strained, perhaps becauseMagdalen never liked her, or perhaps because women repel each other, and Magdalen could never getalong with any female

Lost in thought, she arrived at her apartment before she knew it.

The apartment was dusty from months of disuse, but Seraphina couldn’t be bothered to clean. Sheflopped onto the bed and soon fell asleep.

She slept soundly managing to reset her internal clock, until she was awakened by a knock on the doorthe next day.

Groggy. Seraphina

hina got up and opened the door to find a girl in her early twenties with dreadlocks and heavy metalmakeup – Samuel’s niece, Farrah Wilson.

Farrah rolled her eyes at the sight of her, “So you’re really back huh? Granny wants to see you, comewith me

Seraphina squinted, leaning against the door for a while. “You’ve switched up your style pretty quick,haven’t you?”

“Is it any of your business? Farrah shot her a disdainful look, “Hurry up, change your clothes and freshup. Granny is waiting!”

The granny Farrah was referring to was Samuel’s mother, Nadine Wilson, a big shot in the Wilsonfamily Nadine Wilson was always stern. She disliked Magdalen and felt

the same about Seraphina Hence, she was the last person Seraphina wanted to see. But to hersurprise, she was summoned by Nadine as soon as she got back.novelbin

After all, the Wilson family had funded her college education for four years When Nadine called, shenaturally had to respect the request

After a shower and a change of clothes, Seraphina put on her makeup and went out to meet Farrah

Farrah, who was waiting in the car, frowned when she saw the rejuvenated Seraphina, “What were youdoing back in Sunburst City? You seem… different.”

Chapter 113

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