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Chapter 103

Chapter 103

On the same morning it was all calm and peaceful inside Reynolds Manor

When the youngest daughter of the Reynolds family, Nanette Reynolds, walked into the hall, she sawGloria sitting alone on the living room couch, holding a tablet, engrossed in something

Approaching Glona. Nanette asked, “Weren’t you supposed to have breakfast with dad today? Why areyou home alone?”

Setting down her tablet, Glona calmly responded, “Everyone’s got their own stuff to do, they’ve all goneout Didn’t you also come back alone?”

Seeing Gloria’s downcast expression, Nanette glanced at the tablet she had just put down. “What areyou looking at all by yourself?”

“What else could it be? Glona replied with a glum face, “The dignity of the Reynolds family has beenthrown away!”

Upon hearing this Nanette immediately understood, “Is it because of Seraphina? I also watched theinterview. She’s already clarified that she has nothing to do with Leandro, isn’t that good? This wayLeandro won’t be unfairly linked to her, and nobody in our family has to bother with her anymore”

Glona gave her a glance, “Do you really think Seraphina can be easily dismissed“”

“Are you worried she’ll keep clinging to Leandro?” asked Nanette, “Then why didn’t she want the title offuture granddaughter–in–law of the Reynolds family?”

Glona scoffed, “How would I know her crafty tricks?”

Upon hearing this, Nanette nodded pensively. “You’re right. Her return this time demonstrates thatshe’s no ordinary individual, otherwise, none of this would have transpired. It’s ood that both dad andBruce are shielding her, and we’re rendered helpless.”

As the conversation unfolded, Glona appeared increasingly agitated. She furrowed her brow, pressinglier hand against her forehead.

After a moment of silence, an idea struck Nanette, “Why not arrange a good marriage for her? It wouldbe more beneficial for her to meddle in another family than the Reynolds family”

Gloria scoffed, ‘Do you think dad and Bruce would allow her to marry just anybody?”

“I didn’t suggest she marry just anybody Nanette retorted with a slight smirk, “There are numeroushigh–profile families in Sunburst City. Can’t we identify one that dad andnovelbin

Bruce would endorse?”

When Seraphina returned to Reynolds Manor for lunch, she was just in time to dine with Conway

Conway didn’t mind her staying out all night, but he had a lot to say about the interview she did

“Did you deny your relationship with him because you’re upset that Valerio is Leandro’s biological son?Conway asked.

After peeling a shrimp for Conway, Seraphina sighed helplessly, “Grandpa, do I look like a petty personto you?

“Then tell me, why did you say that?” Conway pushed away the shrimp she had given him, showing herno respect.

I’m doing all this for the Reynolds family Seraphina said, “I have a bad reputation, who knows what Imight do in the future. If I get involved with your grandson, it will only harm the Reynolds family”

Conway picked up a fork and tapped it on Seraphina’s head, “What nonsense are you talking about!”

“Neither your grandson nor I like each other. Only you are hoping for it.” Seraphina answered. “Pleasestop playing matchmaker for us

Just as she finished speaking, laughter came from outside the room, “What are you guys chattingabout? It looks so heated“”

Seraphina turned to see Nanette walking in with a big smile on her face. She greeted Conway, thencalled out to Seraphina, “Sera”

Seraphina rolled her eyes

Nanette, her aunt, usually had a stern face. Today, she was suddenly so friendly, which was strange

Seraphina quickly responded with a smile. “Good morning, why did you come alone?”

Nanette sat down at the dining table, “We had planned to have lunch with you and Conway, buteveryone else was busy, so I came alone. Dad, why did you move back to Reynolds Manor? It’s socold and quiet here, it’s not easy for us to have a meal with you.”

Conway was probably still mad at Seraphina, so he didn’t have a good face for Nanette, his usuallydoted daughter, “I dont need your company, go do whatever you want

Nanette, who always knew how to please Conway, quickly smoothed things over. They hadn’t eveneaten much when the topic turned to Seraphina.

“Sera, I originally thought your relationship with Leandro was real I was happy for you. Unexpectedly,you suddenly announced it was fake. I was so let down”

Seraphina bit her fork, struggling to hold back her laughter as she listened to Nanette

“But it’s better this way” Nanette continued. “I know quite a few eligible bachelors How about introduceyou to one?!

Upon hearing this, Seraphina immediately agreed, “Sure, thank you so much!‘

“You’re welcome.” Nanette replied, “You’re a girl raised in our family and you’re so beautiful. The singlemen in Sunburst City are all yours for the taking”

Conway slowly closed his eyes, pretending not to see anything.

Reynolds Group

On a Saturday afternoon at two, the atmosphere inside the high level meeting room on the top floorwas tense.

The meeting had been ongoing for a strenuous five hours. The participants, all exhibiting pallidcomplexions and nerves on edge, were fixated on the computer screens

before them

Proposals that were rejected were commanded to be revised immediately, and if turned down again, tobe reworked anew. The only individual capable of enforcing such a relentless regimen was likely theuncompromising president of the Reynolds Group, currently presiding over the meeting

Leandro occupied the chairperson’s seat, maintaining a poker face as he listened to the fresh round ofpitches.

An elder executive, visibly tired, was subtly signaling Yasmina from the side Yasmina understood thatthe team was undoubtedly fatigued after a five hour meeting Thus, after this round of pitches wasmercilessly dismissed by Leandro once more, she cautiously proposed, “Mr. Reynolds, it’s already pasttwo Everyone hasn’t had lunch yet and might be running low on energy Perhaps we could resume postlunch?”

No sooner had she completed her statement than the phone resting on Leandro’s table sprung to life.

Leandro picked up the phone to find a message from Seraphina

“Your Aunt Nanette is planning to introduce me lo a boyfriend. What do you think about this? If youobject, I won’t agree.”

Leandro read the message twice, then put down the phone and said in a heavy voice, “Continue.”

Yasmina couldn’t help but shrink her neck and didn’t say anything more

The meeting, originally scheduled to last three hours, ended up going until five in the afternoon. Onlythen were the exhausted people allowed to leave

After the meeting, Leandro had another meeting with the Europe branch, spending the whole day in theoffice

At eight in the evening, his phone rang again This time it was a call from Herman Garcia.

Knowing that Leandro was busy with work, Herman rarely initiated contact. Leandro answered the calland heard Herman say, “Leandro, what’s Seraphina up to? Why is she going on a blind date with mybrother now?”

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